Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 920: Mission accomplished, four stars!

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"Oh, Xiao Xiaoman."

Wu Taichangming was very satisfied and nodded with a friendly smile. "Girl Xiaoman, I think you are about the same age as me. If you don't care, I'll take you as my sister, how about it?"

After saying that, he looked at Xiaoming Man with anticipation.


"Our Archon, we must recognize this woman as my sister!"

"Oh my God!"

"What a great thing!"

Countless people saw this scene, and they all had big eyes and small eyes. They couldn't believe it. The executor wanted to accept a woman of unknown origin as a sister. Still in the face of so many people.

How happy this woman is!

Some even jealous are complaining in their hearts. What's so good about this woman is not as good as her! It's better to take her as my sister!

The thought of the sibling's sister's identity made some women's eyes glow red!

This represents a huge identity and status.

"Yeah, why such a good thing can't be our turn." A woman with heavy makeup said sourly.

"Take it down, return it to us." A sister on the side sneered, "For me to see, our dean takes this Xiao Xiaoman as my sister, and it must be for this young man's sake."

"You want to be a sister, at least you have to be qualified to stand by this young man!"

"Ah!" Even Xiao Xiaoman was surprised when she heard this, her eyes widened, and she could hardly believe her ears.

Be a sister?

The sheriff wants to accept herself as her sister?

What a joke.

I am just a slave!

A slave, how can she be the sister of the archon!

"Consultant ... I ... I'm just a slave, I don't have this qualification." Wu Xiaoman said his worries and said his identity.

She felt that if the other party knew her identity, she would never insist on doing so.



"This woman turned out to be a slave!"


"What's going on!"

No one can believe their ears. You know, this slave represents a low status, she was cast aside, and even if she is killed, no one will act for her. But what happened?

Can you be a slave when you stand by such young people?

Who dares to make you a slave?

You don't want to be fooled, just find an excuse.

"Ha ha."

"From now on, you will not be."

Wu Taichangming smiled, took out an electronic device, and then didn't know how to operate it, and smiled at Xiao Xiaoman, "Well, from then on, you will never be a slave again."

"You are a citizen, we Changxing star, and a legitimate citizen of the entire galaxy."

The maggots are so powerful that they can not only control the movements of 囧 泰昌 明, but even his mental fluctuations can be displayed without error, so as to control the space ring on his hand.

This space ring contains information and detonation devices of all slaves on the planet.


"What are you talking about?"

Wu Xiaoman was short of breath and could hardly believe his ears.

Once a slave, a slave for life!

This is the knowledge of almost all humans!

Unless there is bad luck and backstage, it is possible to lift. Because the ultimate removal of slavery is in the hands of the consul, how can so many people know the consul?

If it were, how could it be a slave!

"Of course it is true." Wu Taichangming laughed. "If you don't believe me, I will take out the blaster implanted in your body now, but it hurts a bit, can you take it?"

The self-detonation controller has been destroyed. Now it is not meaningful to take out the self-detonator. But by doing so, he can make Mi Xiaoman believe more.


"I can stand it!"

Wu Xiaoman nodded quickly. She really wanted to see that when she became a slave, the blaster implanted in her body was taken out. In this way, she is really completely at ease.

"it is good."

囧 Tai Changming smiled, and then stretched out his hand to scratch in the void. 笪 Xiaoman felt a sudden pain in his body, and then a bang, the veins and skin broke, and he saw a dark red rice-size triangle The object flew out of the body.

Suspended in front of Yun Xiaoman.

"It's it!"

"Really it!"

"It came out!"

Xiao Xiaoman wanted to cry, and she cried a lot. No one knows what kind of pain and torture she would suffer as a slave, especially because she had a happy home. This kind of physical and mental torture made her long discouraged and even wanted to commit suicide in order to escape.

Regardless of the blood flowing on her body, she slowly stretched out her hand and grabbed the triangular blaster in her hand.

She will keep this thing forever. Where possible, it has been kept for generations, and has been a wake-up call for future generations.

"Thank you......"

"thank you......"

Wu Xiaoman no longer knew how to allow his own feelings, and thanked Tai Changming in front of him very seriously. Then he turned to Ning Tianlin and did not speak, but just bowed deeply.

His forehead is almost over his half knee.

She knew that without this young man in front of her, she was still a slave, or the poor worm that was at the mercy of the man. The governor, Tai Changming, did not even bird himself.

She always felt like everything that happened today seemed like a dream.

And Ning Tianlin didn't avoid, didn't speak, just looked at Xiao Xiaoman in front of him, knowing himself, and changed another person's destiny.

"What are you?"

"Did you see me?"

"I should call my brother."

Seeing Xiao Xiaoman getting up, Wu Taichangming smiled.


Seeing Ning Tianlin nodded to himself, knowing that he also agreed to do so, some intermittently, called to Wu Taichangming.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

囧 Tai Changming laughed, "From today on, from now on, you are my sister of 明 Tai Changming. I'd like to see who else dares to bully you in the future!"


"Thank you brother."

Wu Xiaoman nodded, his eyes were slightly moist.

When she was brought by the Ning Tianlin to the office of the governor, she thought of various possibilities. She was sacked, arrested, imprisoned, tortured, and died as a result of death. Hunted down, and didn't even know how he died in the end.

But I didn't expect it to be this kind of ending.

This kind of ending never dare to imagine and hope!


"Congratulations to the host, complete the mission‘ change the fate of Xiao Xiaoman, and give her an identity on the Chang star. ”

"Quest completion, four stars."

"Reward Essence points forty million."

At the moment when Xiao Xiaoman's mind was surging and various complex tastes came to his mind, Ning Tianlin's mind sounded the sound of the combat system, letting his heart loose, fortunately, four stars!

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