Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1711: Go to the Black Ant Family Headquarters

After Mao Mou and others, all of whom were swearing in the name of Heaven, Huang Xiaolong’s heart was a sigh, and then the Hongya Giant Tai Yue and others prepared a feast.

Greatly celebrate!

This time, the successful slaughter of the Tushenmen, the nine yin corpses, the hundreds of emperors of the Xiaoyue wolves, and the Pluto organization's casualties are extremely small, almost negligible, which makes Huang Xiaolong very emotional.

Coupled with the sacred magic, six eyes and other dozens of super-funds, the power of Pluto has almost doubled.

One weak and one strong, Tu Shenmen, Jiuyin giant corpse, Xiaoyue wolf can not afford any storm, at least not in the near future.

The banquet continued until late at night.

Huang Xiaolong stood in the courtyard of the Pluto organization branch, took out the nine-nine magic mirror, and looked closely. Originally, according to his previous intention, the battle of the sea was to kill the eclipse with the nine-nine mirror, but finally After he got the bright scepter and heaven in heaven, he changed his mind.

After all, he is still weaker in his own strength, and he will not be exposed without exposing the nine-nine mirror.

Tomorrow, he plans to go to the Black Ant and the Devil's Headquarters to personally annihilate the two communities.

The annihilation of the black ant family and the demon bone family, one can report the vengeance of the genocide for the emptiness of the treacherous beast, and the second can be used to shock the parties.

At that time, plus the things of the sea, I believe that many of the original forces that have to be put into effect, the super-power of the nine yin corpse will choose to stay away from the Tushenmen and the Jiuyin corpse.

However, in the case of the sacred sea, although the three circles of the Hell were shaken, many of the super-big factions still maintained "neutrality", did not vote for themselves, and did not join the Alliance.

Such as the Wuhuan family.

It’s been a day since I came back to the city from the sea of ​​meditation, and Wu Si, who is the lord of the city, has not come to see him.

Want to protect the body? Huang Xiaolong sneered in his heart.

It’s a good thing to say, it’s Mingzhe’s protection, and it’s hard to hear. The Wuhuan family did not recognize this new Pluto.

I am afraid that the super-big forces of Fengducheng will be the same when they arrive at the Yanshui Palace.

After watching for a while, Huang Xiaolong took back the nine-nine magic mirror, then entered the room, opened the room forbidden, and took out one hundred pieces of the best of the glory of the gods.

The thirty-six holy fruits, Huang Xiaolong did not intend to swallow refining and chemicalization, decided to destroy the black ant and the demon bones first, and then closed the long-off to refine the thirty-six holy fruits.

Huang Xiaolong summoned the three most supreme gods, running the parasitic scorpion, and suddenly, one hundred glory of the sun and the gods shined, and the amazing Dan gas continued to emerge from it.

Soon, these dans will shrouded Huang Xiaolong.

A night passed.

On the early morning of the next day, Huang Xiaolong stopped. The one hundred pieces of Yaori Shendan had been refining and cleaned. After refining this hundred pieces of Yaori Shen, Huang Xiaolong could clearly feel the change of his own power.

This Yaotian Shen Dan is worthy of the gods of the bright world. Although it only swallows a hundred, his own power is purer than before.

When I came out of the room and came to the hall, everyone was already respectful waiting in the hall. In addition to the nine great princes such as the giant Tae Tae, there were also a group of commanders and small leaders.

"See you under His Majesty!"

Seeing the arrival of Huang Xiaolong, the wild giant Tai Yue and others are respectful and respectful.

This is what Huang Xiaolong demanded. Let the Pluto organize the people to call themselves the prince of Pluto, as the devil teaches Mao Shu and others.

Huang Xiaolong nodded to everyone, let everyone get up, and then told many things one by one.

Tushenmen, Jiuyin giant corpse, although this was a big defeat, but Huang Xiaolong still needs to be prepared to prevent the revenge of the Tushenmen and the Jiuyin corpse.

"Under Pluto, we heard the news, saying that the ancestors of Tu Shenmen, who knew that Song Litao had been killed, left the headquarters of Tushenmen and are now coming to the sea!" said Jin Yuanzhang, the king of Shura.

"Oh, Han Han." Huang Xiaolong's eyes flashed.

According to estimates by the giants of Taiyang and others, this is afraid that it has already surpassed the Great.

If Han Han came in person, it would be a problem.

"With the speed of 褚 ,, to come to the sea, how long will it take?" Huang Xiaolong asked.

"It's hard to say, I heard that Yu Han is a person who came over and directly entered the chaotic space. If Yu Han has already surpassed the Great Emperor, it should be only one or two months from the headquarters of Tu Shenmen." Hongyue Giant Taiyue thought about it. , replied.

"So fast!" Huang Xiaolong was taken aback.

Beyond the Great, even faster than the Need for the Hong Kong Spirit Ship!

"Don't care about him, the plan to annihilate the black ants and the magic bones will remain unchanged." Huang Xiaolong said: "Wait, we will go to the Black Ant family headquarters, and, my trip, do not have to hide, let Han Han know ""

The wild giant Tai Yue and others were taken aback.

"Uncle Pluto, no, this is too dangerous!" Hongyue giant Taiyue hurriedly said.

Although Huang Xiaolong has a city of ancient times, a paradise, a bright scepter, and a heart of hell, but it is very likely that 褚 已经 has already surpassed the realm of the great emperor. At that time, the ancient city and heaven can really resist it. Han?

"Nothing, according to what you said, even if this culvert exceeds the Great Emperor, it should be within 100,000 years." Huang Xiaolong shook his hand and made everyone feel at ease.

Even if he surpassed the Great Emperor, he was just promoted soon, and Huang Xiaolong was confident that he could still deal with it.

Because, now he not only has one hundred high emperors of the great emperor, but also fourteen emperors of the tenth order of the emperor, and two of them are the tenth-order late tenths of the fourteen-winged emperor.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s mind has been decided, the wild giant Tai Yue and others know that persuasion is useless, they have to give up.

After everything was told, Huang Xiaolong left the Pluto organization branch on the red flame black unicorn and left the city of silence.

This time, he went to the Black Ant family headquarters, and did not bring anyone, he rode a red flame black unicorn, he has a hundred high emperors high-end undead clan, there are fourteen bright tomorrow is enough, as for Nine big leaders, such as the giants of the wild, Taiyue, did not let Huang Xiaolong follow them.

Now, there are always super forces coming to work, and Pluto will also need the giants of Taiyue to hold the overall situation.

It was not long before Huang Xiaolong left the city of silence, and the shackles of the space turbulently knew the whereabouts of Huang Xiaolong.

“Go to the Black Ant Family Headquarters?” Yan Han’s eyes are cold.

When he came to the sea, Huang Xiaolong was sure to get the news. Since he knew that he was coming, he dared to run around. It seems that this Pluto kid really did not put him in his eyes.

Since you are looking for death, don't blame me.

"Kids! I want you to live better than death! Taoer, you can rest assured, I will personally torture him to death little by little! Revenge for you!" 禇涵自语, physique quickly broke open chaos, Coming to the black ant headquarters.

(The plot turns, let's slow down today, let God see and think about it. The more you get to the back, the more important it is, the more normal tomorrow.) (To be continued.)

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