Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 929: These two people cannot enter!

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"Anyway, I must enter Jiu Mu College!"

"Become a student inside!"

"Revenge for your parents and brother!"

Looking at the dense crowd, Ruo Menger's eyes shot a firmness. Only by entering Jiu Mu College, everything is possible for her.

But she also knew that now she has the same idea, there are no millions and tens of thousands, which is more than her genius or many. The final result, who can make it clear?

"Perhaps he would definitely be admitted if he was willing to enter Jiu Mu College!"

It was just abrupt, and a figure appeared in her mind. It was this figure that saved herself in the starry sand at the time. It was even more incredible. With a big mouth, she swallowed all the starry sand!

Especially the other person is a young man, not even her old age!

If all this kind of person came to test this time, she wouldn't play at all.

"Life is dead, wealth is in heaven."

"All I can do is bleed and sweat, and let the result, God is destined!"

Ruo Menger's eyes exuded a firm gaze, and then he secretly said "Cheer up" to encourage himself, and then dragged the box and disappeared into this vast crowd.

. . . . . .

at the same time.

Jiumu College.

Jiumu College is not a flat campus, nor is it magnificent like Jiumu Mansion, which is located in the center of the Jiumu planet, but on the extreme north of the Jiumu planet.

The north is vast and snow-capped, and middle-aged people are covered in icebergs.

Moreover, the temperature of the glaciers here, compared with the earth, is completely big witches and little witches, which is the coldest Antarctic, and nothing compared with here. Perennial wind and snow, the stones have been frozen into unbreakable ice sculptures.

The Jiumu College is located right in the middle of the vast north, occupying nearly 60% of the vast north.

The reason why Jiu Mu College was established in such a difficult place was the order of General Jiu Mu himself.

A warrior can be called a warrior without exercising himself in difficult conditions?

Only those who can withstand the experience and work hard in the difficult environment can become real talents!

He just wants these arrogant lords to know that they have to endure hardships and suffer hardships to be good! In their Jiumu Academy, it is not the enjoyment of happiness that comes, but the real combat effectiveness of the practice.

There are even four places in Jiumu College itself, with powerful fierce beasts, dedicated to the training and practice of coquettish students.

"What a majestic building!"

At this moment, three figures slowly appeared in the vastness. Not others, but Ning Tianlin, Meng Yifan, and Zombie Belle who just came back. The blizzard of thousands of miles has long beaten their bodies to the white sky.

Ning Tianlin looked up and looked at the endless buildings in front of him.

Rolling up and down, thousands of miles.

Compared to this, the Great Wall of China and the Forbidden City in ancient China are all small witches. After all, the Great Wall and Ancient China can still be built by manpower, and these are all built with combat force.

The two are not a level at all.

And although this is a college, Ning Tianlin estimated that the area of ​​the territory is already larger than the entire territory of the earth combined! Moreover, the territories of the earth include land and sea!

The size of the entire nine-eye star is far from being comparable to that of the earth! A hundred can't add up!

Otherwise, Jiu Mu will not be chosen as his own dominating planet!

"Yeah, it's grand."

"When I first came here, it was very shocking."

Meng Yifan also nodded, thinking that when he came here, he was far worse than Ning Tianlin's, and almost excited was going crazy, because he knew that in the next hundred years, he would spend here!

Almost kneeled down and kissed the land.


"Shock a fart!"

"Compared to the palace in my memory, it's not a little bit worse!"

"A pillar is no bigger than this college."

But at this time, the beautiful zombie Bewen beside him was a cold hum, with a mournful satire in his mouth and a contempt on his face. Obviously, the building community in front of her is not cold.


Meng Yifan, who was on the edge, looked at the hot woman in surprise, her expression changed. He didn't feel that the woman in front of her was telling lies, and it was completely unnecessary.

Just feel a bit exaggerated.

And it's a hundred times more powerful than this building community, I'm afraid only Nanzhanfu, or the Galaxy Center.

Did she go to such a place?

That ’s right, maybe they came from a big place, not their comparable in Jiumu County.

It was just Ning Tianlin on the side, but he heard a movement in his heart, "Memory?"

"Did her inheritance begin to wake up slowly?"

But Ning Tianlin knew what happened to the zombie and how it came. In the blood of his body, he was carrying the blood of the ancient **** beast. Even the combat system has said that her destiny will continue to improve as she grows.

Now, years have passed, and her combat effectiveness has grown a lot, maybe some segments have been restored.

The buildings she saw in her memory are probably the palaces where the universe claims to be god-powered. In front of these palaces, the earth is probably just a dust.

"Ninggong, the reason why you have to come step by step is because flying is banned here, and no one is allowed to fly even in the entire Jiu Mu College. Except for some special cases and some special people!"

Looking at the huge courtyard in front of the sky, Meng Yifan stopped and explained to Ning Tianlin.

"Special circumstances, special people?"

Ning Tianlin nodded, knowing that this situation exists everywhere, this is true in ancient China, so is the earth, and so is the outer sky today. He Ning Tianlin doesn't need to think that this special person must be extremely distinguished!

He didn't believe that the Lord of the Galaxy had come here, and he wouldn't allow flying?

If you don't agree, the people next to him will have pinched your general Jiumu to death!

"Elder Mongolia, you are back!"

But when the three stopped, the two figures rushed out of the gate of the huge courtyard. When they saw Meng Yifan, they both saluted and hurriedly.

Now is the time for students to go out for trials.

As one of the ten outstanding students of the college, Meng Yifan, of course, will be the target of countless people.


Meng Yifan nodded, didn't speak, and maintained a solemnity and majesty. If he ignored them, he would bring Ning Tianlin and Zombie Bowen into it. It was just abrupt, two people at the same time stretched out their hands at the same time, blocking their way.

At the same time, did the person on the left look, "Elder Meng, these two cannot enter!"

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