Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1712: Bodhi seed

Two months later. ¢£

A Shura, riding an ordinary **** beast, appeared in the face of the black ant.

This Xiu Luo, it is Huang Xiaolong, the ordinary **** beast under his seat, is the red flame black unicorn illusion, in order to be unobtrusive, Huang Xiaolong turned the red flame black unicorn into an ordinary black lion.

After recognizing the direction, Huang Xiaolong rode the red flame of the black unicorn to the north side of the black ant **** plane.

The headquarters of the black ant family is the hate heaven on the north side of this black ant god.

This black ant **** is not small, according to the speed of the red flame unicorn, to rush to the hate heaven, at least two days.

According to Huang Xiaolong, although the black ant **** plane is named after the black ant family, the entire black ant **** plane is not controlled by the black ant family.

In addition to the black ant family, there are two super powers similar to the black ant family, one is the violent soul, and the other is Yaoguang.

Therefore, this black ant **** plane is almost a three-legged situation.

one day later.

Huang Xiaolong came over a piece of virgin forest.

"This should be the enchanting forest." Huang Xiaolong thought.

The enchanting forest is the largest virgin forest in the black ant god's plane, and it exists longer than any super-genuine of the black ant god.

As long as you pass through this enchanting forest and pass through a plain of white bones, the headquarters of the black ants are hating the heavens.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the darkness that had already darkened. He planned to wait for a while and then stop for a night in this enchanting forest.

I flew for a while, and after an hour, the sky was completely dark.

"Hao Ren, we will stop for one night in the valley below, and then hurry tomorrow." Huang Xiaolong pointed to the forest.

"Yes, His Majesty the King." Red Flame Black Kirin respectfully responded, then flew yellow under the forest with Huang Xiaolong.

After coming to the bottom of the forest, a hidden valley appeared in the sight of the two.

The valley is not big, but what surprised Huang Xiaolong is that the valley is very rich in aura, and there are many spiritual medicines, and these spiritual medicines are rare for many super-disciplinary disciples. s things.

Huang Xiaolong walked around the valley at random, in the center of the valley, there was a small lake. The lake was quiet and charming. After walking around, he came to the lake and sat down.

When the bonfire was born, Huang Xiaolong let the red flame black unicorn go hunting for a **** beast to come back, and the red flame unicorn and one beast sat there drinking wine and eating meat.

Looking at the quiet lake in front, Huang Xiaolong's state of mind is also rare and quiet.

Unexpectedly, Huang Xiaolong remembered Shi Xiaoyu and remembered the people of the lower house.

In the blink of an eye, he has been flying into the realm of the gods for hundreds of years. Although it has been for hundreds of years, it is like a small world for Huang Xiaolong.

At this moment, he missed the unprecedented intensity of Shi Xiaoying and Huang Jiazhong.

"After this battle of heaven, we must find the ancient formation that returned to the lower bounds, and we must find the strongest who held the Jinshen Contest." Huang Xiaolong secretly determined.

Just when Huang Xiaolong thought about the lower bounds of Xiao Xiao and the Huang family, suddenly, in the distance, the fighting sound came.

This enchanting forest, living a kind of **** beast called enchanting, and the forest, is rich in elixir, so many disciples of the black ant **** face come to this enchanting forest trial, hear the fighting, Huang Xiaolong also Not surprisingly.

Huang Xiaolong sensed the power fluctuations of both sides of the fight. From the perspective of the strength fluctuations of both sides of the fight, the strength of both sides of the fight is not high. The strongest one is also the late sixth stage of Tianjun, weaker, and even only the high level of the gods.

The number of the two sides is quite large, adding up to one or two hundred people.

At this time, the roar sounded with screams.

Huang Xiaolong listened.

"Tan Zhiming, hand over the Bodhi seeds, otherwise, don't blame me Wu Yixi is welcome!"

"Jokes, Bodhi seeds are the first to discover, why should I hand it over to you, Wu Yixi, others are afraid of you black ants, my violent soul is not afraid."

Then, it was another anger and a loud bang.

Bodhi seeds?

Huang Xiaolong was surprised and surprised.

Is this Bodhi seed not a thing of the Buddha world? How would it appear here?

According to legend, this Bodhi seed, as long as it is planted on the spiritual soil, watered with spiritual water, can grow slowly, and then become the Bodhi tree.

This Bodhi tree is a must, and as far as everyone knows, there is only one Buddha in the whole world. This is like the night tree in Shura’s headquarters in Shura, and there is only one in hell. .

Huang Xiaolong stood up.

If it is a Bodhi seed, it is a big treasure for him.

Although Bodhi seeds are difficult to plant, the spiritual and spiritual waters that are needed are difficult to find, but once they grow up and grow into Bodhi trees, it is no longer possible. According to legend, they practiced and practiced under the Bodhi Tree, which has amazing effects. It is this one that is enough to make people dream.

At this time, the two sides of the fight are far and near, gradually approaching the valley side.

Huang Xiaolong rode on Chi Yan Black Kirin: "Hao Ren, let's go out and see."

Red flame black kylin respectfully should be, four legs forward, with Huang Xiaolong came to the valley valley mouth, came to the valley valley mouth, Huang Xiaolong saw the fighting sides.

One of them has a black pattern on the forehead, the limbs are relatively short and short, and there are black ant patterns on the robes. It is the disciple of the black ant family. The other side, the hair is scattered, the body is violent, and the robes have an ancient soul. It is the super genre of the black ant **** plane.

Apparently both sides of the fight did not expect that there would be people inside the valley. When they saw Huang Xiaolong coming out, they were all stunned. The two sides slammed together, then retired and stopped.

The eyes of both sides fell on Huang Xiaolong.

"Tianjun fifth-order mid-term?" The black-ant family, a one-eyed old man, stared at Huang Xiaolong coldly, and then turned to the middle-aged man who was tall in front of the violent soul: "Tan Zhiming, this kid, I am afraid to hear us." The previous words."

Tan Zhiming, who is tall and tall, sneered: "A Tianjun fifth-order mid-term, can't escape, Wu Yixi, we still solve our affairs first, so I will give you 500,000 down-selling spirits, you How about leaving here, how about?"

The 500,000 down-selling chaotic stone is an amazing number for any super-general elders of the age of Tianjun.

The black-ant ant, the one-eyed old man, Wu Yixi heard the words, but ridiculed a smile: "Fifty thousand downs and downs of the spirit stone, do you want to send a flower? If I don't give you 500,000 down the chaotic stone, you hand over the things. ”

Although the 500,000 low-quality chaotic stone is not low, it is not worth mentioning compared to the Bodhi seed. If the Bodhi seed is taken out for auction, it is a fraction, not just this number.

Huang Xiaolong saw that the two sides did not put himself in the heart, could not help but smile, his own Pluto, he seems to be flattened.

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