Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1728: Stinging

Six days later.

Huang Xiaolong, who was constantly flying in the night sky, stopped and saw a huge city pool floating above the sea. The city wall was not known to be cast with any material, and it radiated a strong white light. This white light, It is reflected in the bright light of millions of miles around the sea.

This is the city that never sleeps.

The entire night sea is like a huge black hole, and the night city is a night pearl in the black hole, so that the people flying in the night sea seem to see hope.

Huang Xiaolong rode the Lei bone tiger to speed up the speed, and after a while he came to the gate of the city that never sleeps.

The guards of the gates of the city that never sleeps are the core disciples of the Jiuyin giant corpse. These disciples see Huang Xiaolong coming, and quickly let them go. Among these disciples, Huang Xiaolong, the nine-yellow-aged elder, Luo Haoming entered the city that never sleeps.

Other disciples who enter the city that never sleeps need to pay a lot of Lingshi, and Huang Xiaolong naturally does not.

In the city that never sleeps, the light is as white as the gods. The city is full of night pearls and bright wall stones. The building is majestic. However, Huang Xiaolong did not have the heart to watch the scenery inside the city, and went straight to the city’s restaurant.

Fang Mingyu, now lives in the Xiaolong Restaurant.

When Huang Xiaolong came to the Dragon Restaurant, Fang Mingyu was frowning, his eyes were full of irritability and uneasiness.

He is now transformed into a demon sneak into the face of the nine yin gods. His current identity is a sacred elder of the sacred priest, called Yang Jun.

This Yang has been killed by him.

The stabbing of the moon is the sixth superpower in the undead world. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the identity of Yang Jun, which is convenient for him. However, he got news through some channels today, and the stabbing has begun to doubt him. I am afraid that I have sent someone to come and pick him up.

Although the sacred priest does not know that he is the priest of the gods, but once he is taken by the people who stabbed the moon, then, at that time, the identity of his gods will be exposed, then he will die.

"What to do?!" Fang Mingyu asked himself over and over again.

Now, this night city gate is only afraid that it has long been strictly guarded. If he flees, the master of the stabbing month must have been guarding him at the gate of the city that never sleeps. He is now trying to escape from the city that never sleeps.

It is a master of the stabbing of the moon in the city that never sleeps, I am afraid that it will be searched soon.

He stayed in the city for a few days. He originally wanted to wait for the auction after half a month in the city, and then bought a better god. When he went deep into the night sea, he could resist the chill of the night sea. At the same time, he wants to see if there is any time in the city that has to enter the depths of the night sea. When he arrives together, it is safer to deal with the sea beasts deep in the night sea.

As long as he knew this, he would not enter this city that never sleeps in the past few days, and he is now trapped in this city that never sleeps.

Fang Mingyu wants to be more uneasy, and the more he wants to be anxious.

In the end, Fang Mingyu decided to leave here and say, after all, the restaurant is too obvious. As soon as he left the restaurant, he would look for a chance to escape the city that never sleeps.

Fang Mingyu changed his face and then left the room.

Just as he walked out of the restaurant, suddenly, he stopped and saw the front street, full of dozens of stabbing masters, three of them, punctuated the elders of the elders.

These three people, each person's breath, must be much higher than him.

Fang Mingyu's face changed.

The person who stabbed the moon, found this so soon?

"Yang Jun is too elder, where are you going?" One of the thorny teachers was too elder to look at Fang Mingyu with a smile: "We are looking for you and want to have a few drinks with you."

Fang Mingyu strongly smiled and said: "What Yang is too elder, you admit the wrong person."

The three stabbing teachers were confronted by the elders, laughing, and laughing a little louder.

At this time, some other past masters apparently saw good play and stopped.

The former sacred teacher was too elder to smile: "Kid, I know that you are not an elder of Yang Jun. When we take you, we know who you are."

Fang Mingyu's face changed, his body shape flashed, and the speed was very fast. However, he just broke through the air, and a figure was faster than him. He was in front of him. It was the thorny teacher who was too elder. .

When Fang Mingyu didn't react, the other person's body shape flashed, and he felt a pain in his chest. A powerful impact force made him crash into the ground.

He is only a disciple of the fourth-order mid-term of Tianjun. The sacred priest is too elder to be the sixth-order mid-peak of Tianjun. In front of the other side, he has no resistance.

The thorny moon teaches the elders to go to the ground, and Fang Mingyu, who is on the fallen ground, walks slowly and comes to Fang Mingyu. He looks at Fang Mingyu in a condescending manner, his eyes are cold: "Take away!"


Other sacred teachers should be, and then go forward, they must take Fang Mingyu.

However, when these stalwart masters first came to Fang Mingyu, suddenly, countless swords and qis broke through the air. These swords were so mad, and every sword was entangled with a small cockroach.

Those who are stabbed by the martial arts masters are shocked and shunned.

This is so, there are still a lot of stabbing teachers who have been hit by this sword, and they have flew out and screamed.

The three stabbing teachers were shocked by the elders and their faces sank.

Fang Mingyu a trip.

Everyone turned to look at it and saw a middle-aged man dressed in a sturdy robes of the sinister ancestor riding a thunderbone tiger.

The person who came is Huang Xiaolong.

The thorny moon teaches everyone to see Huang Xiaolong’s body, the nine yin family, the elder brocade pattern, and his face changed slightly.

Huang Xiaolong rode the Lei bone tiger to Fang Mingyu, and the thorns taught everyone to open.

"Teaching Chen Dongyue in the next thorny month, I don't know if you are?" The sacred moon of the sixth-order mid-term peak of the Tianjun was on the front and held a fist to Huang Xiaolong.

"Ro Haoming." Huang Xiaolong looked indifferent.

"It turned out to be the elder of the nine yin corpse Luo Haoming, this person, we suspect that he killed us, the sacred priest, Yang Jun, the elders, we followed the order of the lord to come and pick this person, and also asked Luo Haoming too elders not to intervene On this matter, we will thank Luo Haoming for being an elder on the next day." Chen Dongyue, the elder of the thorny moon, is very polite.

If other people just shot and injured the disciple of the stabbing, he had already started, but the identity of Huang Xiaolong was to make him polite.

"This person and I have some holidays, so people can't give it to you, you can go." Huang Xiaolong said lightly.

Chen Dongyue and the sorcerer's masters are ugly, and anyone can see that Huang Xiaolong said that he has a holiday with the other party, but it is a wording.

"Do you really want to intervene in the matter of our stabbing?" Chen Dongyue's face returned to normal, his eyes flickering. (To be continued.)

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