Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1768: you sure?

The entire Tiantai Square suddenly became quiet.

It is hard to hide the sorrow of the evil spirits, and he swallowed his throat and asked Liu Yuan, the ancestor of the evil spirits palace: "Liu Yuan's ancestors, have you seen it?"

This time, the evil spirits did not come, and the evil spirits of the emperor's palace were among the ancestors. This Liu Yuan had the highest strength, but it was a late tenth-level master of the great emperor, and he had received the tenth-order late peak.

Liu Yuan’s face was dignified: “It’s the hand of the monster who looks strange and strange behind Huang Xiaolong. The strength is only under me!” His heart was equally shocked.

"What! Not under you, how is this possible, are you sure?!" The evil **** emperor sealed the words and heard it again, and it was hard to believe.

Liu Yuan, that is the late tenth stage of the Great Emperor, and it is not the late tenth stage of the ordinary Emperor, even with some of the tenth-order late peaks of the Great Emperor.

"Although it is hard to believe, my judgment should not be wrong." Liu Yuan replied affirmatively.

The evil **** emperor sealed the zen face.

Is one not weaker than Liu Yuan’s existence?

"It is no wonder that this Huang Xiaolong dared to be so arrogant and arrogant. Even the emperor's emperor had to step on his feet. The original emperor's palace was a master!" Wang Yongsen's voice was cold: "However, he thought that there was a late tenth-level master of the great emperor. Just dare to compete with heaven?"

The evil spirits emperor's eyes are flashing, and he thinks of more things, such as the morning of the past few days, Hurt, Chen special envoy and others.

The more he wants his face, the more dignified he is.

However, this has further strengthened his determination to kill Huang Xiaolong in his heart, and will enter the secret of the Tiantai. In any case, Huang Xiaolong cannot be allowed to come out!

Like Fengzen, the bright emperor Lan Tailong got a sigh in the heart after receiving the reply from Chen Wenqian, the ancestor of Guangming Emperor.

In this battle of heaven, the Emperor Guangming also did not come. Among the ancestors of the Guangming Emperor Palace, Chen Wenqian was the strongest, and he was comparable to Liu Yuan of the evil **** palace.

The reply of Emperor Guangdi's ancestors Chen Wenqian, like Liu Yuan of the Cthulhu Emperor's Palace, is sure that the four behind Huang Xiaolong is not like the late tenth-level master of the Great Emperor.

"How can there be such a master in the Imperial Palace?" The bright Emperor Lan Tailong was shocked and could not help but say.

Chen Wenqian, the ancestor of Guangming Emperor Palace, shook his head and said that he did not know that he did not speak. His heart was equally puzzled.

"Will it be related to Hongmeng?" Peng Xingfei, the ancestor of Guangming Emperor Palace, suddenly trembled.

"You mean, this monster is sent by Hongmeng to protect Huang Xiaolong?" The bright emperor Lan Tailong was shocked.

Peng Xingfei nodded: "When Huang Xiaolong went to Hongmeng Palace, Hongmeng sent his pro-disciples to meet Huang Xiaolong, and afterwards, Hongmeng Emperor for Huang Xiaolong, the Emperor Wu Tianhe of the Hongmeng Emperor Palace was abolished and then expelled. Emperor Palace!"

The bright emperor Lan Tailong shook his head: "Huang Xiaolong is flying from the lower bound. This is already identifiable. He can't be the illegitimate son of Hongmeng, and the court found that he and Hongmeng had no direct relationship at all. Huang Xiaolong flew up. Over the past few hundred years, Hongmeng Emperor has been retreating in the Hongmeng Palace, and how it may have a direct relationship with Huang Xiaolong."

"The Emperor, do we have to change our previous plans?" Peng Xingfei questioned lately.

"The plan is unchanged!" The bright emperor Lan Tailong's eyes are twinkling and the tone is firm.

According to their previous plans, after waiting in the secret of the rooftop, find Huang Xiaolong, and take down Huang Xiaolong, search for the soul, get its peerless treasure, and then abolish it!

