Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1713: Are you coming to kill our patriarch?

Although he was ignored by the other party, Huang Xiaolong was not angry, but Rao was interested in sitting on the back of Chi Yan's black unicorn and looking at each other.

The black ant Wu Yixi and the violent soul sect Tan Zhiming should all be elders.

Wu Yixi is the late sixth stage of Tianjun. That is Tan Zhiming. It is the sixth-order peak of Tianjun. The strength of the two is similar. From the perspective of the strength of the two priests and the violent souls, both sides should be similar.

"I gave 800,000 down the chaotic Lingshi." The sorcerer Tan Zhiming bit his teeth, and the black ant Wu Yixi said: "As long as you and your black ant disciple leave, I will give you 800,000 down the chaotic spirit stone. ""

Eight hundred thousand!

It suddenly increased by 300,000, which made Tan Zhiming feel a lot of pain in his heart.

However, he also knows that if he continues to fight this way, it will not benefit both sides.

The black ant Wu Yixi Wen Fang, a cold smile: "I am still the same sentence, I will give you 800,000 down the chaotic Lingshi, you give me things."

The soul of the murderer, Tan Zhiming, changed his face and said with awkwardness: "Wu Yixi, don't deceive too much. Things are originally discovered by me. You have got 800,000 downs and downs of the soul stone for no reason. You are not enough? Can't be too greedy, well, I will give you one million miscellaneous spirits, and you and your black ant disciple will leave."

Wu Yixi, a black ant, is smiling at the sun: "Speaking well, I got 800,000 downs and downs of the spirit stone for no reason? Then why don't you say that you got the Bodhi seed for no reason? Good, let me and It is not impossible for my black ant disciples to leave. You give me 10 million pieces of chaotic Lingshi, and we will leave!"

Ten million!

The murderer Tan Zhiming and the violent soul disciples listened to the Wu Yixi lion's big mouth, all of them were furious.

10 million of the chaotic Lingshi, even if the treasures of the treacherous treasures are sold, they can't make up ten million. The other party has made it difficult for the strong man. Wu Yixi never thought about "reconciliation" from the beginning.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the two sides to bargain with him. He couldn’t help but feel interesting. He said casually: "Two, so, I will give you 10 million pieces of chaotic spirits, how about the Bodhi seeds?"

Both the black ants and the violent sects were all staying, and all of them turned to look at Huang Xiaolong.

The black ant Wu Yixi suddenly laughed, and the laughter was very harsh. He looked at Huang Xiaolong with a sly look: "The kid, the courage is not small, dare to make us joke."

In his view, it is impossible for a Tianjun fifth-order mid-term to get a million chaotic spirits, and the other party is joking with them.

Not only did Wu Yixi think so, but the murderer Tan Zhiming and the violent souls of the disciples also thought so.

"Kid, you are looking for death!" Standing next to Tan Zhiming, a violent soul master of the fifth stage of the Tianjun period couldn't help but anger, his body flashed, and the fists suddenly rushed to Huang Xiaolong.

Because of the black ant Wu Yixi, the lion had to open 10 million yuan. The disciples of the violent souls had already pressed their anger. Now they see the Huang Xiaolong socket. This violent master is venting his anger to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the double fists of the violent masters of the peak of the late fifth stage of the monarch, and smiled coldly. The other side wanted to vent the fire and chose the wrong person.

Huang Xiaolong also did not use the artifacts such as the bright scepter, raised his hand and punched it freely, and greeted him.


A loud noise.

When the violent sects and the black ants were full of thought that Huang Xiaolong was slammed down by the violent master, the violent master was screaming, and the whole man fell backwards and fell to the distance. At the time of landing, the softness is there, motionless, and exhale more than inhale.

Everyone stays.

The murderer Tan Zhiming's face was gloomy. He could see that the violent soul was too elder, and the whole body bone had been completely shattered by the other side, and even the internal organs were shattered.

"Who is you? Dare to seriously hurt my horror, the elders!" The murderer Tan Zhiming looked coldly at Huang Xiaolong.

At this time, the black ant Wu Yixi laughed, patted the palm, and praised Huang Xiaolong: "Your good strength, admire underneath, how do we join hands? You and I joined forces to kill this Tan Zhiming, Of course, our black ants will not treat you badly. I will give you one million pieces of chaotic stone. How?"

I was afraid that Huang Xiaolong refused, and Wu Yixi said: "Our black ants will also invite you to give you a status as an elder."

"The reputation of the black ants is too elder?" Huang Xiaolong laughed and smiled very happy.

Wu Yixi saw Huang Xiaolong smile, but also smiled: "Yes, that is, the reputation of our black ants is too elder, with your talent, plus my recommendation, you will certainly become the elders of our black ants. Even after some trials, maybe it can become the elders of our black ants."

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and smiled. He said, "In fact, I came to the black ant **** plane this time to kill your patriarch."

Wu Yixi Yi Yi, Tan Zhiming a trip, the other two disciples are a glimpse.

Wu Yixi laughed: "What do you say? You come to kill our patriarch? Do you know who our patriarch is?"

Other black ant disciples smiled.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and stretched forward. As soon as he took a photo, Wu Yixi felt a horror-absorbing power that allowed him to fly to Huang Xiaolong involuntarily.

Wu Yixi was absorbed into the face of Huang Xiaolong, and the power of Huang Xiaolong’s deity was swallowed up. At that time, Wu Yixi dried up at a horrible speed. All the power in the body, all the blood, all the vitality were swallowed up by Huang Xiaolong. .

Huang Xiaolong throws it away, and Wu Yixi’s body falls into the distance, his eyes are round and full of fear.

All of this happened too quickly. All the black ant disciples did not respond at all. Everyone looked at Wu Yixi’s body and looked unbelievable.

"Your patriarch? I know, called Liao Yuan." Huang Xiaolong's indifferent voice sounded.

What he wants to kill is Liao Yuan, of course, not only Liao Yuan!

Tan Zhiming woke up and looked at Huang Xiaolong. He took a breath of cold air and looked awkward. Before, he and Wu Yixi thought that Huang Xiaolong could seriously hurt his violent soul, and he should be with him, and Wu. One West is similar, otherwise Wu Yixi will not invite Huang Xiaolong to join forces.

Now he discovered that his thoughts were simply wrong.

At this time, suddenly, the black ant disciples yelled and collectively turned and fled.

Huang Xiaolong did not move any more. Red Flame Black Kirin raised his front leg and stepped down to the front of the void. Suddenly, nearly 100 black ant disciples fell from the sky and were directly stepped into the ground. The sound.

Tan Zhiming and the disciples of the violent souls are in a stalemate.

Huang Xiaolong turned around and looked at Tan Zhiming and smiled. "My suggestion, what do you think?"


Tan Zhiming looked at Huang Xiaolong's smile, but it was chilling, and he did not understand Huang Xiaolong.

"I just said, I will give you 10 million pieces of chaotic Lingshi, the Bodhi seed to me." Huang Xiaolong said. (To be continued.)

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