Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1782: Still not squatting

Beside the dragon's scorpion, in addition to the heavenly people, there is also the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Heaven.

With the arrival of Long Yao, a Tianwei is rolling.

"See you!"

"See you!"

Heavenly Soldiers will worship a place, dark, and glittering.

In addition to the great powers of the great emperor, everyone in the Tiantai Square is not squatting down, and even the strongest of the great emperor is also half-waist.

"Hmm?!" Suddenly, the eyes of Emperor Tianjing looked at the direction of the Imperial Palace. I saw that Huang Xiaolong and the two heads behind him were still standing there, so conspicuous.

The princes and the powerful people who followed the dragon's side also found Huang Xiaolong.


"Your Majesty will come and see that His Majesty is not going to swear and not be rude!"

The dragons around the heavens and the strong people can not help but drink.

Huang Xiaolong is not a strong man of the great emperor. According to reason, he has to kneel down, but Huang Xiaolong has not only squatted, but he has not even a half-bow ceremony.

This is in their view, this is the contempt for them, the contempt for the heavens!

This is a death sin!

According to the rules of heaven, when you are!

"Don't leave it! Please slay your sin!" A Grand Marshal of the Heavenly Man suddenly slammed into the void of Huang Xiaolong, and he wanted to hold Huang Xiaolong on the ground.

The Grand Marshal of Heaven is the left-handed right arm of Emperor Tianjun, called Yan Tianchen, who is a tenth-order late strongman of the Great Emperor.

Under this palm, it is like a thousand chaotic giant mountains rushing to Huang Xiaolong.

If it is an ordinary Tianjun disciple, the strength of this one-tenth of a million is enough to crush it.

Even Zhao Lei, who stood next to Huang Xiaolong, had a feeling of falling down in the sky. The two men changed their faces. The two did not expect that Huang Xiaolong would not be polite in the case of the Emperor.

In the distance, Han Qing, no one, Chen Jianwei and others are happy.

Seeing that the thousands of chaotic giant mountains like the palm prints will have to crush Huang Xiaolong into a powder, at this time, Huang Xiaolong is not like a shot.

The four are not like the backhand, but the palm of the hand is printed.

It’s a loud bang.

Everyone only feels like a cicada, and if the day is blasting, it’s not awkward.

The horrible storm sweeps the Quartet.

The Tiantian Grand Marshal Yan Tianchen was shocked and retreated backwards. On the contrary, Huang Xiaolong’s four statues were not standing still.

The people in the heavenly courts were shocked.

Even the Dragon Emperor, Emperor Tiandi, is also a flash of eye.

Another great emperor Xiao Yi's late Grand Marshal Xiao Yi's hands stunned Yan Tianchen's body shape. Then, the two men communicated with each other and flew up. They suddenly rushed to the back of Huang Xiaolong.

The four are not like the sky.


The world is blowing again.

The entire rooftop is a vibration.

Xiao Yi and Yan Tianchen were both shaken back at the same time, and the four did not seem to have retreated a few steps, thus stabilizing their figure.

Everyone saw this scene and was scared to stay.

"What?!" The heavenly crowds are even more shocked. Xiao Yi and Yan Tianchen are one of the top ten masters of the heavens. Now the two join hands and they are still defeated by the monsters of Huang Xiaolong!


Xiao Yi and Yan Tianchen were also shocked. They had heard that the two monsters behind Huang Xiaolong were very strong. They did not believe it, but now they believe it.

The blow just now, the two only felt the blood in the body rushing, and the throat had a sweet feeling.

Just when the two men wanted to shoot again, suddenly the Emperor Tianjun’s unquestionable voice sounded: “Okay!”


The two of them sighed in a heart, respectfully said: "Yes, kneel!" and then back.

Emperor Tianjun stared at Huang Xiaolong and said: "Huang Xiaolong is the first in the preliminary round. After seeing the Emperor, he does not have to bow down."

"Follow the law!"

The heavenly people will be respectful.

Huang Xiaolong clenched his fist to the Emperor Tiandi, but he did not call it his majesty. Huang Xiaolong did not bow to him. He did not call his majesty. Naturally, it was not because of arrogance. He was the underworld of Hell, and he was the Lord of the Three Realms of Hell. Emperor Jun is on the same level, what do you have to kneel down and salute?

However, such a move by Huang Xiaolong fell in Han Qing, and there was no one, Chen Jianwei and others, but it was arrogant.

Han Qing secretly sneered and hijacked, Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong, you are so arrogant, even the Emperor Tianjun dare to ignore, this is a dead end! Looking for a dead end!

"Everyone is flat." At this time, the Emperor of Heaven was light and the sound of the majesty sounded through the sky.

"Thank you!"

Everyone got up.

Zhao Lei is an anxious face, with a "reproach" tone to Huang Xiaolong said: "Boy, you, really! I don't know how to measure! I said what you are good! You really got the first rematch, The Emperor wants to kill you, and only needs one reason."

Huang Xiaolong smiled at Zhao Lei: "Do not worry, Master, nothing."

Is this all right?

Zhao Lei turned over his eyelids and was too lazy to squirt again.

This disciple, hey!

Emperor Tiandi of the Heavenly Emperor quickly came to the high platform in the center of the square.

After a while, a Grand Marshal of Tianting began to read some rules and rewards of the rematch after obeying the decree of Emperor Jun.

The rules of the heavenly rematch, the rules are slightly different, but the change is not big.

As for the rewards, in addition to keeping the rewards for the trip, there are some additional rewards.

After the rules and rewards were read out, the Grand Marshal was nodded by the Emperor of Heaven, and he shouted: "Now the rematch, start!"

Suddenly, the reunion disciples have stepped forward to extract the entry number.

According to the regulations, the disciples of the top ten in the preliminary round automatically entered the top 100 in the rematch. Therefore, in the previous test, Huang Xiaolong did not need to participate in the competition until the other participating disciples eliminated through the layers until the last one.

With the end of the numbering of the disciples, the hundreds of thousands of platforms in the most central area of ​​the participating area are raised, each with a square of 100 meters.

Peng Yu extracted thirty-six, the opponent is a disciple called the Golden Emperor Palace, the Golden Emperor Palace ranked forty-two, but the disciples are not strong, only the king of the nine-order high-order.

Soon, Peng Yu won the first game of the rematch.

Thousands of disciples from the Imperial Palace participated in the rematch, plus Huang Xiaolong and Peng Yucai were thirteen. However, after the first game of the rematch, they were eliminated.

More than one round after another, one after another is proceeding in an orderly manner.

After the first round of the semi-finals, the remaining 500,000, the second round, the 250,000, the third round, the fourth round, the fifth round, and finally, only 10,000.

When there were 10,000 people left, Peng Yu once again stepped forward, and the number and opponents were quickly confirmed. The opponent was a disciple named Wu Yanxi on the 12th Hongtai Emperor Palace. This Wu Yanxi was the late peak of Tianjun.

Han Qing saw it, and his eyebrows were bent. (To be continued.)

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