Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1785: The true strength of Lan Tailong

Guangming emperor Lan Tailong saw that he and Huang Xiaolong both got the number six, he was startled, and then suddenly looked at Huang Xiaolong, his eyes burning.

He has been waiting for this battle for a long time!

Soon, everyone had drawn numbers. The opponent of Emperor Emperor Jing was a disciple of the Cthulhu Emperor Palace, and the opponent of Emperor Fengchan of the Cthulhu Emperor was a disciple of the Purple Flame Sword Sect.

Therefore, there is no suspense in the first round of the contest between Emperor Emperor Jing and Evil God Emperor Feng Chan.

Almost everyone looked at the sixth ring.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong and Emperor Guangming Lan Tailong were already standing in the ring.

Since the competition hadn't really started, the two faced each other.

"The emperor will win!"

"The emperor defeated Huang Xiaolong! Killed Huang Xiaolong!"

In the distance, the disciples of the Guangming Imperial Palace shouted.

Lan Tailong looked at Huang Xiaolong coldly, and said: "Huang Xiaolong, you killed my 245 disciples of the Guangming Imperial Palace in the preliminary match. These days, I always think about cutting you and cutting your flesh. Cut it piece by piece, and sacrifice to the 245 disciples of my Guangming Imperial Palace!"

"I was still worried that you would die in the hands of Emperor Dijing in the ring. Now, I am not worried anymore!"

"I met you in the first round of the First Hundred Battle. I was lucky."

Lan Tailong sneered: "Also, I hope you don't have the idea of ​​surrendering, because I will not give you the opportunity to admit defeat in a while!"

Lan Tailong made no secret of the killing intent in his heart, and his killing intent rose up all over his body.

Although Huang Xiaolong was the first in the preliminary round, he was extremely confident in his own strength and he didn't think Huang Xiaolong could win him.

He has worked hard for tens of thousands of years and has had countless adventures, and he has had several great adventures. His talent is the strongest among the emperors of the Emperor Guangming, even his father and the ancestors of the Emperor Guangming I don't know his true strength.

Even facing Emperor Emperor Jing, he also had the confidence to fight.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Lan Tailong's confident and fighting spirit, and smiled: "It's just right. I think so too. I won't give you a chance to admit defeat. I will kill you later, plus the previous Emperor Guangming. Palace disciples, there are two hundred forty-six."

Lan Tailong's eyes flashed with cold light: "Yellow nonsense, now, I will show you my true strength!" At this point, the whole body's momentum has skyrocketed, and the aura is no longer restrained.

A series of light beams rose from Lan Tailong to form a beam of light.

These beams of light stirred for nine days, and above the sky, a terrifying air vortex was formed. Around the air vortex, the light continued to spread, like a huge wave, spreading to the four sides of the sky and the earth with astonishing degrees.

"Tianjun's seventh-stage late peak!"

Everyone couldn't help being taken aback, and there was a strong uproar.

Even the ancestors of Hongmeng Palace and Cthulhu Palace were surprised.

There are rumors that Lan Tailong is the early stage of Tianjun's seventh stage, but he did not expect that Lan Tailong is the peak of the late stage of Tianjun's seventh stage! Although it is also the seventh-order Tianjun, there is a big difference between the peak of the early seventh-order and the late seventh-order.

Then, behind Lan Tailong, ten wings appeared.

Ten bright and supreme divine power wings.

"Light and sacred**!"

"Sure enough, Lan Tailong has cultivated Guangming Sacred** to the realm of great achievement!"

But afterwards, everyone saw that a tall phantom began to condense on the void behind Lan Tailong. The whole body of this phantom reflected a dazzling white light, and a faint imperial might enveloped the world.

"This is the will of the Great Emperor's Soul?!"

"It has long been heard that Lan Tailong has received no inheritance from the ancestor of the Emperor Guangming Palace in the forbidden area of ​​the Emperor Guangming. It seems to be true. This great emperor’s will of the soul, I am afraid that it was the will of the ancestor of the Emperor Guangming. It is impossible for an ordinary great emperor to have such a strong emperor!"

Before everyone was shocked, now everyone is full of shock.

Generally, there are very few cases that can be inherited by the ancestor, and can successfully bear the will of the ancestor's soul, it can be said that it is almost impossible to see it for tens of billions of years.

This is the divine will of the great emperor. Although this divine will is not the real will of a great emperor, its power is equally astonishing. Imagine that under the emperor's prestige, the opponent can't even think of resistance. Only kneel down there obediently let him kill.

This is exactly one of Lan Tailong's real battles.

It was also precisely because of the spirit and will of the ancestor of the Emperor Guangming Palace, that he had the same confidence in the battle against the Emperor of Heaven.

After summoning the spirit and will of the ancestor of the Emperor Guangming Palace, feeling the shocking eyes of everyone around him, Lan Tailong stood with his hands and looked at Huang Xiaolong condescendingly: "Huang Xiaolong, are you surprised? In fact, in the preliminary round, I did not Summon the spirit and will of the Patriarch, otherwise, in the first round of the preliminary round, I will tell you the truth, this is not my true strength."

When everyone heard it, there was another shock.

This is not the true strength of the bright emperor Lan Tailong? !

While shocked, some people couldn't help but look surprised. Couldn't Lan Tailong deliberately sensationalize?

When everyone doubted, suddenly, Lan Tailong's body, dark rays of light continued to gush out.

"Dark Supreme Divine Power?!"

Everyone was shocked, even the ancestors of the Emperor Guangming Chen Wenqian and others were shocked. At this time, the dark supreme divine power gushing out of Lan Tailong's body, indicating that Lan Tailong not only has the light supreme godhead but also the dark supreme godhead!

Lan Tailong has two supreme gods!

They never even knew.

Even the powerhouses on the high platform were in an uproar.

"Unexpectedly, this Lan Tailong turned out to be two supreme gods, and it is one bright and one black." The Emperor Dijun sitting on the throne of Kowloon also exclaimed with a look of praise: "This Lan Tailong is really even me. accident."

General Marshal Yan Tianchen on the side said: "Now, Lan Tailong's aura has completely surpassed the peak of the late stage of Tianjun's eighth stage, not weaker than many Tianjun's ninth-order powerhouses, plus he has the spirit will of the ancestor of the Guangming Emperor. , It is not impossible for him to behead some of the tenth-tier early powers of Tianjun."

"Huang Xiaolong will definitely lose!" Xiao Yi on the other side also nodded in agreement.

Tiandi Dijun shook his head and smiled: "Not necessarily."

Yan Tianchen couldn't help being startled.

"This Huang Xiaolong can be the first in the preliminary round, and even Jinger was forced to retreat to second place. There must be something amazing." Tiandi Dijun said in deep thought: "Perhaps, he will fight Lan Tailong and lose both, and he may be able to defeat Lan. Tyrone."

"Beat both? Or defeat Lan Tailong?" Yan Tianchen stunned: "This is impossible."

In the audience, Rao Lei, Fang Xuanxuan, Peng Xiao, Bei Xiaomei and others are full of confidence in Huang Xiaolong, but now seeing the two supreme gods of Lan Tailong, and possessing the will of the ancestor of the Emperor Guangming, they are all worried.

"Fu Lao, you said, uncle he should be able to stand it?" Bei Xiaomei asked Fu Lao.

Fu Lao smiled bitterly.

This is really hard to answer.

But in his heart, he was not optimistic about Huang Xiaolong either.

In his opinion, Lan Tailong had a high chance of winning in this battle, and everyone who knew the power of the will of the Great Divine Soul would think so. (To be continued.) 8

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