Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1697: Sixteen wings

As these sacred lights continue to flow into the body of Huang Xiaolong, the light energy of Huang Xiaolong is more and more, and the golden Buddha's supreme **** of Huang Xiaolong is even more brilliant.

After killing the 30,000-headed angel on the twelfth floor of the Holy Mountain, Huang Xiaolong’s strength was originally close to the peak of the fourth step of Tianjun. Now, with this divine light energy, Huang Xiaolong’s strength is constantly improving. The closer it is to the fourth peak of Tianjun.

One day, two days, very soon, half a year passed.

Finally, Huang Xiaolong went to the river and successfully reached the peak of the fourth stage of Tianjun, and it is still gradually improving.

As these divine radiant energy gathers more and more in the body of Huang Xiaolong, there is a change in the body of Huang Xiaolong, a change visible to the naked eye.

Compared with half a year ago, Huang Xiaolong’s body is even more sacred. This sacredness can suppress all darkness, purify all negatives, and dispel all coldness.

Moreover, this sacredness is not brought about by the divine light of heaven, but by the body of Huang Xiaolong, but by the divine light of Huang Xiaolong's body.

One year later.

Suddenly, the sacred light energy that constantly poured into the body of Huang Xiaolong seems to have reached a critical point. Huang Xiaolong’s body seems to be unable to hold more divine light energy. Behind Huang Xiaolong, there is a loud bang, and a big shock, even one more On the wings!

A pair of wings condensed by the energy of this divine light!

At first, the wings were only slap-sized and extremely thin, but as time went by, the sacred light wings grew larger and larger, and finally, it grew to more than two meters long, and it was thick and solid, like a double sacred light. Sharp blade.

When the pair of wings grew to more than two meters long, they stopped. However, a few days later, behind Huang Xiaolong, they again gathered two pairs of wings.

These two pairs of wings, like the previous two pairs, were only the size of the palm of the hand, and they were very thin, but day after day, they grew bigger and more solid.

When it was nearly three meters long, the pair of wings, like the previous first pair, stopped.

A few days later, the third pair of wings began to condense.

The fourth pair, the fifth pair, the sixth pair...

The seventh pair...

When Huang Xiaolong condenses the seventh pair of wings, Huang Xiaolong's whole person seems to be the embodiment of sacred light. At this moment, Huang Xiaolong does not seem to be the Lord of Hell, not the new Pluto, but the Lord of Light, but the King of Light. !

Seven pairs of wings, that is the fourteen wings!

The heavens and the fourteen-winged angels, that is the existence of legends, but no one has ever seen them.

However, now, Huang Xiaolong actually has fourteen wings!

The legendary fourteen wings!

When the fourteen wings of Huang Xiaolong condensed, suddenly, the body of Huang Xiaolong, who had reached the peak of the fourth stage of Tianjun, was even more shocked by the light. The body cracked and cracked, and Huang Xiaolong soared.

Tianjun fifth order!

After Huang Xiaolong broke through the fifth step of Tianjun, the speed of engulfing accelerated again. Within the vast paradise of heaven, the divine light is like a huge wave, and it constantly flows into Huang Xiaolong.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong completely stabilized the initial strength of Tianjun.

When these sacred lights gathered more and more in Huang Xiaolong's body, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong was shining behind him, and he even gave birth to a pair of wings!

The eighth pair!

Sixteen wings!

Sixteen wings, there is no legend at all! Because the fourteen wings are already the highest legend.

But now, Huang Xiaolong is the real sixteen wings!

The eighth pair of wings, like the previous seven pairs, began to solidify and grow up. Finally, it reached ten meters before stopping.

The first pair of wings is more than two meters long, the second pair of wings is close to three meters, the third pair of wings is more than three meters, and the fourth pair of wings is more than four meters.

Increase in order.

Eight pairs of wings, sixteen wings, behind Huang Xiaolong, opened in turn, Huang Xiaolong breathed between, the heavens and the earth bright, countless little angels actually condensed around the body of Huang Xiaolong.

When Huang Xiaolong’s eighth pair of wings grew to ten meters, the divine light in heaven began to become extremely thin.

Just as Huang Xiaolong absorbed the sacred light energy in heaven and refining in heaven, the outside world has passed six years, that is, Huang Xiaolong has entered the holy mountain for more than eleven years, nearly twelve years.

At this time, the eclipse, Qin Huangzhong, are on the twelfth floor of the Holy Mountain.

However, after the two came to the twelfth floor, facing the twelfth layer of horrible **** beast, they could only dodge and evade, and could not kill. Eventually, because time is about to end, the two can only retreat from the twelfth floor. Go to the eleventh floor and then go to the first floor entrance.

On the eleventh floor, Song Litao, Yanshui Palace He Jingyi, Wusong family Wu Deng, Peng Zhengfei, and the courtiers also retired from the crowd.

The genius disciples on all levels of the Holy Mountain, one by one, exit from the first floor.

The powerful forces of all parties are looking forward to the future, full of anxiety and worry.

Although the Hell beast in this holy mountain is the energy of the holy mountain, the attack is real. The countless genius disciples who entered the holy mountain in the past can get less than half of them.

Almost did not come out, almost all died within the holy mountain.

"It’s our young master, we have less masters!” Suddenly, when a ancestors of the black sects of Shura’s circles saw a square-faced young man coming out of the exit, he was pleasantly surprised, and the black yin and the strong were all one. Hi, they greeted the young man in the face.

Black Yin is ranked nineteen in the Shura world.

"Welcome to the Lord!"

After the black yin people came to the face of the young man, they saluted and then asked, "How about the Lord?"

The young man with a smile on his face smiled: "Not bad, I passed the eighth floor!"

Everyone in the Black Yin dynasty is a joy. After all, the seventh layer of the Holy Mountain can be hailed as a first-class genius in the Shura community.

As the leaders of the parties continued to come out, finally, under the expectation of the people of Tushenmen, Song Litao also flew out from the first layer of exports.

The people of Tushenmen were very happy, and they welcomed us.

Looking at the people at the Tushen Gate in front of him, Song Litao is not very good-looking. Before the Holy Mountain, he vowed to cross the 12th floor, but now don’t say the 12th floor, even the eleventh floor is not. The tenth floor!

Moreover, if he passed through the tenth floor, he could not even get a holy fruit. When he thought of the holy fruit, Song Litao had the urge to vomit blood.

The people of Tushenmen had to ask Song Litao how many layers they had, but they couldn’t help but stop Song Litao’s face.

At this time, Song Litao looked at the distant giant Taiyue, the devil's king, Fan Hui, a few people, eyes cold: "The kid has not yet come out? Our headquarters masters, all have arrived?"

"The young masters, the masters of our headquarters, all arrived, and later, they added 30 high-ranking emperors." Tu Tianmen ancestor Lu Tianyuan replied.

"Additional 30th Emperor High-ranking Powers?" Song Litao was surprised and confused: "What happened?"

Tu Tianmen ancestor Lu Tianyuan and other ancestors looked at each other. Lu Tianyuan smacked his scalp and his voice was low. He replied: "The Lord, the one, the Shura royal family, he passed the 12th floor of the Holy Mountain. Now, in heaven. Within!" (To be continued.)

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