Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1729: Eclipse haze recovery

"My words, I don't want to say the second time." Huang Xiaolong's face was indifferent, and his eyes were full of killing.

The thorny moon teacher Chen Dongyue and other people face ugly, the other party actually did not give the thorny face to face.

Just now he said clearly, this is the order they teach the Lord.

However, considering the identity of the other party, Chen Dongyue took a deep breath and pressed his heart into anger. He said: "My master and you, Li Buqun, are friends, and you are also asked to look at the face of Li Buqun. Don't intervene in this matter."

Li Buqun is the master of the Jiuyin giant corpse, the lord of the medicinal medicinal temple, and his status is quite high among the nine yin corpses.

Before Huang Xiaolong killed Luo Haoming, he searched Luo Haoming's memory, so he knows a lot about the situation of Jiuyin's giant corpse.

If Huang Xiaolong is really Luo Haoming, it may not be possible to intervene at this time. However, Huang Xiaolong is not Luo Haoming, and Fang Mingyu is inevitably to be saved by Huang Xiaolong.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong heard the words and said coldly: "I don't care what Master knows, now you can roll."

The face of the thorns is a change.

Even the people around are all alone.

"Okay, if this is the case, then we will teach you a good move." The thorny moon teacher Chen Dongyue's eyes stunned, and the whole body's black light suddenly rose, turning into a black giant.

However, he just wanted to start, suddenly, the figure flashed, Huang Xiaolong came to him.

He was shocked.

Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and printed a palm over it. The palm prints were rolling and glaring, revealing the golden light of the glare.

Then Chen Dongyue was photographed in an instant, and flew out. When the ground fell, the chest was shattered and the face was full of blood.

"You, gold corpse palm!"

Someone around the strong was exclaimed.

The golden corpse is a school of the ancient sects of the undead. However, it has been lost for many years and it was learned by Luo Haoming.

Huang Xiaolong has the deity of the devil, plus the inheritance of the Lord of Hell, with the heart of hell, so imitating any **** is a matter of hand, and others can not see the true and false.

At this moment, two voices shouted, two figures rising from the sky, from top to bottom, the two palms rushed down to Huang Xiaolong, I saw a lot of palm print overlap, formed a palm mountain, and instantly slammed into the top of Huang Xiaolong .

It is the other two thorny teachers who have joined the elders.

Both of them are the sixth-order mid-term of Tianjun.

The two-day sixth-order six-stage shot, but also suddenly, it is the general Tianjun sixth-order late stage also seriously injured.

Unfortunately, they met Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong didn't look at it. He raised his hand and flipped it. He waved his hand and printed it. He instantly shocked the other side of the palm print. Then, the two sacred priests and the elders directly shocked the sky.

The two men screamed and screamed. After a long time, they fell from the sky to the ground, and the building collapsed.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the people around him coldly: "Is there anyone else to shoot?"

The thorns taught everyone to step back a few steps, and no one dared to come forward.

Several spurs of the elders, Chen Dongyue, helped the three men. Chen Dongyue glanced at Huang Xiaolong with a sullen look and said: "Today, we stabbed the church to the nine-yin family."

"let's go!"

At the moment, the thorns taught everyone to fly away and walk clean.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes swept around, and the faces of the powerful parties around the original watch changed, and all of them faded away. Who knows if Huang Xiaolong would feel uncomfortable and take them to practice.

Huang Xiaolong turned his head and looked at Fang Mingyu.

The reason why he was so sure of Fang Mingyu's identity was because Fang Fang gave him that piece of jade. Fang Fang said that Fang Mingyu also had a piece of his body. Within a certain range, he could sense Fang Mingyu with that piece of jade.

"Thank you for your help." Fang Mingyu, although wondering why the other party shot himself to save himself, but doubts and doubts, he quickly stood up and thanked Huang Xiaolong for his fist.

"This Ling Dan, you take it first." Huang Xiaolong threw a Ling Dan in the past.

Fang Mingyu picked up and looked shocked: "Is this the best product?"

Huang Xiaolong nodded: "It is Da Fan Li Li Dan."

Da Vinci Sheridan, a kind of superb, is the main healing.

Fang Mingyu checked the hands of the Great Vatican Lily with the spirit of the gods. After confirming that there was no problem, this swallowed it. The entrance to Ling Dan suddenly turned into a warm stream, and the previous injuries were healed with the naked eye. .

Huang Xiaolong saw Fang Mingyu use the spirit to check the spirit before swallowing, knowing that the other party did not trust himself, but he did not care.

"Well, I will send you out of the city now, and then send you back to the realm of the gods." Huang Xiaolong said.

"This." Fang Mingyu hesitated.

"You still think about the fallen flower?" Huang Xiaolong saw it, and couldn't help but have some good airways. It was this time. Fang Mingyu actually thought about the fallen flower.

"Do you know that I am looking for fallen flowers? Who are you?" Fang Mingyu stared at Huang Xiaolong with vigilance.

Huang Xiaolong did not answer, and took the piece of jade that he had given himself for the first time. He saw that the jade was shining with brilliance, and it was beautiful.

Fang Mingyu looked surprised: "This, this is, how do you have this piece of jade?"

"Your sister gave it to me." Huang Xiaolong said: "When I wait for the city that never sleeps, I have a way to send you back to the realm of the gods. Are you choosing to go back to the realm of the gods or choose to stay here and look for the fallen flower, you decide, but, If you continue to choose to stay here, I can't stay for you to find the fallen flower, I still have something to do."

Fang Mingyu's eyes are flickering.

"Well, I am going back to the realm." In the end, Fang Mingyu said.

Now, his identity is exposed, he is stared at by the stabbing of the moon, and he remains in the position of the nine yin gods. It is undoubtedly looking for death. Before, the chance to find the fallen flower was not big. Now, hope is even more embarrassing.

"Okay, go!" Huang Xiaolong said, immediately, with Fang Mingyu coming to the city gate.

In the city that never calls, the door to **** is inconvenient, and it is easy to be noticed. Therefore, Huang Xiaolong decided to wait for the city that never sleeps, and then summoned the door of **** to send Fang Mingyu back to the realm of the gods.

Just when Huang Xiaolong sent Fang Mingyu out of the city gate, the nine yin corpse of Jiuyin Mountain was inside a corpse, and the corpse was rolling. Suddenly, a loud roar, only the turmoil pool surface was turbulent, countless corpses condensed, a figure Slowly appearing in the sky above the corpse, it is the nine yin and less **** that were previously destroyed by Huang Xiaolong!

"Congratulations to the young ancestors of the young princes." At this time, several ancestors of the nine yin and the great emperors flew, and all laughed.

At the beginning of the sea, the eclipse was almost killed by Huang Xiaolong, and the injury was extremely serious. After returning to the Jiuyin family, it has been restored in this corpse. After more than ten years, it has finally recovered.

The eclipse looked at the re-growth of the gods, and nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and asked the ancestors of the nine yin family: "You can have the news of Dewey kid?"

One of them laughed: "The patriarch, we are about to report it to you, and Dewey has come to the undead world."

"What, that kid came to the undead world!" The eclipse was first shocked, then he laughed and his eyes showed infinite killing. (To be continued.)

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