"Yes, Emperor!"

When the parties were suspicious and guessed, Huang Xiaolong looked at the lonely ancestors and the lonely ancestors and other people: "Isn't it still rolling? Before I changed my mind, you are still back."

Lonely and difficult to wait for people to look ugly, but looking at the four behind the Huang Xiaolong, it is still faintly with the lonely palace to leave the small area of ​​the 61st.

Looking at the lonely palace, everyone walked away with their tails, and the disciples of the emperor's palace were cheering.

Huang Xiaolong walked into the small area of ​​No. 61 with the people of the Imperial Palace, and then stood still. When entering the small area of ​​No. 61, Huang Xiaolong headed and looked at the bright Emperor Lan Tailong and the old man of the Guangming Imperial Palace. Zu Chen Wenqian.

Just now, before I was alone, I had a clear eye with the eyes of Guangming Emperor Chen Wenqian, and Huang Xiaolong saw it clearly.

And a few days ago, Bei Xiaomei had already checked out that it was the Guangming Emperor's "instigation" that Yu Shi would drive the emperor's palace out of the house of the 61st, and then let the lonely palace move in.

Behind the scenes is the Emperor's Palace.

At this time, Guangming Emperor Lan Tailong and his ancestor Chen Wenqian also looked over, and several people looked at each other.

Huang Xiaolong sneered a bit.

The bright emperor Lan Tailong and his ancestor Chen Wenqian both frowned.

In the space of the void in the distance, the Marshal of the Heavenly Court looked at the scene of loneliness and was shocked.

"His Royal Highness, do we want people to deal with it?" Marshal Yu Shi came forward and carefully asked the Emperor of Heaven.

Processing, naturally, is to deal with the imperial palace.

The Emperor of Heaven is calm and calm: "No, the game is about to begin."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

"Let's go, let's go out."

Immediately, Emperor Tianzi took the lead out of the void, followed by the handsome, and the mighty.

"His Royal Highness!"

"The Emperor of Heaven is here!"

When Emperor Tianzi’s scene appeared, the strong parties of the various parties violently rioted. Everyone’s eyes were recovered from Huang Xiaolong’s body, and they turned to the Emperor Tianjing and the heavenly masters.

Emperor Tianzi’s emperor slowly came from high altitude, and there was a tendency for the king to come to the world, so that all the powerful people had the impulse to surrender their surrender. It seems that everything in the heavens and the earth is at their feet.

This is the trend of heaven and earth!

In the sense of heaven and earth, from a certain extent, Emperor Tianzi is part of the Tao, representing the meaning of heaven.

Everyone cultivated and experienced numerous scales of thunder, even if Huang Xiaolong broke through the great emperor, he would also encounter chaos and thunder. However, the emperor who is in the heavens and the gods will not see this situation. He will break through the emperor in the future. In the realm, there will be no chaotic thunder.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed.

He asked the four to look at the strength of the emperor.

However, after a while, the four are not like a voice, saying that the real strength of the Emperor of Heaven is not explored.

In this regard, Huang Xiaolong is not unexpected. After all, now, the existence of some of the tenth-order peaks of the great emperor can not detect his true strength.

However, even the two heads and four are not able to explore the true strength of the emperor's view, but also can see the other's unpredictable.

Emperor Tianzi took the sky from the aisle with the heavenly masters. When he was in front of Huang Xiaolong, the emperor's palace, he kept walking and didn't look at Huang Xiaolong. Then he went straight to the high platform set up by Tianting.

"Let the following people give the emperor's palace various powers to qualify for the qualification jade card, ready for the preliminary round." After coming to Gaotai, Emperor Tianzi said to a great marshal.

The Grand Marshal respectfully should, and then pass on.

The battle of heaven, divided into preliminary and rematch, and after the issuance of the identity badge, the heavenly secret will be opened, and all the participating disciples will hold the jade to enter the secret of the platform for the preliminary round. (To be continued.)

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