Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1769: Enter the rooftops

Soon, all the emperor's entrants were issued.

After the arrival of the rooftops, all the family members of the House of the Kings will send people to the registration place to report the identity of their participating disciples.

This jade card is issued in accordance with the quotas reported by the various families of the emperors.

The identity of the disciples of the Imperial Palace was made by Li Shan, and Huang Long and others did not have to report it in person.

Tianting is not worried that these participating disciples do not meet the conditions for entry. Because there is a ban on the secrets of the rooftops, only disciples with a bone age of less than 100,000 and whose strength reaches the kingdom of God can enter.

On the top of the high platform, the emperor of the emperor saw the identity jade card issued, and looked at the time, it was almost the same, and then let the people under his hands open the rooftops.

The Tiantai Center participating area, although full of strong people from various sects of various emperors, but also left a huge open space in the most central area, the open space has a huge city.

The entrance to the rooftops of the rooftops is above the open space.

With dozens of heavenly strongmen hand-picked the law, stimulating the secret law, I saw the thunder and lightning shining over the open space, and the thunder light was intertwined into a strip of thunder snakes, which then evolved into thunder and finally into a dragon.

A strip of Thunder Dragon exudes a devastating pressure at high altitude, and each Thunder Dragon has the power to destroy the high-ranking power of the Great.

The strongmen below are shocked.

After ten minutes of this, finally, these dragons gathered together, and the thunder and light blazed the world, and the whole rooftop was bright.

Under the power of these dragons, life and tears ruined the depths of the void, and a huge door of space appeared in front of everyone.

The door to this space is as high as a thousand feet! And wide, there are hundreds of feet, that is, the 100,000 strong people do not appear crowded at the same time.

Just at the moment when the door of space opened, suddenly, a deep bell like a bell was like a drum, and the sound of thunder and thunder sounded from somewhere on the roof. It sounded like a world of heaven and earth, and every corner of the rooftop was clearly heard. Chu.

This is the thunder drum that started in the preliminary round!

When the thunder drum rang, suddenly, the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of the Heavenly Kingdom flew up, and instantly entered the secret of the rooftop through the door of the space.

With the emperor's view of the emperor →→→→, m.≮.≥ and the entrance of the heavenly emperors, the Hongmeng Imperial Palace, the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce, the Guangming Emperor's Palace, the Cthulhu Emperor's Palace and other top ten imperial palaces and the former Ten Emperor's Palace The disciples of the fascinating ancient family of strength have also flew up, rushing into the secret of the rooftop.

Subsequently, it was the disciple of the former Baidi Palace.

After the former Baidi Palace, it was the former thousand Imperial Palace, followed by 3,000, within 5,000, 10,000, and 10,000.

In accordance with the strength of the various sects of the various imperial palaces, a group of groups, a group of participating disciples constantly rushed into the door of the rooftops.

From a distance, like a group of dense bees, it is orderly and endless.

Huang Long and Peng Yu and other disciples of the Imperial Palace also flew into the door of the rooftops.

Although Fang Wei came, she did not sign up for the competition.

As soon as Huang Long entered the door of the rooftops, he felt that a sturdy absorption force allowed him to involuntarily change with space. This continued for a few minutes. Suddenly, Huang Long’s body was light and the absorption power disappeared. Huang Long fell from a certain height. .

However, in an instant, Huanglong stabilized his figure.

Huanglong looked and saw this below. It is a continuous virgin forest. The mountains are rampant, and the huge peaks one after another are as high as tens of thousands and even 100,000 feet!

From time to time, there are amazing demon and magical lights flashing across these peaks.

This is the secret of the rooftops?

The secret of the Tiantai is similar to the nine-yin space of the Jiuyin Gate opened by the Jiuyin Giant Corps. It is also a Hongmeng space formed by the heavens and the earth.

This Hongmeng space is vast and endless. Even if the Emperor's mid-level powerhouse is flying in it, it is difficult to circumnavigate a year.

However, Huang Long is not eager to leave, but first sinks the knowledge into the identity of the jade card. Each participating jade card has the rules of the preliminary test and a brief introduction to the preliminary situation.

Soon, Huang Long learned about the preliminary test rules and other situations from this identity jade card.

This preliminary round, the time is not long, only one month.

In order to hunt the heavenly demon, the devil, the evil spirits, the iron beast in the secret space of this rooftop to calculate the points.

The first level of the king of the king, count one point, second order, two points, and so on, killing a **** king of the tenth order, very!

The first step of the heavenly kingdom is one percent, two centimeters of the second order, and so on. The tenth order of the heavenly kingdom is one thousand.

In the secret territory of the Tiantai, there are more than a dozen Tianmen, who have just broken through to the great emperor, and the devil and the evil spirits. Anyone who can hunt one can get an amazing 100,000 points!

However, these dozens of great emperors are imprisoned somewhere. Therefore, it is very difficult to find them. After all, the space of this rooftop is so big, to find the demon of more than a dozen great emperors. No matter the needle in the haystack.

The disciples of this competition have a total of more than 400 million people!

There are more than 3,000 people in Tianjunjing alone!

As for the high king of the gods, there are more, there are more than ten thousand people!

After the preliminary round, only one million people can enter the semi-finals.

Huang Long's brow wrinkles, there are more than 3,000 people in Tianjunjing! This is really beyond his expectation. Originally, his master Zhao Lei also estimated that the number of participants in Tianjunjing was about 200. This number is quite different from his master Zhao Lei’s estimate.

That is to say, the first step of Tianjun may not be able to enter the top one.

However, among the identity jade cards, only the number of Tianjun strong people is simply mentioned, but there is no mention of Tianjun middle and Tianjun high order.

Huang Long took the identity jade card into his arms and took a sigh of relief. He looked at the virgin forest below, and then the soul began to unfold. Under the cover of his soul, all the heavenly demon, the demon, the evil spirit, the iron beast They are clearly printed in the mind of Huanglong.

Now, he is about to start enjoying the rich hunting feast!

Although it is only a preliminary game, Huang Long does not mind showing some strength.

The shape of Huanglong flashed, locking in the high-order Tianjun, the middle-level demon, the demon and the evil spirits in the billion miles.

Due to the comparison rules and conditions of the Huanglong spirit, the procrastination rules and circumstances, so delayed some time, when Huanglong left, other disciples have already hunted the demon, the devil and the evil spirits, the iron beast.

One after another genius disciple jumped to the leaderboard.

At this time, a huge jade mirror was suspended in the sky above the rooftop.

On the top of the jade mirror, the light circulates, and the ranking list appears. The number one is the emperor's view of the emperor. The emperor's view of the emperor does not bear the hope of everyone. Although it is less than ten minutes, the score has reached an astonishing four thousand six. percentage!

Four thousand six hundred percent!

Scared the hearts of the strong and powerful people.

The second place of the evil **** emperor sealed the Zen, only two thousand one hundred percent! It is more than double the difference between the emperor and the emperor.

(In recent days, I have had a lot of troubles, and I have no feelings. My father-in-law’s mother’s family is going to be demolition and construction by the government. The original estimate is at least 8.1 square meters. The price given by the government has only been more than 1,900 and one level! Now God sees finally knows why so many people would rather be buried alive and refuse to move!) (To be continued.)

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