Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Can't enter?"

Meng Yifan frowned, his face pulled down instantly, and asked coldly, "how?"

This situation made him feel shameless. He is one of the top ten elite disciples in the college. You all know me. Why not let anyone in? Isn't this hitting his face?

Is it impossible for two guests to stand outside!

"Elder Mongolia, another eighteen days will be the college admissions day!"

"Just twelve days ago, the college has been officially blocked. Anyone who is not a student in the college is forbidden to enter! Even if someone is insured, it will not work! You can only stay outside."

With that, his face was very sorry, "Elder Meng, you also know that the college always looks at the admission assessment and is very important, and will never allow any accidents in the formal assessment."

Speaking of this, seeing Meng Yifan's face is still not good, and quietly whispered, "Not only to prevent these people from entering the college to be familiar with the environment without the assessment, the most important thing is to engage in malpractices for personal gain!"

"This year, the dean ordered that as long as any incident of malpractice is found, there is no amnesty to kill!"

"Even who put them in, they must be held accountable, too, kill!"

After speaking, he set his eyes on Ning Tianlin and Zombie Bowen.

The meaning is more obvious, that is, they don't trust Ning Tianlin, they regard them as Meng Yifan's friends, and they are also freshmen who are going to participate in the admission examination. In any case, they will not be put in.

And all the students of the Jiumu College are wearing college badges and will be tested when they enter the college gate.


In this regard, he was really unfamiliar with Yifan Fan. The last time he entered the academy regularly, and he did not come here in advance, so he was not clear about these matters. Although he is a leader among students and has dealt with some teachers, he has great respect and fear for the dean of the college.

This kind of person is far from the level he can reach.

Only at each graduation ceremony can the dean be seen.

"It's true!"

"I dare to guarantee my life! It is the order of the dean!"

"This month, no one except the college students and teachers can enter!"

The two goalkeepers reassured that they were afraid to raise their hands and take a vow!

"If you find that you lied to me, or that I saw anyone in the academy who did not wear the academy badge, not our academy, I would come back!"

Meng Yifan's intimidation and intimidation made the two men nodded and said yes, hurriedly guaranteed. However, Ning Tianlin also knows that most of this is what Meng Yifan did for himself.

He is not helpless, but he is really powerless now!

"Kill without amnesty!"


But Ning Tianlin didn't care about these, but from the mouths of the two gatekeepers, he learned some Jiumu's rules of doing things, just like him, he used the killing effect! To kill things!

Although he didn't know what the cheating was and what methods he would use to cheat, he also knew that cheating could never be stopped.

It's like when we were on Earth China, we didn't know how many people were cheating every time when they took an exam each year, and they could write down cheating on their hands, legs, and stomachs. It was Ning Tianlin who saw a classmate once and wrote the answer on his shoes!

Look down and look up the answer from your shoes.

Even for the college entrance examination, candidates are only allowed to watch the seats outside, and are not allowed to enter in person!

"So you can't help it?"

"We can only wait here?"

Ning Tianlin didn't say anything, but the beautiful girl beside him was a little unwilling, so big, you won't let us in, and my mother didn't want to wait here.

At the same time, he mocked this monstrosity.

As if to say, we brought you, now you want us to stay here, no matter what?

"Okay, don't talk."

"If you don't enter, you won't enter, and there is no big deal."

"Taking this opportunity, we can go around this nine-eye planet and see if there is anything interesting and delicious."

Ning Tianlin began to persuade.

He didn't really care. He came here in advance, but he just wanted to join the Jiumu Academy earlier and complete the first mission of the combat system early. Nowadays, there is no chance to forget it.

Eighteen days later, it is also the day when the nine-headed college officially begins the assessment. At that time, it is not too late to participate again.

He didn't believe in his fighting ability today, and he could not even join the Jiu Mu Academy!

You have to know how much fighting power this person has, it is already the top ten among the students. If you go out, there will be no suspense.

It's just early and late.

Moreover, if he really wants to go in, he has dozens of ways, and even the most direct is to find the Dean Jiumu and let him come here to see if he can enter!

His combat effectiveness is not even worse than these nine goals! Do not believe that he does not bow his head!

But he didn't dare and couldn't do it.

Because these nine heads are different from other strong ones, because he has a background and is a member of the Milky Way. After hitting him, nine other generals will soon be recruited, and even the owner of Nanzhan House will be brought in!

The Lord of the Galaxy may be more likely to be the master of Nanzhanfu!

This is completely a matter of 捅 马 cellular!

And he is still not ready to meet with the Lord of the Galaxy at all, not to mention that the Lord of the Galaxy, which is the governor of the government, can make him die without knowing how to die.

And the completion of the chain of missions, it is not allowed to conflict with these nine schools now!




These two points, however, have great appeal to the zombie Bo Wen, especially delicious, and even caused her stomach acid. She doesn't have much hobbies, she just eats, and she especially likes to eat.

"Then let's go."

"No longer staying in ghost places."

Meng Yifan snorted, and would hold Ning Tianlin's hand and leave here.

"and many more."

But at this time, Meng Yifan, whose face was changing, opened his mouth and stopped them. After thinking about it, it was more to Ning Tianlin Road, "Ning son, you and so on."

"I can't bring you in, but never said, I can't bring the teacher out!"

Meng Yifan said, "If these teachers accept you as a student on the spot and issue a student badge, you can enter!"

"No need to stay here!"

After speaking, without waiting for the two to talk back or wait for any advice from the guard, the guard rushed into the school.

In doing so, he is 80% sure!

Although he is only a student, he has some friendship with these teachers. Moreover, the teachers I sought this time taught pet science, and not many students were recruited.

If you let them know that there is a very powerful talented pet master student outside, they will definitely be happy to come out.

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