Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1727: Night sea

"Jiuyin God plane?" Huang Xiaolong stood up and frowned.

The position of Jiuyin God is the headquarters of the nine yin corpse family. What is Fang Mingyu going to the nine yin gods?

In Huang Xiaolong’s doubts, he took out the letter and ordered the flood giant Tai Yue and others to continue to investigate the reasons why Fang Mingyu went to the Jiuyin **** plane.

Huang Xiaolong and Chi Yan Black Kirin walked out of the secret room door.

At this time, the sky was dim and it was apparent that it had begun to enter the night.

However, in this crater, the fire is full of spirits, and it looks like a red pass.

Huang Xiaolong rode on the back of the red flame unicorn, and the two went out of the crater.

It is time to leave this dead tomb city.

Before leaving, Huang Xiaolong returned to the Department of Pluto Organization of the Dead Tomb City.

At this time, the branch hall and the yard have long been bloodless, and the bodies of the guards of the soldiers and the masters of the nine yin corpses have been cleaned up.

Compared with before, the divisional guards have strengthened more than twice.

The division is surrounded by solid guard soldiers.

These Guardian soldiers are drawn from other branches, and are basically masters above Tianjun.

Huang Xiaolong met Zhang Long and Malayui. After telling many things, Huang Xiaolong did not stay in the branch again, and he left the dead tomb with Chi Yan Black Kirin.

When he left the dead tomb city, Huang Xiaolong did not intentionally hide his whereabouts. So, soon, all the forces in the dead tomb city would know the news that he left the dead tomb city.

It was not long before Huang Xiaolong left the dead tomb city. Feng Qi, who was the second master of the dead tomb city, also knew the news, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

These days, Huang Xiaolong stayed in the dead volcano to practice, so that he has been fearful and uneasy, for fear that Huang Xiaolong came to interest someday, then he went to the city government to find him "playing", now well, this "comet" is gone.

"Less Lord, do we want people to check the whereabouts of Dewey after leaving the dead tomb city?" The captain of the guards asked for a good look.

However, he just finished, Feng Qi took a fan and flew it out, squatting in the distance, screaming at his right face, Feng Qi rushed over, suddenly lifted his foot and stepped on it: "You ******, want me to die? It’s too early for me to die, let me check out Dewey? Do you know who he is? You are a pig, is not it?!"

It was like crazy, and it was slammed, and every foot was filled with divine power.

The captain of the Guard was trampled with blood and dying.

"Come on, throw this pig out and throw out the dead tomb city. After that, he is not allowed to step into the dead tomb." Feng Qi's eyes screamed red at the door.


After Huang Xiaolong left the dead tomb city, he rode the red flame unicorn to the west of the undead.

The face of Jiuyin is in the west of the undead.

All the way through.

half year later.

Huang Xiaolong appeared in the transmission array of the Jiuyin God plane.

However, at this time, Huang Xiaolong has completely changed his appearance. He is dressed in a robe of the elders of the nine yin corpse. He is a tall middle-aged man with a light color rune on his face, adding a mystery. .

This is the identity he temporarily borrowed, the nine yin corpse family elders Luo Haoming.

This Jiuyin giant corpse is too elder elder Luo Haoming is also the sixth-order late strength of Tianjun, and usually has few contacts with other masters of Jiuyin corpse, and there are no disciples under the seat. This is convenient for him to be in the Jiuyin corpse. action.

Of course, when Luo Haoming went out a few days ago, he was already killed by Huang Xiaolong. There is no such person in the world.

Huang Xiaolong rode a thunderbolt and swayed out of the transmission array.

This Thunderbolt Tiger is the mount of Luo Haoming, but it has been controlled by Huang Xiaolong with the insects of Hongmeng.

Originally, the red flame black unicorn can also be turned into a thunderbone tiger, but for the anti-corrosion unparalleled and other people to see through, so, careful, Huang Xiaolong still used Luo Haoming before the mount.

As for the Red Flame Black Kirin, Huang Xiaolong let him stay in heaven to practice.

Practice in heaven, there is the power of heaven to quench, it is nothing to harm the red flame black unicorn.

Riding the ribs and tigers, Huang Xiaolong recognized the direction and then flew to the north of the face of Jiuyin.

In the past six months, the giants of Taiyang and others have already ascertained the reason why Fang Mingyu came to the position of the nine yin gods. It turned out that Fang Mingyu did not know where to get the news, and the nine yin gods had fallen flowers, so come to Jiuyin. The face of God is to find this fallen flower.

The fallen flower is a kind of **** flower, there are many magical effects. I heard that this flower is a combination of all the evils of hell. After all the power of darkness, it will be born after 999,999,000 years.

After the flower is swallowed and refining, it can not be invaded by evil, and the evils are retreating.

There is even more legend that after refining this flower, the godhead is born with a degenerate atmosphere. With this degenerate atmosphere, after breaking through the realm of the great emperor, it can increase the chance of 50%!

"Five percent?" Huang Xiaolong shook his head, this guy is simply not to be killed, even dare to come to the face of Jiuyin to find this fallen flower.

Let's not say that the nine yin corpse family, the night sea where the fallen **** flower was born, is not the small Tianjun of Fang Mingyu.

The night sea is the first sinister place for the Jiuyin **** plane. Even if the high-ranking power of the great emperor enters the depths of the night sea, there is a possibility of degeneration, and the fallen flower is in the deepest part of the night sea.

Huang Xiaolong thought about it, a group of Jiuyin giant corpse disciples came oncoming.

These disciples, dressed in the robes of the core disciples of the Jiuyin corpse, are all high-level masters of the gods.

"I have seen the elders of the elders." This group of disciples saw Huang Xiaolong, and stopped far away, respectfully calling.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and flew over the Lei bones. When Huang Xiaolong left Xu Yuan, the disciples continued to fly forward.

Along the way, I met the disciples of the Jiuyin giant corpse everywhere.

However, the Jiuyin **** plane is not closed. In addition to the disciples of the Jiuyin corpse family, there are many other disciples of super-power. Here, there are many large chambers of **** and many branches of super-power. .

For example, the Immortal Temple, the Death Gate, the Black Butterfly family have branches here, and even the Pluto organization has a branch here, but this division has been under the control of a big commander of the road.

After half a month.

Huang Xiaolong saw the night sea.

The night sea, as the name suggests, is the sea of ​​darkness. Here, only the night, no day, the sky in the night sea is black, the whole night sea, almost no fingers, even if you use some **** eyes, here too Greatly restricted.

In the night sea, there is a city, called the city that never sleeps.

Like the dead tomb city, the city that never sleeps is one of the top ten cities in the undead world. According to the news of the giant Taiyue, Fang Mingyu is in the city that never sleeps. Therefore, Huang Xiaolong first came to Fang Mingyu.

As for the enthusiasm of the nine yin corpse treasures, you have to find a good opportunity to map, but also eager to come. (To be continued.)

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