Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 919: It's too kind!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"No ... no death."

"I ... I'm not dead!"

Even Xiao Xiaoman, whose eyes were closed and waiting for death to come, also slowly opened her eyes at this moment, watching all this unbelievably.

She just closed her eyes involuntarily when she saw the other party rushing over, but now she saw that the right hand of the incumbent Wu Taichangming was firmly held by Ning Gongzi.

Even his face was full of pain.


"I gave you a chance, but you didn't grasp it."

At the same time, Ning Tianlin shook his head, a pity flashed in his eyes, and said in his mouth, "If you have just unified, your life is still at least."

"But now, all your net worth and your life, these two things, I want them all!"


With that said, a domineering thought came out of his eyes and went straight to the other person's mind. In the other party's consciousness of no counterattack, he read everything he wanted to know.

In the end, the divine thought erupted, destroying its Shenhai directly, and let this 囧 Tai Changming die.

But no one saw it, even Xiao Xiaoman who was next to Ning Tianlin didn't notice. A black-haired bright worm, about two or three centimeters, passed from Ning Tianlin's hand directly through the holding of Tai Taichang Ming's fist entered his body along his arm.

In the end, he set up camp in the mind of Wu Taichangming.


After doing all this, Wu Taichangming's closed eyes just opened slowly, but only Ning Tianlin could see. In his eyes, a faint black light flashed away.

Immediately afterwards, it spread to the whole body of Wu Taichangming.

"See Master!"

Finally, it was a voice, remembered in Ning Tianlin's ear. The sound quality is exactly the same as that of Tai Taiming who has just died, but only Ning Tianlin can hear it.

Even Xiao Xiaoman was not responding.


Ning Tianlin responded lightly and smiled at the corners of his mouth. Satisfied with this effect.

This was his first trial of tapeworms.

The black bug that came out of the palm of his hand and entered into his mind through the arm of Tai Taiming, was the tapeworm, which was exchanged for 100,000 points of energy from the exchange platform of the combat system.

Ascaris, as the name suggests, is to make the other party become a maggot, thus directly controlling it.

He destroyed the consciousness of Pu Taichangming and let the tapeworm enter to control the body of Putai Changming. It can also be said that in this world, there is no real Putai Changming, only Putai Changming controlled by Pudong.


After doing all this, Ning Tianlin also let go of "Tai Changming" and let him regain control.


"what happened?"

"Why let go?"

Countless people saw this scene with their doubts.

what happened?

How could the young man who had cleared the advantage just now let go of the governor?

And what's wrong with the Archon? Why don't you continue to attack?

Hit him!

Keep going! Kill this young man who dares to disobey you!

Many people even think that Ning Tianlin did not take the initiative to let go, but that he couldn't stand the struggle of the consul and took the initiative to let go.


"Don't Mr. Ning hold on?"

It was the Xiao Xiaoman on the side that raised doubts in his heart again. This situation is not impossible, just like if you hold a person with a stronger strength than you, it will happen sooner or later!


What makes them even more unbelievable is that their officials, who released their wrists and regained their freedom, said nothing, but bowed directly to Ning Tianlin, "I don't know the heights and heights of the world, and I dare not to respect my predecessors. It is a crime to die! "

After speaking, he still made three loud noises to Ning Tianlin.

"Knelt down!"


"Our Archon actually knelt down!"

"Kneeling for that young man!"

Countless people saw this scene in panic and looked at the scene in disbelief. They couldn't believe it. Their governor, the man in his heart, gave the young man a kneel!

And also respectfully stunned three heads!


how can that be!

Is the constable scared, or does he know that he is not his opponent at all?


"Don't you hear our dean, call each other a senior?"

And some people can't believe their eyes, but use such words to make themselves sober. Because they heard it, their own constables called each other seniors!


The name of the consul is not obvious, not the opponent!


The consul is not the opponent of this young man!

At this moment, I am grateful!

"It's all right."

"You didn't mean it."

"No need."

What made them even more unbelievable was that the young man who had just killed the governor had waved his hand at this moment, and seemed to care nothing, as if everything was just fake!

The two were friends!

It ’s not enough to meet each other with a smile, and it ’s not enough to describe the change of the two in front of you!

The two of them were so arrogant that they were so relieved?

"This ... this transformation is too big."

"The two have just been killed ..."

One of them watched defamation.

"What do you know, bun?"

"This must be the tacit understanding between the two masters.

"This young man, no, this predecessor must have thought that our governor would let him down and make friends with him!"

"I don't know if there are many friends and multiple paths in this world!"

One of them sarcastically said.


"So too ..."

The man nodded, seemingly understandable.

"Thank you senior!"

"Thank you for your generosity!"

"Yu Taichangming" said, and bowed again and respectfully to Ning Tianlin. When he stood up again, his eyes had turned to Xiao Xiaoman on the side, "Senior, I don't know what this girl is?"

Speaking, a puzzled expression appeared on his face.

"My friend." Ning Tianlin said lightly.


"Since I am a friend of my predecessor, that is also my friend of Tae Changming." Tae Changming said, "Girl, do n’t know your name, can you tell me?

Looking at Yun Xiaoman, a sincere expression.

"I ... I'm ... I'm ... Xiao Xiaoman ..."

Xiao Xiaoman, who had long been faint, replied a little timidly.

She never imagined that the ruling officer, Tai Changming, would be a bovine figure who would call her boss a senior, and asked her name.

But she felt a little strange. You were the first one to ask me what the little man was doing without asking the boss's name?

Even a lot of the people who looked on were a little strange.

However, they all used the phrase "the other party is a senior, and asked the senior's name to be disrespectful."

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