Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1814: Bang the planet

The first four did not attack the evil gods and the emperor, but the four did not seem to rush to the ancestors of the evil gods, a burst of crazy bombardment.

In the two heads and fours, unlike the avatars, and under the sudden attack, Feng Chu and the ancestors of the evil gods were instantly bombarded.

Although Feng Chu is the peak of the late tenth stage of the Emperor, and the two heads are not like the same realm, but the two heads are not like the incarnation, the strength is comparable to surpassing the emperor, and under full force, Feng Chu can resist it!

Not to mention the ancestors of the evil gods.

Liu Yuan, Zhao Wendan and other six ancestors of the evil spirits palace were slammed into the distant land of the giant planet. The entire huge planet was shaken, and the land was directly blown open.

Although Feng Chu is better, but it has been smashed out of tens of thousands of miles, the blood in his mouth is sprayed, and the evil light that was originally shrouded in his body was directly smashed, revealing his true face.

It is an old man!

A tall, small nose with a small mouth and a gloomy old man.

The two heads are not like a hit, not waiting for the seal, Liu Yuan and others reacted, and once again, they flashed and attacked Feng Chu, Liu Yuan and others.

One head is not like a punch to Feng Chu. This time it is a direct bang. The fist like a hill burst out of black light. The black light converges like a black giant hole. This fist smashes the void. Under this punch, it seems as if the time has slowed down.

If this boxing is so hard, even if the head of the seal is hard, it will be bombarded even if it is tempered with countless evils.

Feng Chu was shocked. As a **** of evil spirits, he did not know how many storms and rains he had experienced in his life. He had personally slaughtered many unknown gates. The Imperial Palace never changed color, but now it is a strong threat to death.

Under the threat of a strong death, Feng Chu was horrified, and there seemed to be any evil forces in the body that ignited the general, radiant, countless evil madness, and saw the evil star as a million sun, bursting out Every evil light shines on Feng Chu.

Just in the moment when the four were not in the air, the millions of evil lights formed an evil deity in Fengchu.


Four is not like a dark punch that smashes the void, as it is slammed on the head of Fengchu.

The evil gods of Feng Chu were instantly smashed, and Feng Chu himself, all of them slammed their heads and shot hundreds of thousands of miles. Feng Chu only felt the whole head humming, just like countless chaos gods swaying among them. same.

However, there is the evil king of the evil spirits formed by the evil spirits of the evil king, and he finally blocked the four punches like the ruined land, and the head did not explode.

Feng Chu was shocked and angry, and he was shocked by the strength of four. The anger is that he has never been so humiliated! For tens of billions of years, he has never been swept away like this again, and he has never been stunned!

Before, although he estimated the strength of the four, it is only now that the strength of the four is far beyond his estimation.

At this moment, he really understood that the year 4 did not resemble the **** of war under the throne of the darkness, swept the eight sides, and destroyed the enemy, why it was hailed as the invincible of the great emperor.

The other four did not look like Liu Yuan, Zhao Wendan and other six were bombarded into the huge planet. After his body flashed, he came over the huge planet. Then, the double fists were like two giant pillars, suddenly slamming Liu Yuan, Zhao Wendan and others lying on the land of the planet.

The horror of the boxing force, like two huge stars, directly blasted to the huge planet.

Liu Yuan, Zhao Wendan and others are stunned, regardless of their injuries, madly urging the divine power, and spreading the taboo secrets to flee.


I saw that the four heads were not like the two giant rivers and the double fists hit the huge planet, the whole planet was beaten and flew out!

This huge planet, I don’t know how many miles in diameter, I don’t know how many miles, now I’m being beaten out!

And it doesn't stop there. I saw that the horror punching force smashed the land directly and then blasted it from the other side of the planet!

The whole planet is like being penetrated by huge stars!

In addition to Liu Yuan, Zhao Wendan, the other four ancestors of the evil spirits palace were directly blasted into the bottom of the huge planet, and then directly bombarded from the other side of the huge planet, and then all exploded, turned into a piece of blood fog.

Two fists slammed!

These four people are the tenth-order ancestors of the Emperor of the Evil God. However, there are no opportunities for rebellion. No, even the thoughts of dodging are not born.

However, just as the four ancestors of the evil gods were blasted out of the huge planet, the moment of the explosion, Huang Xiaolong’s mind was scattered. Suddenly, a bright sword penetrated through the void, this bright sword, The astounding sacred light is astounding, contrary to the evil spirit, but the sharpness and strong attack are only able to open a planet.

This bright sword immediately stabbed behind Huang Xiaolong, and it was so fast that even the tenth-order powerhouse of many great emperors could hardly react, let alone Huang Xiaolong, a heavenly monarch.

Seeing that this light sword would pierce Huang Xiaolong, and then cut Huang Xiaolong all the way, when the light sword was able to stab Huang Xiaolong, suddenly another bright sword appeared out of thin air, blocking it. .


The starry sky is crisp and the light is shining.

Two figures shrouded in the sacred light at the same time.

One is the sneak attack on Huang Xiaolong's bright Emperor Blue, and the other!

"The fourteen-wing light will make tomorrow!" The brightest emperor, the Blue Emperor and the evil spirits, also screamed at the same time, and couldn't believe the bright figure that would be blocked.

Blocking the brightest Emperor Blue's strongest killing, it is one of the fourteen wings of heaven to make tomorrow, this fourteen-wing light tomorrow, is the tenth-order late peak of the great emperor, although the strength, although not comparable to the transformation The four are not like, but they are much stronger than the bright blue of the tenth-order late peak of the great emperor.

Therefore, the most powerful attack of the bright blue Emperor was easily blocked by it.

This 14-wing light will block the light of the Emperor Blue, and the light sword will be cut in the hand, and the blue throat will be cut. The stars and the stars will be lit up, and the light will be bright.

The bright blue eyes of the Emperor of the Blues were terrified, the whole body was shining brightly, and they all flicked back.

However, as if he had flashed back anyway, how to retreat, the bright sword of the 14th wing light tomorrow will always cut into his throat, and the speed is faster than the bright blue.

Seeing that the bright blue Emperor is about to be cut open, suddenly, several bright figures have been broken from the void, and they have been attacked from the back and from the side to the 14th wing.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he smiled coldly, and the other fourteen wings of heaven were called out tomorrow. (To be continued.)

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