Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1812: Evil god, great seal

With Huang Xiaolong and the two heads and fours not constantly approaching the evil star, a strong breath of the stock locked Huang Xiaolong three. [(({network

Sensing the strong breath of this stock, Huang Xiaolong's face is calm.

However, the closer it is to the evil king, the more evil the evil spirits of the evil star will be, like the endless chaos and evil spirits, and the pressure is overwhelming, even if it is as strong as Huang Xiaolong, it feels the power of amazing oppression.

In the end, this evil spirit is like a chaotic giant mountain constantly slamming over, Huang Xiaolong has to run the supreme godhead, the whole body is full of divine power to fight against this evil spirit.

Looking at the increasingly close to the evil star, Huang Xiaolong also had a dignified face.

With his current realm and the heart of hell, there are very few things that make him feel dangerous, but the evil star in front of him gives him a dangerous feeling.

When I was close, I felt that the evil spirit of the evil king was so strong that it was already indescribable.

This evil star has gone through hundreds of millions of years of evil spirits, and countless generations of ancestors have been tempered with countless evils. The horror can be imagined. If it is deep, it is only the middle of the ordinary emperor and even the high-ranking power of the great emperor. To be infested by its evil spirits and then control!

Once controlled by this evil spirit, the consequences can be imagined.

When he came to the evil king's billion miles, Huang Xiaolong stopped and did not continue deep.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong stopped, the ancestors who were hiding in the dark in the evil spirits palace did not appear, and seemed to be planning to consume with Huang Xiaolong.

The world is silent.

Huang Xiaolong held his hand and opened his eyes. The eye of Hell’s eyes opened and he scanned the world.

Not long after, suddenly, the evil spirit of the evil star swelled up, like boiling water, constantly rolling around, then spread and permeate.

At the same time, these evil spirits gathered into a huge arm and reached out to Huang Xiaolong.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he did not retreat. The Golden Buddha’s supreme godhead was motivated, and the Buddha’s power bloomed. A statue of the Golden Buddha was coiled around the body of Huang Xiaolong.

However, these evil spirits seem to have not seen the golden Buddha around Huang Xiaolong's body, continue to rise, and continue to extend to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were golden and violent, and suddenly, countless Buddhas burst into the air and greeted the evil giant.


A loud sound rang out, and the evil arm continued to disperse under the purification of Huang Xiaolong’s supreme Buddha. However, the evil spirit is like endless, still boiling from the source of evil stars, evil The giant arms are constantly being purified and condensed.

However, even if the evil spirit is amazing, it is always impossible to get close to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong sneered.

As long as he is not close to the evil star, within a billion miles, even if the evil spirit of the evil star is amazing, it is impossible to endure him.

Just when Huang Xiaolong confronted the giant arm of the evil spirit, suddenly, in the void next to him, a fierce sword was smothered from the side to Huang Xiaolong.

The sword is so earth-shattering that a sword wave of tens of thousands of miles wide is drawn, like a sword river rising from the starry sky.

This sword contains the mystery of the heavens and the earth, and the ultimate strength of the evolutionary sword is that the tenth-order powerhouse of the ordinary Emperor is hit by this sword, and that the body will be twisted into a blood mist in an instant.

However, just when the sword was close to Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong was not like an instant shot, and he took a shot and shot the amazing sword. At the same time, he tried to penetrate the void and screamed, a figure from the void. Falling off, it is the sneak attack of the evil **** Emperor Liu Yuan.

However, when the other four are not like the shot, the other side of the void, there are four swords at the same time killing Huang Xiaolong, each Jianqi is not weaker than Liu Yuan’s previous attack.

The sword is tumbling, like four giant sword dragons, which drowned all the forces to destroy Huang Xiaolong. They locked Huang Xiaolong in the upper and lower directions, and sealed all the retreats of Huang Xiaolong.

The other four did not look like a whistle, and the two palms turned over, and the palms screamed and greeted the four sword dragons.

The sword dragon rushed to the palm of the hand, and the palm of the hand penetrated through the void. The four sounds squeaked, and the four figures fell from the void, looking at the four faces with a shocked look.

These four people, like Liu Yuan, are also the masters of the late tenth-order emperor. They are the top ten strongmen in the evil spirits palace, but the four people joined forces with the four dragon sword arrays, but they are still easily broken by the other side. And shake them out of the void.

"Okay, it is true that the king of the darkness was called the king of the darkness. The four invincibles of the great emperor are not like the **** of war!" The voice of appreciation seems to be from the evil hell, full of endless evil, people unconsciously Fall into the endless evil hell.

Huang Xiaolong’s body flickered and looked forward. He saw a huge figure shrouded in evil light and jumped out of the evil star. He jumped into the front of Huang Xiaolong.

When this huge figure shrouded in evil light, the evil spirits of countless giant planets in this starry sky are boiling, and they are all happy.

A terror that is not weaker than the four does not come out of the other side.

The evil **** is sealed!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are a glimpse. Only the evil spirits of the Emperor Feng Chu may have such an imposing manner and have such evil spirits.

With the emergence of the evil spirits, the emergence of a powerful and powerful existence hidden in the void, each body has a vast evil.

These are undoubtedly the ancestors of the Emperor of the Evil Gods, a total of one hundred and seventy-eight!

After the appearance of these great empire ancestors, there were several figures appearing, that is, the sacred gods, such as the sacred gods, the sacred priests, and Wang Yongsen.

"See the Great!"

Liu Yuan and other ancestors and Feng Chan and others all bowed down to Feng Chu.

Feng Chu nodded, the voice was majestic: "Get up."

Fengzen and others got up.

"Huang Xiaolong, I didn't expect that you really dared to come to my evil spirits palace." Feng Chu, shrouded in the light of evil, opened his mouth, his voice was loud, and he rang through hundreds of millions of miles, his eyes were black and red, like a demon: "Even your brother Jiang Hong, I dare not come in at will."

Huang Xiaolong’s face is calm: “I’ve been to a place more dangerous than the evil god’s palace. I’ve been to a evil god’s palace.”

Listening to Huang Xiaolong contempt for the evil spirits palace, Liu Yuan and others glared.

Feng Chu sneered: "The courage is indeed not small, but if you come in today, don't think about it and you can escape."

Huang Xiaolong said indifferently: "I came in today and never thought about fleeing."

Feng Chu shook his head and smiled: "I admit, the two heads behind you are not like, the strength is really amazing, but they are not the existence of the greater emperor, even today they can't protect you, my evil spirits are open, only the presence of the emperor Can you break it!"

The sound of the fall, the endless starry sky in the distance rushed up countless evil giant arms, these evil giant arms above, depicting countless evil runes, shadowing the sky, and all the retreats of the evil gods palace. (To be continued.) 8

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