Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1811: Evil star

Under the light of the Blue Emperor, everyone arguing, raising their hands and pressing, everyone stopped. ?

"Longer is my hope. Originally this battle of heaven, I hope that Longer will compete for the top three, the gods will be eye-catching, and then the glory will come back, but I did not expect it!" The light of the bright blue of the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty sounded: "No I thought, I am not waiting for the return of the dragon's glory! But the news that Longer was killed by the yellow puppy on the spot!"

"Longer has no body!"

"In these days, my ears seem to have no sound of the screams of the dragons all the time, crying for help, how helpless the dragon is in the heavens, how desperate, how desperate, how painful!"

The cold voice of the Emperor of the Blues echoed in the hall, full of anger, killing, pain, and hatred.

The bright emperor Lan Tailong is his hope. He originally expected Lan Tailong to break through to the emperor and take over the position of the Guangming Emperor Palace. He then led the Guangming Emperor Palace to a more brilliant future, but did not expect this. The battle of the second heaven, because of the appearance of Huang Xiaolong, everything has changed!

The ancestors of the Guangming Emperor Palace in the Great Hall were silent.

In particular, Chen Wenqian and Chen Wenxin were only able to watch the ancestors of the bright emperor Lan Tailong killed by Huang Xiaolong and could not stop it. It was even more shy and resentful.

"The Great Emperor, we are incompetent! At that time, we could not save the Emperor and ask the Emperor to punish!" Chen Wenqian stunned.

Chen Wenxin and others have also fallen.

The bright blue Emperor shook his head: "I know that you did your best at the time. The strength of the two heads is not as great. The two join hands. I am not an opponent, so I have nothing to do with you. Well, you all get up."

Chen Wenqian and others respected it and then stood up.

"Wen Qian." Guangming the Great Blue's opening.

"Subordinate is." Chen Wenqian hurry.

"Contact the Temple of the Evil God, and at the same time assemble all the ancestors of the Emperor's Palace, and go to the Temple of the Evil God. In addition, inform the Lonely Emperor Palace, the Kowloon Imperial Palace, the Thousand Dynasties Palace, the Baihua Emperor Palace, let them also The ancestors who can use the assembly, go to the evil **** palace to join me! Do not resist! "The unspeakable voice of the bright blue Emperor.

"Follow the order, the Great!" Chen Wenqian respectfully responded.

The other few originally disagreed, and did not agree with the ancestors of the Guangming Emperor Palace who joined forces with the evil spirits palace. They did not dare to speak again.

At this point, anyone can see that their bright blue mind is determined, not that they can change.

Immediately, Guangming Emperor Blue has issued a number of orders to arrange and deploy many issues.

After killing Huang Xiaolong, the Hongmeng Palace and the King of Hongmen will definitely have some action, so before that, he has to deploy well.

Of course, this time together with the evil spirits palace to kill Huang Xiaolong, although in the name of revenge for his son Lan Tailong, but only he knows what the real purpose is for.

Sixteen wings!

That's right, it's the 16 wings of Huang Xiaolong!

The true secret of the sixteen wings, the entire Guangming Emperor's Palace, only he knew.

In other words, only the Guangming Emperor Palace has been known as the Great.

As long as you get the sixteen wings, then he really does not have to fear the king of Hongmeng, let alone Jiang Hong.

As long as he gets the sixteen wings, he can even surpass the Emperor of Heaven and become the master of the world!

With the order of one of the Guangming Emperor Blue series, the entire Guangming Emperor Palace was running high, and soon, the Lonely Emperor Palace, the Jiulong Imperial Palace, the Baihua Emperor Palace, and the Qiandu Emperor Palace also received the order of Blue.

As Emperor Jun said, even if the Lonely Emperor Palace, the Kowloon Emperor Palace did not want to shoot against Huang Xiaolong, but when the Blue order was issued, they also had to comply.

In the Guangming Emperor Palace, the Lonely Emperor Palace, the Kowloon Emperor Palace and other people gathered, went to the evil spirits palace, and joined hands with the evil spirits palace, Huang Xiaolong is on the way to the evil spirits palace.

Along the way, Huang Xiaolong used the black dragon throne to hurry.

The black dragon throne can be changed in size. When it becomes bigger, it is like a black dragon spaceship. Although it is slower, it has a lot of space. In the space of the black dragon spacecraft, Huang Xiaolong can practice freely.

Sitting in the black dragon spaceship, Huang Xiaolong called out the three most supreme gods, and then took out two thousand pieces of Yaori Shendan, running the parasitic scorpion, and swallowing the power of Shendan.

With the engulfment, the giant demon gods appeared.

Huang Xiaolong's four-chaotic chaotic pool is full of turbulence.

The three most supreme gods are equally shining.

A night passed.

Two thousand pieces of Yao Ri Shen Dan are completely refining.

Huang Xiaolong is full of divine power.

"However, as this goes on, I am afraid that it will not take long before the Yaori Shen Dan runs out." Huang Xiaolong shook his head. The one million Yaoyao Shen Dan that he had in heaven had already used it almost.

Can only support a maximum of a few months.

So, by then, he has to look for the best of the best.

"The treasure house of the evil spirits palace should have a lot of best Hong Meng Ling Dan." Huang Xiaolong sneered.

For so many billion years, the evil spirits palace does not know how many imperial palace treasures have been scraped. I don’t know how many forces have been encroached on, and the best Hongmen Lingdan will certainly not be less.

All the way through.

Huang Xiaolong took the Heilongjiang throne spacecraft and kept approaching the Temple of the Evil God. After some large gods, he did not stop.

With the constant swallowing of Yaori Shendan cultivation, Huang Xiaolong completely stabilized Tianjun's initial strength.

More than two months later.

The Black Dragon Throne stopped in a starry sky in the realm of the gods.

Huang Xiaolong and the two heads and fours did not come out from the black dragon throne, then put away the black dragon throne and swept around. According to the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce, the headquarters of the evil **** palace is nearby.

Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows and the eyes of **** opened, and suddenly, the light of **** shined through the layers of space, and everything hidden around them was printed in the mind of Huang Xiaolong.

After a dozen breaths, Huang Xiaolong took the two heads and did not fly to the south. He just flew hundreds of thousands of miles. Suddenly, a strong absorption of power came in, and Huang Xiaolong did not resist, letting this force absorb himself. Suck away.

A burst of light changed, Huang Xiaolong three people came to another starry sky.

In front of this starry sky, a huge planet is suspended. On each huge planet, the evil spirits skyrocket, as if every planet has a powerful evil spirit.

Huang Xiaolong’s gaze fell on the biggest planet. This planet is bigger than many multi-level gods. On top, there are countless evil qis, even if it is hundreds of millions of miles away, Huang Xiaolong can still sense it. The evil spirit of that Taotian.

This is the core of the headquarters of the evil gods palace, the evil king!

Legend has it that the founder of the evil spirits palace called the evil king, so it was named the evil king.

Sensing the surrounding space, if there is no killing, Huang Xiaolong and the two heads are not like flying to the evil king. (To be continued.) 8

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