Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1730: Entering the Jiuyin Mountains

"Yes, the little patriarch." The ancestors of the Jiuyin family laughed: "Seven months ago, this Dewey had appeared in the dead tomb." When it came to this, the tone became cold: "At the time, Gaoning was about to Captured the death tomb city branch of Pluto, but did not expect that guy suddenly appeared in the dead tomb."

"And then?" The eclipse of the eclipse changed, and anxiously.

Several Jiuyin and his ancestors hesitated, and several people knew that Gaoning had a deep relationship with their young patriarchs.

Their cultivation of the ancestral eclipse of the patriarchs has always been the guidance of Gaoning. Although they said that the patriarchs did not worship Gao Ning as a teacher, they were no different from the masters.

"Say!" Eclipse yin sees a few people look, can not help but violently.

"Gao Ning brother, he was killed by the kid." The nine-yin family ancestors bowed their heads and replied truthfully: "And, the body of Gao Ning brother was hung on the gate of the dead tomb city!"

After the eclipse was heard, the eyes were red and bloody, and the sky roared and the whole body killed.

"Dewey, you are a dog, I want to kill you, kill you!"

"I want to kill you this kind of!"

The eclipse of the eclipse continued to growl, and the fists were madly bombarded.

That look, that killing, even the ancestors of the Jiuyin family can not be shaken.

After a long time, the eclipse of the eclipse stopped, his eyes gasped red, and the neck blue veins continued to wiggle.

No one of the nine yin and ancestors dare to speak.

"Why didn't you say that at the time, why didn't you tell me?" The eclipse glared at several people.

A few people looked at each other and said: "The patriarch, you were the key time to recover, so the patriarch gave the order, and you must not tell you before you have recovered."

"Where is Dewey's dog chopping now?" The eclipse yin forced the anger in his heart, and his eyes hated.

"Six months ago, he left the dead tomb city. As for where he went, we haven't found it yet. However, when he left the dead tomb city, he came to the west." The ancestor replied.

"West side." Eclipse yin eyes: "No matter where he is now, he must not let him leave the undead world."

"The young patriarchs are assured that we have already set up heavy military and large squadrons in the rivers and ghost graves of the corpse. He is not able to fly in this time. As long as he appears in the rivers and ghost graves of the corpse, our ancestors must know that when we are ancestors Will personally shoot and kill it." The ancestor laughed.

This time, Dewey came to the undead world. This is a self-seeking road. It is a perfect opportunity for them to kill them. They will naturally miss this opportunity.

The corpse of the corpse is the only place where the undead world passes through the Shura world, and the ghost grave is the only place where the undead world leads to the ghost world. Now, both places are stationed in the Jiuyin corpse and the heavy army. And arranged a myriad of ancient killings.

That Dewey, there is no possibility of escape!

"Well, this time, let's take a look at it!" The eclipse screamed and laughed, "If the ancestors shot, then Dewey would die, but it would be too cheap to kill him."

The ancestors smiled and said: "The patriarchs are relieved, our ancestors said, and then killed this kid, and hanged his body on the mountain gate of our Jiuyin family headquarters, and invited the strong parties to come and watch it. After watching it, watch it. Then refine it into a murderous body for us to send at will, when the patriarch wants to let him ****, he will follow the orders of the patriarchs."

The eclipse of the eclipse is bright: "Is this really said?" Good! Good!"

"However, we got the news that when this kid appeared in the dead tomb city, it was already the late sixth stage of Tianjun." The old ancestors.

"What?!" The eclipse has changed.

Tianjun sixth-order late!

When I was in the sea, Duwei was only in the middle of the fifth.

"This, how can it be so fast!"

"We are also surprised, but it should be related to the thirty-six fruit that he got." The ancestor said.

The eclipse of the eclipse is gloomy: "A holy fruit is my refining, and it will take decades. Do you think that the boy can refine the thirty-six holy fruits in a decade?"

Kill him, he does not believe.

Several Jiuyin and his ancestors swear.

To be honest, it is said that Dewey refining 36 of the Holy Fruits in more than a decade, and they do not believe it.

However, they can't find other reasons to explain why Dewey's strength is so fast.

"No matter what reason he is so fast, he will be promoted to the late sixth stage of Tianjun. What you have to do now is to get the boy out as soon as possible!" The eclipse is stunned: "No matter what method you use, you must force him." Come out, be fast!"

"The young patriarchs are relieved. Now we have used all the powers, rummaging through all the gods in the undead world, looking for all the suspicious Tianjun sixth-order late masters, and we have closely monitored all the Pluto organization branches in the undead world, once this kid is now In any of the Pluto divisions, we will find out immediately!"


Ten days later.

Huang Xiaolong appeared on the Jiuyin Mountain Range on the Lei bone tiger.

Ten days ago, he sent Fang Mingyu out of the city that never sleeps, called out the door of Hell, and then sent Fang Mingyu back to the realm of the gods. Before sending Fang Mingyu away, Huang Xiaolong gave the other party a lot of Hongmeng Lingdan, all of which were above grade.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong brought Fang Yu to his own jade and brought him back to the door.

After doing all this, Huang Xiaolong rushed to the Jiuyin Mountains.

Looking at the Jiuyin Mountains in front of him, Huang Xiaolong retracted his thoughts and flew to the center of the Jiuyin Mountains.

The Jiuyin Mountain Range is the headquarters of the Jiuyin Giant Corps. It is extremely large and continuous, crossing the two continents! There are countless mountains and hundreds of thousands of palaces. On some peaks, there are towers.

Among these peaks, in the city, in the palace, there are disciples of Jiuyin giant corpses everywhere, and occasionally some elders and even elders are seen.

A team of disciples flew away to patrol, orderly, and defensive strength.

Moreover, Huang Xiaolong can sense it, whether it is the bottom of the mountain, the city, or the palace, and it is banned everywhere. Under the Jiuyin Mountain Range, there are only tens of thousands of large arrays, each of which has a ruin. the power of.

As an elder of the elders, Huang Xiaolong was an honorable person. He was not questioned along the way. On the road, after some city pools, he stopped and rested. Three days later, Huang Xiaolong came to a mountain with a shape like a giant wolf.

This is the giant wolf peak, and Luo Haoming is the elder of the Jiuyin family, with his own unique peaks and palaces.

Luo Haoming’s cultivation palace is at this giant wolf peak.

The Jiuyin family treasures are heavily banned and defensive. Therefore, it is definitely not strong. He can only wait for the secret law to open the Jiuyin Treasury, and then find a way to go.

Of course, even after entering the Jiuyin Treasures, there is definitely a ban on the stagnation of the nine yin and the sect. As long as he moves the sacred place, he will surely alarm the ancestors of Jiuyin. Therefore, he is the treasure house. After the secret law, you have to wait, waiting for the ancestors of Jiuyin to leave the headquarters.

After all, he is still unable to compete with the ancestors of Jiuyin. (To be continued.)

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