Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1813: Feng Chu recruits two heads and four is not like?

Looking at the stars in the distance, there are countless evil giant arms, and Huang Xiaolong’s heart is slightly stunned. network

This is a big battle of evil spirits!

This evil giant arm is not the scent of the evil spirits of the previous evil stars. Each giant arm is the real flesh and blood arm.

According to legend, every evil giant arm of this sacred **** is a master of the tenth-level degraded master of the sacred gods!

Therefore, every evil giant arm of the evil spirits condenses the evil spirits of the ten-level masters of these evil gods, and can imagine how amazing the evil atmosphere is.

Each arm, after the hardening of the tenth-order masters of the evil gods, is harder than many Hongmeng artifact-level artifacts.

Now, each arm is intertwined, and the evil spirits are intertwined. It is equivalent to the evil spirits of countless masters of the evil spirits of the Emperor Palace. Therefore, it is equivalent to breaking through the evil spirits. The defense of the tenth-order master of the evil spirits Emperor.

Therefore, Feng Chu just said that only the presence of the greater emperor can be broken, not an exaggeration.

In fact, even if the presence of the Emperor is greater, it is difficult to break this sacred god.

"Huang Xiaolong, look at the share of your master, the king of Hongmeng, as long as you hand over your peerless treasures and offer your 16th wing, my evil **** palace can spare you not to die!" Feng Chu looked at Huang Xiaolong, cold Smiled: "Opportunity, I only give it once, I hope you can take it easy, and answer me clearly."

The evil spirits opened up, and Feng Chu’s heart was set.

In his view, even if there is more secret in Huang Xiaolong, it is impossible to escape his big gods.

Of course, if Huang Xiaolong is willing to hand over his peerless treasure and offer the 16th wing, he does not intend to kill Huang Xiaolong.

After all, Huang Xiaolong stood behind the king of Hongmeng, even if it was as strong as the evil gods, even if it was the Jiuyin giant corpse behind the evil **** palace, he had to be jealous.

No matter who it is, no one dares to ignore the anger of the king of Hongmeng.

Huang Xiaolong heard the words and smiled.

Looking at Huang Xiaolong’s smile, Feng Chu’s heart sank.

Sure enough, Huang Xiaolong said: "Feng Chu, I don't have to think about it. Look at the shares of the Jiuyin corpse, you hand over the treasures of the evil gods and give you the head. I can consider not killing you here today. Emperor Palace." Speaking of this, Huang Xiaolong said: "Opportunity, I will only give it once, I hope you will consider it and answer me."


"Huang Xiaolong, you are looking for death!"

The evil **** priest could not help but anger, the first one angered Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, we are seeing you poor, give you a chance to beg for mercy, you still don't know how to live! Even if your master is the king of Hongmeng, how about it? What is your brother, Jiang Hong, we are going to kill you, it is as easy as pinching a dog!"

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are cold: “I heard that you are also the blood of the demon god?”

The evil spirit emperor sealed the Zen, and immediately looked proud: "Yes, I am the supreme king of the gods, and have the blood of the devil, and, I have evil spirits!"

The king of the Supreme God, the blood of the devil, the evil spirits!

I have to say that the talent of the evil **** priest is indeed amazing. It is no wonder that it is known as the most enchanting genius in the history of the evil spirits palace. Such a talent, even if compared with the emperor, is not too much.

When Huang Xiaolong heard it, he was sneer: "Since you have the blood of the demon god, then I am relieved. Waiting for me to swallow you, refining the blood of your demon god, just to make my demon blood again."

As the blood of Huang Xiaolong Demon is constantly changing and evolving, Huang Xiaolong will practice faster, and the faster he will break through to the Emperor.

Now, the demon army has invaded the realm of the gods, only fear that the nine yin corpse will soon attack the gods. Before the Jiuyin corpse attacked the gods, Huang Xiaolong must at least break through to the great emperor.

Only in this way can he be safe in the battle with the Jiuyin corpse.

"Huang Xiaolong, you, look for death!" The evil **** Emperor Fengzi listened to Huang Xiaolong, who was planning to devour him, refining the blood of his demon god, not to kill his eyes, and his body shape shook, turning into a huge evil spirit, the body of the demon blood, the whole body Divine power urged, and the fists came to Huang Xiaolong.

Feng Chu saw it and did not stop it.

However, the ancestors of the evil spirits around the palace are locked in the two heads and four, in case the two heads are not like the shots.

Looking at the evil spirits of the two fists, the emperor of the evil spirits sealed the meditation, Huang Xiaolong's face was indifferent, and the evil spirits of the emperor's meditation was the beginning of the nineth step of the heavenly king. With his current strength, he naturally did not care.

When the other side punched in front of him, Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and greeted him.


The evil spirits emperor's meditation is like a broken kite. The whole person floats back in the sky, mouth, nose, ears, eyes, and all parts of the body, all bursting with blushing blood.

"Little Lord!"

Liu Yuan and others were shocked and caught the Zen.

I saw that the whole body of the Zen was like a porcelain. It was covered with a crack. The blood was constantly coming out of the cracks, as if the whole person was cracking at any time.

Liu Yuan and others quickly rescued and rushed.

The evil **** Emperor sealed the black and red eyes of Han, and stared at Huang Xiaolong. Originally, he had just planned to let his son Fengzen try to test whether the strength of Huang Xiaolong was as amazing as everyone said. He did not expect the talent of his son to seal the Zen. Was seriously injured by Huang Xiaolong.

His eyes swayed with evil spirits, such as the two awns of time, covering Huang Xiaolong.

However, Feng Chu did not immediately start. He looked at Huang Xiaolong's two heads behind him. He said: "The two are the invincible gods under the predecessors of the Dark King. Why do they have a small Tianjun situation for Huang Xiaolong? I don't know Huang Xiaolong gives two What are the benefits? As long as the two join us in the evil spirits palace, I will inevitably join hands with the two to take charge of the evil spirits palace, the treasure of the evil spirits palace treasure, let the two brothers take it!"

Jointly hold the evil spirits palace!

This is supreme power. Anyone who hears it will be tempted. You must know that the evil **** palace is the third imperial palace of the gods, and its strength is far more than that of the surface. Strong strength.

And Feng Chu also allows the two to freely take any treasures of the evil spirits palace treasure.

Huang Xiaolong sneered, if other people, listening to such conditions, may actually betray him temporarily, but Feng Chu wants to recruit two heads and four, but chose the wrong object.

The two heads are not as cold as a face, and the words of Feng Chu are unheard of.

"If the two brothers are not at ease, I can swear in the name of Heaven." Feng Chu saw the situation, still not dying, and said.

However, his voice just fell, the two heads and four did not look like a sigh of heaven, and instantly turned into a man, both of them shot at the same time. (To be continued.) 8

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