Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1783: Killed Peng Peng

Han Qing called the disciple of Wu Yanxi, the emperor's palace, and Yan Yue said: "When you are in the ring, you have to shoot all your strength, and you don't give the opportunity to Peng Pei. If you go on stage, you will kill the killer and hit it. You must kill! You have a peak in the late stage of a heavenly king. If you can't even kill a peak of the late tenth king, you know the consequences!"

That Wu Yanxi looked at Han Qing, who was in the color of Yue Yue, but it was a tight heart, respectfully said: "Yes, please Han Qing's ancestors rest assured."

"Go, kill the Peng Peng, I will reward!" Han Qing nodded happily.

"Yes, Xie Hanqing's ancestors." Wu Yanxi respectfully should be, and then came to the 12th ring.

In the distance, in the 61st area, Fang Yi looked worriedly at Peng Yudao: "Hey, wait for the downfall, you must be careful, I am afraid that Wu Yanxi will be the killer of you."

Li Shan is also worried: "Yes, my son, if you are not good, you will be defeated, you are the supreme genius, you will be able to achieve the great emperor in the future, it is not important to win or lose."

Although he had previously agreed with Peng Yu and Sun Shihai, Peng Yu was his disciple after all. Li Shan’s concern for Peng Yu was sincere.

Zhao Lei is also worried that Peng Yu should be careful. Only Huang Xiaolong is a calm look.

Peng Yu gave Fang Hao and others a reassuring look, and then embarked on the 12th.

Looking at Wu Yanxi, who stood at the opposite end of Tianjun's first stage, Peng Yu not only did not retreat, but was full of arrogance.

Under the stage, Han Qing sees, sneer, Peng Yu is the supreme genius is right, is the purple phoenix body is correct, but Wu Yanxi will be simple?

Wu Yanxi also has a special **** body, and is much stronger than the purple phoenix body. Although Wu Yanxi is not a supreme genius, it is also a top-level godhead of the emperor level, and it is an emperor-level top-level variation godhead that is extremely close to the supreme godhead!

In addition, Wu Yanxi also got a great adventure, and cultivated the ancient secrets of the ancients, even if it is to kill the ordinary Tianjun second-order early strong, there is no problem, let alone a tenth-order peak of the gods.

Although the peak of the tenth-order late stage of the gods is only a line difference with the first stage of Tianjun, the strength is different from the difference. If the ordinary **** is the tenth-order peak of the late stage, it is not the first time that the ten people join hands.

She was also worried that Peng Yi would open her mouth when she came to power. Now that she sees Peng Yu’s arrogant look, she is relieved.

I thought that Peng Yu would be killed in the ring, and Huang Xiaolong’s grief-stricken picture, Han Qing revealed a cruel smile.

Wu Yanxi saw Peng Yu’s arrogant look, and it was an accident. Then his eyes were cold and his whole body was golden and shining. His body seemed to be coated with a layer of golden Buddha light.

"This is the golden Buddha?!"

The four strong people saw it and was shocked.

The Buddha is golden, this is the tenth body of the special god! Although it is only the tenth, all the gods that can rank in the top ten are extremely powerful.

And the more the front of the body with the improvement of its strength, the greater its power.

Huang Xiaolong also had some accidents.

This Buddha's golden body is generally only possible with some enchanting geniuses in the Buddha world. I did not expect this Wu Yanxi to have it.

When Peng Yu saw it, he did not dare to care about it. He urged the purple phoenix body to push the limit. I saw a purple flame coming out of his body. A faint purple phoenix surrounds his body.

This purple phoenix is ​​formed by a purple flame, which can be used to burn the sea.


The referee who presided over the 12th ring suddenly shouted.

When the referee's voice fell, suddenly, Wu Yanxi's body shape disappeared instantly, disappeared from the original place. When it appeared again, it had already come to Peng Yu. The speed was so great that many of the second-order powerhouses in Taichung were difficult to react.

"This seems to be the reincarnation of the ancient Buddha's Gate?"

A martial arts palace ancestor was surprised.

Tiangu Bumen is a very famous hidden ancestral gate in the ancient world. Its strength is not weaker than the current top ten imperial palace. However, this ancient Buddhist temple has not appeared for many hundred million years.

It has also been said that this day, the ancient Buddha Gate has provoked a peerless powerhouse, who has been slaughtered by the peerless powerhouse. Some people say that this day the ancient Buddha doorkeeper closed his life and died, and he wanted to attack beyond the great emperor.

On the stage, Peng Yu was also shocked.

In the secret of the rooftop, he encountered the besieged by the Guangming Emperor's Palace, and the left is the late stage of Tianjun. However, it is the left-handed team of five people, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of Wu Yanxi.

Wu Yanxi suddenly slammed his palm straight, and instantly broke the purple phoenix flame around Peng Yu's body, and then inserted it into Peng Yu's heart, even intending to strike the first to destroy Peng Yu's heart.

The king of the king of the gods, although the **** is very strong, has the theory of immortality, but it is also relatively speaking, and the heart is the most vulnerable and most important part of the body. As long as the heart is destroyed, it can be said that the body will be destroyed by half. .

"Hey, be careful!" Fang Huan was disappointed and shouted.

Just when everyone thought that Wu Yanxi had crushed the heart of Peng Yu, suddenly, Peng Yu’s body was shaking.

Everyone can't help.

Is Peng Yu not a purple phoenix? How can there be the sound of the ancient dragon?

Then, everyone saw Peng Yu’s body flying nine black dragons, Kowloon roaring, resounding through the heavens and the earth, and the vast dragons and kings came to the world, and the whole rooftop was shocked.

A black **** appeared on the body of Peng.

Wu Yanxi slammed into the gods, only to feel the palm of his hand, as if he had photographed the chaotic giant wall, and an anti-seismic force made him retreat.

Everyone was shocked.

Even Tiandi Emperor Jun, who was sitting on the high platform dragon chair, suddenly looked at the black **** on the 12th Pengtai.

"What kind of **** is this?! Actually, the power is so terrible!" An ancestors of the Guangming Emperor Palace took a breath of air.

The peak of a tenth-order late king of a **** is actually relying on a **** to shake back a peak of the late stage of Tianjun, which is so powerful that it can only be described as horror.

"This, this is the black dragon **** of the ancient black dragon family! The **** of the highest level of the spirit of the Mongolian spirit!" A ancestors of the Hongmeng Palace suddenly screamed, his eyes rounded.

"What?! The black dragon **** of the ancient black dragon family!"

Suddenly, the entire rooftop square shook.

Everyone is boiling.

The best **** of the spirit level! This is not even the treasures of many great emperors in the late tenth-order peaks. No, even some supreme masters who transcend the great emperor are not necessarily there!

Zhao Lei, Fang Wei, Li Shan and others were also taken aback, but immediately relieved, others did not know, but they knew that this black dragon **** is Huang Xiaolong, it seems that Huang Xiaolong wore Peng Yu.

"No wonder you are not worried about this without conscience." Fang looked at Huang Xiaolong with enthusiasm.

Huang Xiaolong is sweating, how can this be related to no conscience.


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