Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1698: The war is about to trigger

"You, what are you talking about?! That dog is chopped, he passed the twelve layers!" Song Litao was stunned by the giant thunder, and the whole person was dull, and then suddenly looked at the top of the holy mountain.

Finally, he saw the top of the sacred mountain at this time. On the nine days, he quietly suspended a huge ancient building with a faint brilliance.

Don't think about it, it must be a paradise he has never seen before!

Shocked, I can't believe it, Song Litao's face was ugly, horrible, screaming and screaming: "It turned out to be this dog thing, no wonder I can't get a holy fruit!"

"No wonder I have passed ten floors, and one holy fruit is not available!"

Song Litao was murderous and his eyes were red.

The ancestors of Tushenmen were shocked, and none of the holy fruits could be obtained. At this time, they realized that they were so ugly when they came out.

Song Litao looked at the heaven above the nine days, and thought of the smug smile of the Shura royal family who collected the treasures of Hongmen in the heavens. He thought that he could not get a holy fruit. He thought that the next holy mountain would be born thousands of years later. And your bones have been over, and you can’t enter the holy mountain again next time!

Thinking of all kinds of things, Song Litao hates heaven.

"Everyone gave me a shot and gave me a smashing of this fart heaven!" Song Litao pointed to the heaven above nine days and suddenly screamed. When he finished, he had a sword in his hand and he had to attack.

The ancestors of Tushenmen saw the situation, scared the whole body cold sweat, and quickly shot Song Litao.

Looking at Song Litao’s murderous eyes, the ancestors of the Tushenmen’s ancestors suddenly told the previous heavens that they had killed dozens of emperors’ ancestors and seriously injured hundreds of ancestors.

After listening to Song Litao, he was really scared and his eyelids trembled.

At this time, the entrance to the first floor of the Holy Mountain flashed, and only the eclipse and Qin Huangzhong flew out.

The Jiuyin giant corpse family and the Fengdu city strongmen greeted them.

The eclipse of the eclipse was heard by the people of Jiuyin and the corpse, saying that Huang Xiaolong was even shocked and unbelievable when he entered the heavens.

Although the reaction of eclipse is not as big as Song Litao, his face is also very ugly.

Then, the Heshui Palace He Jingyi, the Wusong family Wu Deng, Peng Zhengfei, the priests and others also came out from the holy mountain.

He Jingyi heard the man’s report that the Shura royal family who had been sitting opposite her in the Yinyang Restaurant had crossed the 12th floor. When she entered heaven, the pretty face was stunned and the cherry mouth was open, and there was no response for a long time.

"He, when did he cross the 12th floor?" For a long time, He Jingyi came back to God and asked a ancestor of Yanshui Palace.

The ancestor replied truthfully: "Five years ago, he had already passed the 12th floor of the Holy Mountain. He has been in heaven for five years. It is strange that he has not yet come out."

"You, you mean, he only spent less than seven years, then he passed the twelve layers?!" He Jingyi was shocked.

"Yes, the little palace owner, the other party took less than an hour, then passed the second floor! After half a day, they passed the third floor! After that, they passed the fourth floor in less than three days!..." The ancestors of the Water Palace constantly reported the time spent by Huang Xiaolong on each floor.

Although the ancestors of the Yanshui Palace had long known that Huang Xiaolong had smashed the speed of the monks on all levels, but when He Jingyi reported it, the voice could not restrain the trembling.

He Jingyi listened to the unprecedented horror speed of breaking records, but also scared the little heart to jump.

Her first generation of the younger generation of Yanshui Palace is known as one of the three great talents in the Shura world. She is self-proclaimed and talented, but now!

Her face looked complexly over nine days, the huge ancient paradise.

The other genius disciples who came out of the holy mountain almost just came out, and they all knew that someone had smashed the 12th floor of the Holy Mountain, knowing that it was the one who bought the 12th floor of the Holy Mountain. The Shura royal family!

For a time, the sea was a strong commotion.

Suddenly, some people exclaimed: "It is the nine yin chief! The nine yin chiefs come to the sea!"

Everyone looked down at their eyes, and saw a group of great men who were covered in a strong corpse and smashed from the distance. The person in front was the most huge, with gray eyes and a body. There is no supreme power, it is the nine yin corpse family ancestor eclipse unparalleled!

The eclipse is not the only one, is the ancestors of the 30th Emperor of the nine yin corpse!

The eclipse of the unparalleled and so on, the powerful momentum, overwhelming, so that everyone feels a sense of suffocation.

All the ancestors are not afraid of both eyes.

The eclipse is unparalleled, the second strongest of the nine yin corpse! Its strength, shocking, second only to the nine ancestors of the ancestors eclipse, rumors that this eclipse has not surpassed the emperor, but its strength is comparable to surpassing the emperor.

The eclipse of the eclipse saw his father coming, and his face was happy, and he quickly greeted the masters of the nine yin corpses.

"Father Dad!" Eclipse yin came to the eclipse without double-sided, respectfully said.

The eclipse nodded and smiled: "How is the holy mountain?"

The eclipse is respectful and laughs: "Through the eleventh floor." When it comes to this, the voice is low and low: "Just, the fifth floor is the second place, and the other six floors are the third place."

The eclipse laughed with a smile: "Very good. After returning to Jiuyin Mountain, your ancestors and I will help you refine the holy fruit and break through the realm of the Emperor."

The eclipse is overjoyed: "Thank you father!"

At this time, Tu Limen Song Litao and Xiaoyue wolf Wing Qing led the squadrons to fly over to the eclipse. The two came to the eclipse without double-sided, all polite and respectful: "I have seen unparalleled senior."

The eclipse nodded and smiled. "The two sages are full of enthusiasm. It seems that they have already understood the law of chaos and will soon be able to achieve the great emperor."

"The unparalleled seniors praised." Song Litao and Yiqing are both polite.

Compared with the time when the city was destroyed more than ten years ago, the strength of the Xiaoyue wolves and the young masters did improve a lot. However, because he was seriously injured by Huang Xiaolong at the time, his performance in the holy mountain was not very good. He is now injured. It has already healed, but the benefits in the Holy Mountain are not as great as Song Litao.

The eclipse turned to the first, and swept the crowds around the crowd, and said indifferently: "I must know that I am eclipsed. What is it for the sea today? I hope that you will now evade thousands of miles, so I will not intervene." The Jiuyin family, the Tushenmen and the Xiaoyue wolves, otherwise, don’t blame me for not recognizing people afterwards."

A murderous murderousness swept out of it.

The four parties are not shocked and then retreat.

Even the Shimizu Palace He Jingyi, Qin Huangzhong, Wu Deng and others also led the Majesty's strongmen to withdraw thousands of miles.

At this time, no one dared to violate the three-party power of the nine yin corpse.

Soon, within a range of ten thousand miles, only the giants of Taiyue, Taiyue, and Chi Yan, the black unicorn, were left.

Standing thousands of miles away, all the strong people held their breath, everyone was nervous, a smoke has begun to pervade, and the war is about to trigger.

This will be a peerless war, a rare battle of billions of years! (To be continued.)

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