Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1777: so what?

Seeing Peng Xiao's name swaying in the wind and rain, and wanting to disperse at any time, everyone in the Imperial Palace of Good Fortune couldn't help feeling tight.

Because this means that Peng Xiao has encountered great danger, and it is in danger of life and death!

If Peng Xiao's name really disappears, then? !

Thinking of this result, Zhao Lei, Fang Xuanxuan, Li Shan, Jin Mei, Blood Knife and others were all anxious.

"What to do? What to do?!" Fang Xuanxuan was anxious.

Zhao Lei said, "We can't get in at all. We can only hope that Huang Xiaolong will find Peng Xiao sooner!"

"Xiaolong, you must find Peng Xiao quickly." Fang Xuanxuan prayed anxiously in her heart.

At this moment, in the Tiantai Secret Realm, Peng Xiao’s arms are full of blood, and a huge fist print is printed on his chest. Around the fist print, layers of bright energy are glowing. This bright energy, however, carries a corrosive force, constantly eroding Her internal organs and godhead.

Around her, three disciples of the Emperor Guangming and two disciples of the Hongmeng Emperor were besieging her.

The three disciples of the Emperor Guangming and the two disciples of the Emperor Hongmeng were all in the early and mid-stage of Tianjun, and one of the disciples of the Emperor of Guangming was the late stage of Tianjun!

Peng Xiaoqiang supported his body and slowly backed away, behind which was the Wanzhang Cliff.

"You five teamed up to besiege a woman of mine. I didn't expect even the disciples of Hongmeng Imperial Palace to be so mean!" Peng Xiao stared at the five coldly.

Zuo Ran, the disciple of the Guangming Imperial Palace in the late stage of the Heavenly Monarch, sneered: "Kill you, and you can get one million lower-grade Chaos Spirit Stones as a reward from the Heretic God Imperial Palace. , Only winners and losers."

Another disciple of the Emperor Guangming Palace laughed and said: "Peng Xiao, I heard that you are the Purple Phoenix Divine Body, and your Yuan Yin is a great tonic. Well, if you want to survive, you will serve us comfortably. We I'll spare your life, how about?"

"Bah!" Peng Xiao took a sip, and said coldly: "You dream, even if I die, I won't let you touch my finger, but don't be proud of you, you will go to the Cthulhu Emperor's Palace to receive a reward. Xiaolong must know that even if I die, Xiaolong will avenge me."

Huang Xiaolong!

The five faces changed.

If they say that they don't care about Huang Xiaolong, it is false.

Now, even the emperor Emperor Jing is pressed by Huang Xiaolong, one can imagine the horror of Huang Xiaolong.

Peng Xiao then sneered at the two Hongmeng Imperial Palace disciples: "I heard that when Xiaolong went to Hongmeng Imperial Palace, it was the dragon that your Hongmeng Great Emperor asked your Hongmeng Emperor to welcome. If you kill me, you have considered the consequences!"

Panic and horror flashed in the eyes of the two Hongmeng imperial palace disciples.

Even though they didn't show up back then, they also knew that their Supreme Elder Wu Tianhe had offended Huang Xiaolong, and was finally ordered to abolish the cultivation base and expelled from the Hongmeng Palace!

At this time, Zuo Ran, a disciple of the Emperor Guangming Palace in the late stage of Jun's first order, sneered at Peng Xiao and said: "Peng Xiao, don't play tricks here. Heaven has already found out that Huang Xiaolong and Emperor Hongmeng cannot be directly related. The Great Emperor Hongmeng asked Emperor Hongmeng to greet Huang Xiaolong, only because Huang Xiaolong was the supreme king, he gave Huang Xiaolong a chance to meet him and meet Huang Xiaolong."

Speaking of this, Zuo Ran said to the two Hongmeng imperial palace disciples: "Brother Chen Ming, Brother Zhao Xiaodan, don't listen to this woman talking nonsense, and even if we really kill this Peng Xiao, the five of us will not say anything. , Who would know? If the two brothers are scrupulous, the three of us will help you receive the reward when we collect the reward from the Cthulhu Emperor's Palace. We don’t need you to come forward. Huang Xiaolong will not know that this matter is related to you."

The eyes of the two disciples of Hongmeng Imperial Palace flickered, and finally nodded.

Seeing this, Zuo Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Peng Xiao was only the peak of the late tenth stage of the **** king, his combat power was extremely strong, and the five of them could work together with ten percent certainty to completely suppress it.

The five kept approaching Peng Xiao.

Peng Xiao retreated step by step and had already retreated to the edge of the cliff.

The five sneered.

"Peng Xiao, unless you choose to explode, otherwise, I advise you to accept the reality obediently. In fact, it is a matter of course and righteousness. When you have served us comfortably, you are equally comfortable. This is a great thing for everyone. Let's just say, even if we kill you, we will receive a reward afterwards, even if Huang Xiaolong knows, he dare not do anything to us." A disciple of Guangming Palace laughed.

"My master is the ancestor of Chen Wenqian of the Emperor Guangming Palace, Huang Xiaolong dare to touch my hair?"

"I don't think he has that guts!"

Several people laughed.

"Is there that guts? You will know soon." At this moment, suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

The five were shocked and suddenly turned.

"Huang Xiaolong!"

The five and Peng Xiao almost spoke in unison.

Peng Xiao was overjoyed and looked at Huang Xiaolong who appeared in disbelief. How could this happen? She never thought that Huang Xiaolong could find her.

"Xiaolong, you are real, really you?!" Peng Xiao's beautiful eyes were red.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and smiled: "Am I still a fake?"

Upon hearing this, Peng Xiao smiled and the flowers were brilliant.

In fact, when he entered the rooftop secret, he gave Peng Xiao an amulet. This amulet was given to him by his master, the King of Hongmeng. There are two. As long as Peng Xiao encounters danger and touches the power of the amulet, then he has another one. Huang Xiaolong of the amulet can sense Peng Xiao's position.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the five Zuo Ran in the Emperor Guangming Palace.

Suddenly, Zuo Ran jumped up and suddenly grabbed Peng Xiao.

Seeing that the other party was still thinking about capturing Peng Xiao and threatening him at this time, Huang Xiaolong's eyes flashed with killing intent, and his figure shook, and he stood in front of Peng Xiao. Huang Xiaolong raised his fist and slammed it over.


I saw Zuo Ran, a disciple of the Emperor Guangming Palace, spit out **** blood, screamed, and his whole body continued to violently crack apart.

The pungent smell of blood and the viscera all over the floor made the legs of the other four people shake.

"Huang Xiaolong, my master is Chen Wenqian, the ancestor of the Emperor Guangming." The former disciple of the Emperor Guangming who said Huang Xiaolong did not dare to touch his hair suppressed his fear and said: "You."

However, before he finished speaking, Huang Xiaolong slapped it down with a palm, just like patted a fly, and then patted the disciple of the Emperor Guangming Palace into a human-shaped meatloaf, embedded into the ground.

The remaining three people were scared to death.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the remaining three indifferently: "Don't say I don't give you a chance, each of you can say something, if your reasons can move me, I can let you go."

Chen Ming, a disciple of the Hongmeng Imperial Palace, had hopes in his heart: "Huang Xiaolong, I am a disciple of the Hongmeng Imperial Palace."

Huang Xiaolong stretched out his hand and flew it out instantly, turning into a rain of blood in mid-air.

"Disciples of the Hongmeng Imperial Palace, so what?" (To be continued.) 8

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