Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1696: Wait and watch the show

Jiuyin corpse family headquarters.

"What? You, you said, that mysterious genius, that is the Shura royal family?" Jiuyin ancestors ecstasy looked shocked, unbelievably watching the Jiuyin long eclipse unparalleled.

This news is tantamount to a blue sky.

The Jiuyin family’s long-lasting eclipse was nodded but “no, it’s already determined to be the Shura royal family.”

When he got the news, he was not shocked, but there was no accident.

"How could this be! How could this be!"

Jiuyin's ancestors eclipsed on the throne, his eyes flickering and his face was gloomy.

The mysterious genius turned out to be the Shura royal family suspected of being the new master of Pluto!

Damn it!

This Shura royal family, if it is the new master of Pluto, is undoubtedly opposed to the road, and the road is quick to kill. If the Jiuyin family recruits each other, the road must be turned.

Jiuyin ancestors eclips the eyebrows.

"Old ancestors, now, what should I do?" The Jiuyin family’s long-lasting eclipse clearly thought of this question and asked.

Suddenly, the yin dynasty of Jiuyin suddenly looked up and his eyes were strong and strong: "Kill!" The hall was cold and cold.

Between Huang Xiaolong and Lu Hao, he finally chose the roller.

In the view of the ancestors of Jiuyin, the talent of the Shura royal family is the only one in the world. Once it grows up, no one will be able to compete. However, this kind of genius is also difficult to recruit and control.

And when the Shura royal family dies, once the road passes beyond the great emperor, then it will be able to control the Pluto organization.

With the help of the roller and its controlled Pluto organization, the Jiuyin giant corpse will be even more powerful.

"Yes, my ancestors, I understand." After the nine yin ancestors had a long glimpse, they nodded.

Jiuyin’s ancestors eclipsed and said: “However, to ensure that nothing is lost, I want you to be pro-automatic now, and then lead the 30th Emperor’s high-ranking powerhouses to the sea, and must kill the Shura royal family!”

"Well, I will go to the sea in person now!" The Jiuyin long-term eclipse has stood up.

"You can rest assured that the kid will never leave the sea."


Ghost Town, Fengdu City.

Qin Fan’s face changed and he said to himself: “It’s the Shura royal family!”

"Master, it is estimated that the ancestors of the Jiuyin family have already known this news." Qin Fan’s disciple Jiao Zhouqing said: "I just don't know how this eclipse will be chosen."

The relationship between Jiuyin and Lulu is not a secret. Many super-powers know it.

Qin Fan’s eyes flashed: “This may be our chance.”

Jiao Zhouqing’s eyes are bright: “The teacher’s meaning is that the eclipse will choose the roller. If this is the case, this is indeed the opportunity for us to pull the cage of the Shura royal family. When the Jiuyin and Tushenmen killed him, We will help the Fengdu City to help them escape, and the Shura royal family will certainly be grateful to our Fengdu City in the future."

Qin Fan shook his head: "The Shura royal family is a fascinating talent, and may be the new master of Pluto. Although it is worthy of us to pull the cage, but for him and Pluto, it is offensive to the Tumen Gate, Xiaoyue Wolf and Nine. It’s not a good deal for a sinister corpse."

Jiao Zhouqing said: "What does that mean to you?"

Qin Fan smiled and said: "Who is the fisherman's fight, who will ultimately benefit?"

Jiao Zhouqing suddenly realized, and smiled: "The teacher is respectful, when we don't help each other, we wait for the Tumen Gate, the Xiaoyue wolf, the Jiuyin corpse and the Pluto organization to lose both sides, then we can reunite the ghost city. In the world, the Master will be the Lord of the Ghosts."

In these years, Fengdu City has been secretly cultivating forces, in order to truly unify the ghost world, but there is a Pluto organization on it, which makes Fengdu City scruples.

Now, as long as the Pluto organization and the Jiuyin corpse are both defeated, then the power of the Pluto organization is so weak that it will no longer be able to suppress Fengdu City. Fengdu City will rise strongly and unify the ghost world, just around the corner.

"Ghost world leader, this title, I like it." Qin Fan smiled: "However, a ghost world is still too small."

"What does the teacher mean to you?" Jiao Zhouqing was surprised: "Sura and the undead world?"

Qin Fan smiled and said: "Yes, the Tushenmen and the Jiuyin corpse are weakened by the time. After we unify the ghost world with sweeping power, we can take the opportunity to expand our power to the Shura and the undead world, even if we can't Unifying the world of Shura and the undead, but it is still possible to occupy hundreds of thousands of gods in the Shura and the undead world."

"Yes, Master, is the disciple's vision is too narrow, far less than the teacher's honor." Jiao Zhouqing smiled: "However, Master, Pluto organization can really do and Jiuyin corpse, Tu Shenmen, Did the Xiaoyue wolf lose both?"

Although Pluto is the first force in Hell, it is not a weaker than the Pluto organization. It is not the enemy of the Pluto, but also the Tumen Gate, the Xiaoyue Wolf, and the Pluto organization are afraid that they are not the enemy of the three parties.

Qin Fan shook his hand and smiled: "The strength of Pluto's organization is much stronger than you think. Even if the Pluto organization fails to fight against the nine yin corpses, it can still hit the three corpses of the yin yin. Of course, if The result is not that both lose, but the Pluto organization is completely defeated, which has no effect on our unified ghost world."

"Yes, it is still considered by the Master." Jiao Zhouqing laughed.

Qin Fan smiled and said: "You will be less flattering. From now on, you can always pay attention to the situation in the sea. We will wait for the good show."

"I will follow the command of the Master."

The other powers of the other parties in Hell get the mysterious genius. After the Shura royal family, they reacted differently and thought about each other. Of course, most of them hold the same mind as Fengdu City, and then watch the fire and appreciate the good drama.

The Tushenmen and the Jiuyin corpse are the same, and they send more masters to the secluded sea. It is necessary to let Huang Xiaolong not live away from the sea.

For a time, the whole **** is even more popular.

Just when the Jiuyin giant corpse long eclipse led the master to come to the sea, Huang Xiaolong finally came to the entrance of heaven, and then, under the watchful eyes of the sea, he walked into the entrance of heaven.

Upon entering the entrance to this paradise, Huang Xiaolong was covered by a divine light. This sacred light, like milk, is soft and warm, and constantly penetrates into the body of Huang Xiaolong, making people feel refreshed.

"This, what kind of energy is this? It is not weaker than the evil spirit!" Huang Xiaolong was pleasantly surprised.

Although he does not know what kind of energy is between heaven and earth, he can clearly perceive the amazing energy of this divine light.

At the moment, Huang Xiaolong did not move on, but sat down and began to run the parasitic scorpion and began to absorb this divine light energy.

Suddenly, this divine light energy is constantly coming to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong sat there, holy as a holy angel. (To be continued.)

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