Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1778: Did my disciple kill you?

The blood rain sprayed from high altitude and stained the other two people. [<

The remaining two looked at the whole body of the blood, screamed, and could no longer suppress the fear in their hearts and fled.

Looking at the two people who fled in a panic, Huang Xiaolong waved, and the two were directly swept into the distant mountains, the mountain collapsed, and the bodies of the two were directly inundated.

Huang Xiaolong turned to Peng Yudao: "Let's go, I will heal you first."

Peng Yuqiao nodded, full of tenderness.

Just standing behind Huang Xiaolong, watching Huang Xiaolong's tiger back, she has never settled in her heart.

Huang Xiaolong disappeared in the same place with Peng Yu.

Just when Huang Xiaolong left, outside the Tiantai Square, Chen Wenqian, the ancestor of Guangming Emperor Palace, was as gloomy as water, just now, his pro-disciple disciple Lu Xiu dissipated from the list!


He has three pro-disciples, and Lu Xiu is not his best talented disciple, but he is the one he loves the most.

Moreover, he is now dissipating with his pro-disciple disciple Lu Xiu, and there are two other disciples of the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

Every Tianjunjing disciple is the key object of cultivation for the Guangming Emperor's Palace. It costs a lot of talents and efforts.

"Check, be sure to let people find out who it is, who it is!" Chen Wenqian said almost to the mouth of the law enforcement hall of the Guangming Emperor Palace.

Now, only seven days have passed in the preliminary round. In less than eight days, thirty-four disciples have been degraded before and after the Guangming Emperor Palace! And this is on the list, not outside the list.

There are thirty-four disciples on this list, and eight of them are in the heavens!

Chen Wenqian was convulsed.

This is absolutely impossible in the battle of the previous heavens.

In the past, there were very few disciples of the heavenly kingdom, and even if there were, there were only one or two.

But now only eight days have passed since the last seven days! If this is the case, will the disciples of the Ming Dynasty’s Tianjunjing not all die? !

who is it? who is it! Absolutely someone is killing their disciples in the Palace of Light!

Chen Wenqian’s eyes are full of coldness and look at the direction of the emperor’s palace Zhao Lei and Li Shan. The gods dare to kill their disciples of the Emperor’s Palace, dare to do the right thing with their bright emperor’s palace, and have the strength to kill Sun Fei. Waiting for someone, only Huang Xiaolong!

"Yellow Xiaolong, you dog, mother-in-law!" Chen Wenqian secretly whispered.

Regardless of the outcome of this battle in heaven, he will not let Huang Xiaolong leave alive!

At this time, Huang Xiaolong and Peng Yu came to a small cave.

Take out a big Vatican Lidan, Huang Xiaolong let Peng Yu swallow it, and then run the light of the supreme power, palms against the back of Peng Yu, help Peng Yu refine the medicine of the drug.

After a while, Peng Yu’s pale face gradually became rosy.

However, at the same time, Peng Yuqiong had a nasty nose and a little turbid breathing.

"Peng Yu, how?" Huang Xiaolong retracted his palm, and now Peng Yu breathed differently, could not help but ask.

Peng Yu looked at Huang Xiaolong and looked pretty. He was shy and shook his head. His voice was low like a mosquito: "I am fine, much better."

Just now she was breathing differently because Huang Xiaolong was holding the palm of her back. The palm of Huang Xiaolong was very thick, very warm, and very hot!

It’s a little uncomfortable for her to feel a little uncomfortable.

Huang Xiaolong heard the words, but he was relieved and smiled: "That's good."

As for Peng Yu, he did not think about it.

Peng Yan stood up, slowed down the heartbeat, and looked at Huang Xiaolong softly: "I have nothing to do, go to the game."

Huang Xiaolong glanced, and then understood that Peng Yu was worried that she would drag her down with her rankings. After all, if she took Peng Yu’s words, it would affect the hunting and killing of the demon.

"Stupid girl." After trying to understand, Huang Xiaolong laughed.

Unexpectedly, Peng Yi listened, but it was a white Huang Xiaolong glance, that look, the style of the wind, see Huang Xiaolong bosom heartbeat.

"You are stupid."

Huang Xiaolong was speechless and smiled. "Good, I am stupid, I am stupid."

Peng Yu looked at Huang Xiaolong's stupid, "snap" smile, a thousand charming.

Looking at the charming and charming Peng Yu, Huang Xiaolong was a bit sad.

Usually, Peng Yu and Li Wei are as cold and proud. Huang Xiaolong rarely sees her so charming and charming, and this smile is like a warm spring breeze, like a flower bloom.

"The nerd." Peng Yu saw Huang Xiaolong looked at himself with some sadness, and his face was red, and suddenly he came over and touched the left face of Huang Xiaolong with the delicate mouth, and then separated.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are a glimpse.

Peng Yan's face is even more ripe as an apple.

"Peng Yu." Huang Xiaolong was dumb.

"Yeah." The voice of the Iraqis is as small as a mosquito.

"Or, let's come again?"


Time flies very quickly, and the blink of an eye has passed twenty-nine days.

This is the last day of the preliminary round.

The participating disciples seemed to have done their best in the front and were exhausted on the last day, so the points growth slowed down.

Ranked first, still Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong's score reached an astonishing 3,434,460!

This number is enough to scare many people.

The second-ranked emperor of the emperor is only 2,526,300.

The difference is more than eight million!

The third-ranked evil god, the emperor, only has more than 12 million, and the fourth bright emperor, Lan Tailong, is more than 11 million.

As for the fifth, the true **** Zonglong is really less, even 10 million, there are only more than nine million.

In the eyes of everyone in the Tiantai Square, the preliminary round was finally over, and one after another of the participating disciples was transmitted out of the rooftop.

Huang Xiaolong and Peng Yu and the disciples of the Imperial Palace were sent out.

Looking at the more than 400 disciples who were only sent out in the end, Huang Xiaolong’s face was sinking and the disciples of the emperor’s palace, which had not been sent out, could be imagined.

Under the reward of the evil spirits palace, almost other emperor disciples have made the disciples of the emperor palace a prey.

At this moment, suddenly, the bright Emperor Lan Tailong, who was sent out, came to Huang Xiaolong with Chen Mingqian, the ancestor of Guangming Emperor.

Then, the evil spirits of the Emperor and the ancestors of the evil spirits Liu Yuan and others also came over.

After the Guangming Emperor's Palace, it was the Lonely Emperor's Palace, the Jiulong Imperial Palace, the Qianxu Emperor's Palace, and the Feihua Emperor's Palace.

For a time, the Imperial Palace was surrounded by the Emperor's Palace.

Huang Xiaolong looked indifferently at the Guangming Emperor Palace and the evil spirits palace.

The first thing to open is Chen Wenqian, the ancestor of Guangming Emperor Palace. Chen Wenqian looked at Huang Xiaolong coldly: "Yellow! Did my disciple kill you?!" (To be continued.) 8

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