Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1695: It turned out to be him!

"Yes, we are fast, rushing to heaven, grabbing the treasures of Hongmeng, the best of Hongmeng Lingdan is ours!"

"Fast, slow, there is no more!"

Other ancestors saw it, and they all rushed to rush to the slowly falling paradise.

Just when the first ancestor rushed to the bottom of heaven, suddenly, under the entire paradise, there was a huge golden rune. These golden runes formed a six-langle figure, between the rotation of the figure, a power to destroy the heavens and the earth. Shoot out.

Under the power of destruction, the ancestors of the middle class of the great emperor turned into gray and gray, and even the screams and evasion were too late.

The other ancestors who followed the ancestor were also the same, and they all turned into gray and gray, and there was no residue left. Suddenly, dozens of emperor ancestors disappeared between heaven and earth.

Some of the following ancestors saw the situation, and they frightened and quickly retired. However, this is so, there are still many ancestors who have been affected by this power, suddenly, screaming again and again.

I saw those ancestors behind, some of them were bombarded by this force, some were half body, some were lower body, and some were one leg or two legs.

All the parts of the body that were bombarded by this heavenly power disappeared, and the blood was sprayed and dyed red under the sea.

"My arm, what happened, I can't grow and recover!" A great ancestor who was ruined his arm screamed in horror.

The strongest who have reached the great emperor, even if the body is destroyed, can quickly re-grow and recover, but now, the arms, lower body, upper body, and legs of these great emperors are all unable to re-grow!

This is a permanent trauma!

Can't recover again.

And some ancestors, only half of the body, but also screaming, if the madness, only see its internal organs, red exposed, abnormal blood and nausea.

The ancestors who had to rush to heaven saw this scene, and they were so scared that they stopped, and the whole body trembled, pale and bloodless.

Some ancestors who could escape the power of heaven's destruction, watched the devastating power whistling from the front half of his eyes, and scared the seven souls and six scorpions to dissipate the three souls.

In the distance, a few people in the wilderness of Taiyue saw it, but it was a joy. Among the dozens of emperors who were destroyed by the power of heaven, there were more than a dozen people who were Tumen and Jiuyin.

It is a good thing for them to kill more than a dozen ancestors of the Tushenmen and Jiuyin corpses.

"Some idiots, I really thought that everyone in this paradise can win the treasure. If this is the case, no one will go to the 12th floor of the holy mountain." Fan Hui, the demon king, sneered.

"In fact, it is no wonder that they are not tempted, but it is Hongmengbao, who is not tempted, even I have been tempted." Golden Lions Wan Yutian laughed.

"Motion is one thing, but stupidity is one thing. This stupidity doesn't matter. The key is that even life is lost." Hongyue giant Taiyue laughed.

At this time, the paradise that slowly descended from the hole finally appeared in front of everyone.

I saw this paradise, like an ancient temple, standing on top of nine days, like the supreme ruler and supreme above all else, looking down on everything below.

Everyone looks at this paradise, and the mind seems to be filled with something.

No one can express the feelings of this moment in the heart.

"Look!" Suddenly, somewhere in heaven, a gap opened, and a golden light beam shot from the gap and shot at the top of the holy mountain.

The golden light column connects heaven and the top of the holy mountain together. From a distance, it looks like a passage, a passage from the top of the holy mountain to heaven.

That's right, this is a channel.

A passage from the 12th floor of the Holy Mountain to heaven, and only past paradise from this passage, will not be attacked by the destruction power of heaven.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, a figure appeared at the exit of the golden light column at the top of the holy mountain.

"It is the mysterious genius, the mysterious genius who passed the twelfth floor of the Holy Mountain!"

"Who is the mysterious genius!"

Everyone exclaimed.

In the past few years, this mysterious genius, everyone has been guessing which family of genius disciples, in the end is the super-power of the super-power.

This moment will be announced soon.

Tu Shenmen, Jiuyin giant corpse, Xiaoyue wolf, Yanshui Palace, Fengdu City, all the strong people are watching the exit in a blink of an instant, everyone is staring at everyone, everyone wants See who this mysterious genius is.

A few people in the wilderness Taiyee also stared at them.

The sea is empty, the extreme of death.

Finally, the figure completely went out of the exit and appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, everyone sees this mysterious genius.

"Yes, it is him, actually, it turned out to be him!"

Everyone exclaimed and was shocked.

However, a few people in the wilderness Taiyue are full of tremors, and their eyes are full of ecstasy.

"Who is he?"

"It is the Shura royal family, the Shura royal family who bought the red flame unicorn, the severely wounded Xiaoyue wolf minority and the main wing, and the black ant Shao ethnic group Liao Chengkun's the Shura royal family! How could it be him, this, this too, too !"

The powerful people have set off a huge sound.

Tu Shenmen, Jiuyin giant corpse, Xiaoyue wolf, ancient family, black ant, demon bones, all the ancestors who had previously planned to kill Huang Xiaolong’s forces after the end of the holy mountain, the face was ugly pole.

It turned out to be him!

Previously, the ancestral ancestors of Jiuyin ancestors also planned to recruit him. They also planned to let them sit on the ancestral ancestors of the Jiuyin corpse. They also planned to let them choose the four treasures of the nine yin corpse.

"How can this be, how come!"

The nine yin corpses are so mad that they are mad and screaming again and again.

"Really, it is really the master! It is the master, it is our master!" The Hongya giant Taiyue has a rosy feeling in both eyes, and there is a feeling of crying.

"Haha, I said, it must be our master, and only our master, can you win the twelve layers of the Holy Mountain!" Fan Hui, the demon king, laughed.

"I remember that you said before, it should not be the master, but this is what you said." Jin Yuan, the king of Shura, laughed.

Fan Hui, the demon king, said, "Is there? I don't remember, I must have remembered it wrong."

Hongyue giant Taiyue, the king of Shura, Jin Yuan, the golden lion, Wan Yutian looked at each other and shook his head silently. They found that this guy’s face was thick for the first time.

Among the golden beams, Huang Xiaolong stepped forward to the entrance to heaven.

Huang Xiaolong was the news of the mysterious genius who had previously smashed the holy mountain at an alarming speed. Soon, it was spread, and the Jiuyin giant corpse and other parties’ superpowers also knew the news.

(There is a reader named m40757080014, there have been many days, every day in the comment area to personal attacks on the author, it is very difficult to hear, there is a saying "people are doing, the sky is watching.")


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