Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1786: So fast will be defeated

"This is hard to say." Fu Lao thought and replied.

Bei Xiaomei Liu Meimei said, "If you wait for the uncle to lose, you must take the shot to save the uncle, even if it is a violation of the heavens rules."

Paying old and looking at Bei Xiaomei's face with a serious look, can't help but smile, can only nod: "Do not worry, Miss!"

In fact, he wants to say that even if he does not shoot, the two monsters under Huang Xiaolong will also be shot. The strength of the two monsters is much stronger than him.

"Huang Xiaolong, aren't you prepared?" On the stage, Lan Tailong stretched out with a light and ten wings at random, and said coldly: "If you lose, don't say I won't give you a chance."

At this point, the battle between Fujian and Taiwan has not really begun.

The referee gave the crowds some time to prepare.

Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly: "I believe that with my strength, I can still beat you completely, so I don't need to prepare."

Everyone in the audience heard the words and couldn’t help.

Lan Tailong sneered, his eyes white light like a white needle generally spins and blooms: "Okay, since this is the case, then I am relieved."

He decided, and at the beginning, he would use the power of the ancestors of the Ming dynasty to force Huang Xiaolong to be unable to move, and then he would kill Huang Xiaolong with a sword!

No, first, a sword cuts Huang Xiaolong's flesh and blood into two hundred and forty-five pieces, and sacrifices the 245-year-old Emperor's disciples who died in the hands of Huang Xiaolong in the preliminary round, and then completely killed Huang Xiaolong!

The light flashed in his hand and a bright sword appeared.

"Ming Yan Shenjian!"

In the distance, Zhao Lei’s face changed.

Other imperial congregations are also shocked.

I saw the blue long dragon appear on the hand of the blue dragon, the temperature of the surrounding space rises instantly, and the entire space of the ring is flowing with the white flame.

A kind of edge, straight into the soul of everyone.

Although Jianfeng is not facing everyone, everyone has a feeling of pain in the soul.

The Mingyan Excalibur is the sword of the town of Guangming Emperor's Palace. It is a powerful artifact. It is the artifact of the highest level of the spirit of the Mongolian spirit. Its sharpness can be imagined, and it is said that nothing is destroyed and nothing is destroyed.

And this Mingyan Excalibur has the horrible light energy. When it is stabbed by this Mingyan sword, the bright flame of the blade will invade each other, and then everything in the other body will be burned out, and finally the gods will burn. Killed.

This Mingyan Shenjian was held by the Emperor of Guangming. I did not expect that the Battle of Heaven would bring Lan Tailong.

Huang Xiaolong is also a pair of eyes.

"Before the test begins!"

At this moment, suddenly, the referees of the fifty downfalls shouted at the same time.

Suddenly, countless figures on various platforms broke out, including Lan Tailong, and Lan Tailong turned into a white light. The speed was fast, and even some ordinary Tianjun ten-order powerhouses could hardly see clearly.

When Lan Tailong left, he immediately spurred the will of the bright ancestors behind him, and the light and shadow of the bright ancestors of the ancestors of the dynasty screamed, and the amazing Emperor Shenwei shrouded. Under this great emperor, it was all the days below the ring. The tenth-order powerhouses also found out that they all seemed to be crushed by a chaotic mountain, and they could not move at all.

It is the tenth-order late peak of Tianjun who is no exception.

Moreover, the great emperor of this bright ancestor is not so powerful for them, and the pressure that Huang Dalong, the main Emperor Shenwei, is trying to bear, is amazing.

In the hands of Lan Tailong, Mingjian’s sword was smashed against the top of Huang Xiaolong.

The horrible Jianfeng came to the top of Huang Xiaoteng for ten meters, and Huang Xiaolong seemed to be unable to move by the Emperor Shenwei. Everyone saw Huang Xiaolong stupidly standing on the ring, letting the Ming flame sword continue to linger. Kill it.

"The Emperor Shenwei is really terrible! Under the glory of the great ancestor of the Emperor, the strongest of the Emperor, only the right to be slaughtered! Huang Xiaolong will die!"

"I thought this battle was wonderful. I didn't expect Huang Xiaolong to lose so soon!"

Everyone shook his head.

"Huang Xiaolong is too arrogant. If he is prepared, he should not be defeated by a single move!"

"Unfortunately, that 40 million!"

At this time, everyone still remembered the 40 million downs of the chaotic spirit of Huang Xiaolong’s bet.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lan Tailong’s Mingyan Shenjian smashed the top of Huang Xiaoshou!

Zhao Lei, Fang Wei, Bei Xiaomei and others have changed their faces.

Lan Tailong is a look.

But suddenly, Lan Tailong's face was erroneous, and I saw that the flame of the flames seemed to be in the air, and it turned out to be like nothing from the top of Huang Xiaolong.



Lan Tailong was shocked.

The flame of the flames of the flames fell into the air, and suddenly, an amazing sword mark appeared.

Everyone stays, what is going on?

"Sword is a good sword, but you are too slow!" At this moment, a voice rang from behind the blue dragon, Lan Tailong was shocked and turned, and he saw that Huang Xiaolong did not know when he had arrived behind him. .

At the same time, Lan Tailong’s body was full of pores, and looked at Huang Xiaolong incredulously: “You, how come you?!”

Huang Xiaolong was not affected by the oppression of his great ancestor !

Everyone in the audience is also shocked.

Zhao Lei, Fang Wei, and Bei Xiaomei are also awkward.

"Do you see what is going on?" Tiandi Emperor Jun stared at the Huang Xiaolong on the ring, blinking at random.

Yan Tianchen woke up and meditated: "Huang Xiaolong has a soul defense artifact at the level of Hongmeng!"

Xiao Yi on the other side also nodded.

Emperor Tiandi did not have an opening. Huang Xiaolong is a soul defense artifact with a level of Hongmeng, but things are not so simple. The soul defense artifacts of the Hongmeng spirit level alone cannot be affected by the will of the Emperor.

That is the great **** of the bright ancestors!

Even just a trace!

At this moment, the blue Tailong in the ring suddenly screamed, and the Mingyan Shenjian once again came to Huang Xiaolong. This time, the Mingyan Excalibur burst out of the sword, and the bright flame swallowed amazingly. The surrounding ban was also burned by this bright flame.

At the same time, Lan Tailong did not believe in the evil spirits once again urging the light and shadow of the bright ancestors behind him, and the will of the great emperor once again threw down to Huang Xiaolong as many chaotic giant mountains.

The ten-wing fan behind Lan Tailong has reached the limit, and the speed is twice as fast as before.


Lan Tailong drank, his eyes burst into white light.

Just in the hands of his flames, Shen Jian Shen Jian once again reached the top of Huang Xiaolong. This time, Huang Xiaolong did not hide, but extended two fingers, very casually, and Lan Tailong’s Mingyan Excalibur seemed to be sent to him. In the middle of the two fingers, let Huang Xiaolong just hold it.

All swordsman disappeared.

Time seems to have stopped there. (To be continued.)

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