Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 921: Should you accept her?

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"Fine, four stars."

"Four stars is forty million combat power."

Ning Tianlin laughed softly in his heart.

The reason why he spared no effort to help Xiao Xiaoman, of course, is not just because of his kindness, his kindness has not yet spread to the point where he can help, even though the other party is a beauty.

At that time in the Changming Building, saving her life was already worthy of meeting.

A large part of the reason for this enthusiasm is precisely the task of this combat system, "changing the fate of Yun Xiaoman, giving her an identity on the Chang star."

"Mission completion, a total of five stars. Each star, 10 million points of combat power."

"The task is completed and rewarded with Essence points. If the task fails, the corresponding Essence points are deducted."

"Mission time limit, one day!"

This task was released by Ning Tianlin after the Changming Building killed Wu Wu. The combat effectiveness system also released Ning Tianlin, because this is the first time that the combat effectiveness has been released with "mission completion".

Either success or failure has never been evaluated in terms of completion.

This time, this branch appeared!

"Four-star completion is not perfect."

There are five stars in total, and now there are only four stars. There must be some negligence. From the perspective of the evaluation of the combat system, Ning Tianlin believes that in the end, the higher the identity of this Xiao Xiaoman, the better he gained. The more gas points.

He is also doing this.

If you want to say that the star in Chang is the most precious, that was the top status of the ruling officer at the time. Ning Tianlin also thought about it, but this is too difficult.

Changxing is not at the same level as the last cuttlefish star, and they both have some status in Jiumu County. The change of the consuls, of course, requires the consent of the nine goals, and even the report of Nanzhanfu.

It wasn't him Ning Tianlin who left it alone.

Even killing this uncle Tai Changming, and letting her own seat, is not worth it.

Moreover, if you want to become a consul, the combat effectiveness must be at its peak, otherwise it will be easy to be slaughtered. In front of this Chang Taiming, his combat power has exceeded 480,000, which is infinitely close to 500,000.

In order to reach this level, Wu Xiaoman must swallow a four-star dan, plus some equipment martial arts.

As for the physical fitness of this Xiao Xiaoman, swallowing Four Star Dan is tantamount to letting her die!

He still remembers that in Cuttle Star, he was the first person to swallow a one-star dan, and that person was nearly dizzy, and the four-star dan was even more powerful. Ordinary people swallowed, and the survival rate can never exceed 100 Sixty percent.

He Ning Tianlin didn't need to take this risk.

Although he earns less, he always earns. If not, his task may be reversed!


"That one star deduction is because of you!"

What Ning Tianlin thinks, of course, the combat system knows, so he corrects it.

"I?" Ning Tianlin said for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"The status of Changxing Star Archon is distinguished, but in my case, what is the difference between Archon and Archon's sister?"

"I think your precious identity is your sister! Or have a relationship with you!" The combat system said, "For example, you can accept this woman." After that, the combat system is not good intentions. Hehe laughed.

"Do you think there is anything more honorable than you?"

After laughing, I asked a question.


Ning Tianlin didn't speak and didn't know what to say. When the combat system said this, he really didn't know how to argue. It turned out that the five-star standard was actually related to himself.

It's very simple. Don't let this uncle Tai Changming accept each other as his sister, but come by himself.

But Ning Tianlin thought about it, and laughed bitterly, then forget it. If he just knew it was the answer, he would give up.

He is just a passerby, and he will soon leave. If he really accepts this Xiao Xiaoman as his sister, he also needs to shoulder many responsibilities.

He would rather do things, or not, and would definitely do it to the end.

Today, this ending can be regarded as a destination for her. After all, she has become the sister of the consul, and her status and status are regarded as top in the entire Changxing star. Most importantly, Wu Taichang was already dead.

It's just a maggot controlled by maggots.

Just now, he has given the order to the tapeworm, and she will give her whatever she wants afterwards, and fully obey her orders. In other words, the real master of the planet has become Xiaoxiaoman.

Wu Taichangming is her thug.

She just didn't know it.

Of course, Ning Tianlin also issued a directive that from now on, he will continue to send slaves and spacecraft to the earth, but it must be done in the dark and slowly change the earth.

He can do as much as he can do to the earth.

"All right."

"It's OK."

"Get out of here."

To complete the task, Ning Tianlin didn't have to stay here anymore, and waved his hand to signal the two to leave. At the same time, his body flashed, and the place to appear next time was already in the foreign domain port of Changxing Star.

But no one noticed that as Ning Tianlin disappeared, the space ring in the hands of the incumbent Wu Taichangming disappeared.

This is the place where Wu Taichang's treasure was hidden. How could Ning Tianlin give up?

And Xiao Xiaoman looked at the place where Ning Tianlin disappeared for a long time.

What happened today is like a dream.

This is the boss I met, changed everything, made himself avenged, and made himself have a very prominent identity, but what is he for?

Want to look for yourself?

But now he hasn't heard him let him sleep together!

What is he trying to make himself?

All kinds of speculation for a while.

It was just that she never thought that, perhaps in this life, she had no chance to see the young man again.

. . . . . .


"I must escape!"

"I can't die!"

"I have too many things to do, and I must not die here!"

"I will also return to Jiu Mu College to complete the final practice! In this way, I will graduate well, at least I will become a top planet ’s governor, and I will restore the glory of the family, and I must not die in this last trial!

"I have too many missions to complete!"

In the void, a young man ran swiftly. Except for his fright, his eyes remained thick and stubborn. Not far behind him is a yellow nebula, but if you look closely, you will find that the nebula is composed of countless yellow spots.

Each spot is about thirty centimeters in size.

The body is slender, just like a large mosquito, especially the pointed mouth, which accounts for almost three-fifths of the body.

It is densely packed, and there are thousands of trillions.

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