Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1726: He is very likely to be!

Looking at Feng Qi, Chen Bin and others left, Huang Xiaolong went back to the secret room.

"Your Majesty, after Chen Bin returns, he will definitely not give up on this, and will investigate his identity." Chi Yan Black Kirin said.

"Then let them investigate." Huang Xiaolong said indifferently, he was afraid that they did not investigate.

Back in the middle of the secret room, Huang Xiaolong sat down in the center of the big array, thought about it, took out the letter, and then ordered a message from the hunter giant Taiyue by the letter.

Lulu colluded with the Jiuyin giant corpse, wanted to plot the position of the Pluto, betrayed the Pluto organization, and from today, expelled from the Pluto organization, no longer served as the head of the Pluto organization.

This is the news that Huang Xiaolong wants to spread the nine giants of the wild giant Taiyue.

Previously, although Huang Xiaolong knew that Lu Hao had colluded with the Jiuyin giant corpse, he had never acted on it. Now, it has completely broken his relationship with Pluto.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong let the Hongya giant Taiyue nine people release, whoever kills the roller, and rewards 10 million of the chaotic spirit stone! Bring his head to the reward.

Ten million down the chaotic Lingshi, Huang Xiaolong believes that there are enough super-big forces to be tempted.

As soon as this news was released, I believe that those who want to follow the road, want to betray the Pluto organization, the small commanders and those deacons must be light and heavy.

What is light and what is heavy.

Following the road and betraying the Pluto organization, it is worth noting.

After Huang Xiaolong made the order, he took out 300 pieces of Yaori Shendan and continued to practice.

However, after killing the red-faced old man Gao Ning and the little gangster traitor He Wei, his identity has already been exposed, no matter whether the nine aging ancestors will rush to kill him from the Jiuyin headquarters, he can not be here. The dead tomb city has been staying for too long, and it will take up to a month.

A month later, regardless of whether the giants such as Taiyue and others had found out the anger of Hongmeng and determined the location of Fang Mingyu, he had to leave the dead tomb.

At this time, Feng Qi and others went out of the crater and rushed back to the main city of the dead city.

"Mom, wait for me to order, summon the master of the immortal temple around the face of God, the little miscellaneous, I must let him kneel in front of me, let him ask me to kill him!" Chen Bin face, he As the three young masters of the Immortal Temple, they have never been so shameful.

Feng Qi's eyes flashed, and the first head of the second housekeeper Yang Rui Tiandao: "Yang Guanjia, wait for people, must check the identity of this kid."

Yang Ruitian opened his mouth and tried to stop.

"Yang Guanjia, if there is anything, just say it." Feng Qi saw the situation, could not help.

Yang Ruitian said: "In fact, a few days ago, the nine yin ancestors Gao Ning, as well as the Pluto organization, the small leader, He Wei was killed, and the body was hanging upside down on the gate of our dead tomb city."

When everyone stayed, they were all shocked.

"What, Gao Ning? Gao Ning in the late tenth stage of the Emperor?" Feng Qi lost his voice, and some could not believe it.

Yang Ruitian nodded: "Yes, and the bodies of the two men are the general leaders of the Pluto organization, Zhang Long and Malayui personally hang up, just four days ago."

At this time, the three stewards Yu Jifei continued: "Two days ago, the bodies of the two men were still hanging in the city gate. Later, the masters of the nine yin giants killed the bodies of the two."

Chen Bin and others are amazed. It is no wonder that they did not see the body of the city gate when they returned to the city.

"Who killed them? Zhang Long and Mala Rui?" Chen Bin looked confused. According to the statement, Zhang Long and Malawi did not have the strength to kill Gao Ning.

"It's not Zhang Long and Malayui." Yang Ruitian shook his head, and his face was more dignified and serious than ever: "However, there was news that the Pluto came down to the dead city."


"Uncle Pluto!"

Feng Qi, Chen Bin and others have not changed their faces.

"That Gao Ning, He Wei is the murder of Pluto? But why should he kill He?" asked the black butterfly Wang Qingying, her fingers trembled.

"I heard that it was because He Biao betrayed the Pluto organization, colluding with the nine yin corpse family, and Gao Ning and others, wanting to capture the Pluto organization of the dead tomb city branch, just happened to be met by the prince of the prince." Yang Rui Tian Shen Taking a breath, he said, no matter who it is, when it comes to this new Pluto, the voice can not be suppressed and trembled, as if these four words, there are tens of billions of weight.

"That Gao Ning, He Wei was killed four days ago? That is, the Majesty of the King of Pluto came to the dead tomb city four days ago?" Chen Bin said, suddenly, his face changed greatly, and he looked at Yang Rui with amazement. Tianhe Yuji Fei: "Is it?"

Feng Qi, Wang Qingying and several other young masters seem to have thought of one thing, and their faces have changed dramatically.

Because, the captain of the Guard had previously checked, the kid was also dead in the tomb city four days ago, and he was organized by Pluto!

If so, isn’t it?

"Yes, he is very likely to be!" Yang Ruitian said this, stopped, dare not say it.

But everyone knows what he wants to say.

"Then why don't you say it earlier?" Feng Qi's face is a bit ugly.

Yang Rui Tiandao: "We didn't think about it before. It was after his beast showed the token of Pluto and injured the Holly ancestor of the Immortal Temple. We only guessed his identity."

Everyone was silent. The previous big words were to summon the masters of the immortal temple. Chen Bin, who wanted the other to kneel down, was shaking his hands.

In the Battle of the Sea, the Tumen Gate, the Jiuyin Giant Corps, and the hundreds of Emperors of the Xiaoyue Wolfs were all killed and died in the hands of the Pluto, which is the ancestor of hundreds of emperors!

Lian Tu Shenmen Song Litao, the few gatekeepers have been killed, and there are Xiaoyue wolves and young tribes. There is Peng Zhengfei!

The more I think, the more cold Chen Bin’s hands are.

If they just left a few breaths, I’m afraid it’s true!

"Fangqi brothers, I still have something to do, I will leave." Chen Bin suddenly clenched his fists to Feng Qi, and did not wait for the other party to open. He rode and sat down with the dragon lion and flew away. The immortal temple followed closely. .

This dead tomb city, he did not dare to stay any more.

Feng Qi opened his mouth.

"Feng Qixiong, I also said goodbye." The black butterfly Wang Qingying then spoke, riding the beast to lead the Black Butterfly master to leave, and other young masters also led all the people to leave.

For a time, I walked clean.

"Two young masters." Seeing Qi Qi for a long time no response, Yang Ruitian called.

"We went back to the city's main government." Feng Qi came back to God and rode down to the pterosaur and rushed back to the city government.

Ten days passed.

The dead tomb city seems to be calm.

Huang Xiaolong practiced quietly in the secret room. The people of the Immortal Temple and the Death Gate did not appear again. Huang Xiaolong was so quiet that it seemed that the other party had guessed or found his identity.

Two days later, finally, the giant Hongyue Taiyue came to the news.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, his face showed a smile. The news said that it has been determined that the spirit of Hongmeng is in the treasure house of the Jiuyin giant corpse, and the whereabouts of the founding emperor Fang Mingyu has been confirmed, just in the face of Jiuyin! (To be continued.)

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