Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1815: All come, very good

It is the ancestors of Chen Mingqian and Chen Wenxin who have saved the bright blue of the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. However, Chen Wenqian and Chen Wenxin attacked the 14th wing of the light. Suddenly, they were bright and bright. Tens of thousands of miles of bright swords are coming to them.

These tens of thousands of miles of light and swords, like a bright river, separated them from the 14-wing light tomorrow.

Chen Wenqian, Chen Wenxin, a few people were shocked, panic and then retired, had to backhand to meet this bright sword.

Bang, boom!

Numerous swords and vibrations.

The surrounding Xinghe is one of the dark.

At the last moment, there was a bright **** on the body of the Emperor of Light, which blocked the 14-wing light and made a sword tomorrow.

The fourteen-winged light made a sword hit the light **** and tore up countless bright runes.

The light of the Great Emperor Blue was shocked.

And Chen Wenqian, Chen Wenxin and others have also been flying by the bright swords.

The sword gas stirred, and another piece of space collapsed and torn.

After the two four-winged angels slammed, they did not continue to pursue, and their body shape flashed back to Huang Xiaolong, and the two heads and four did not fly back to Huang Xiaolong and stood still.

The evil **** Emperor Feng Chu and the bright Emperor Blue both stand side by side, watching the two heads behind Huang Xiaolong are not like, watching the two four-winged angels behind Huang Xiaolong, are all ugly.

Rao is the two people who control the evil gods palace and the Guangming Emperor Palace. It is the two peaks of the gods. However, at this time, watching the four behind the Huang Xiaolong and the fourteen-winged angels, the two eyes could not hide their hearts and shocked.

The four great emperors of the tenth stage of the late peak!

Moreover, the two four do not seem to be transformed, but they have the strength to surpass the great emperor!

The two statues behind Huang Xiaolong are not like each other. The two heads of the fourteen wings are tomorrow, and they are enough to disdain the heavens and the world, enough to make any force tremble.

The ancestors of the evil spirits, Liu Yuan, Zhao Wendan and so on, are even scared.

The inexhaustible fierceness of the two heads and fours just now completely scared them.

For the ancient legends that are not like these four, they still have some unbelief. Now, they dare not have any more doubts.

"Don't you still have to hide?" Huang Xiaolong's eyes were cold and he looked at the void somewhere.

The bright blue eyes flashed, then nodded, then, in the void, the figure flashed.

The mighty beings wearing the gods of light constantly flew out of the void, and it was the ancestors of the Guangming Emperor Palace that had previously been hidden in the dark.

A total of one hundred and forty-five people!

This is all the great emperors of the Emperor Guangming Palace who can be dispatched this time.

With the ancestors of the Guangming Emperor Palace coming out, then, the Lonely Emperor Palace was alone, and the Jiulong Imperial Palace Chen Jianwei, the Qiandu Emperor Palace, the Baihua Emperor Palace and so on were hidden in the dark.

Four emperor palaces, a total of twenty-six people!

Coupled with more than one hundred and seventy ancestors of the previous evil spirits palace, a total of more than 300 great masters!

More than three hundred great emperors gathered together, such as the huge waves, the world is trembled, and the space seems to collapse.

"All come, very good." Huang Xiaolong looked at the loneliness, Chen Jianwei and others, his face was indifferent: "In this way, I don't have to go to a lonely palace, Jiulong Imperial Palace, Qiandu Emperor Palace, Baihua Emperor Palace."

Indeed, for Huang Xiaolong, it is possible to kill all of Lonely, Chen Jianwei and others at once, but it is best to save back and forth and waste time.

No one is alone, Chen Jianwei and others heard the words, but they were angry.

"Huang Xiaolong, don't think that you can protect you with a few good players!" Lonely, no one in his hand, pointed to Huang Xiaolong, and said: "Under this evil spirit, you can't escape, today is Your death!"

"Yes, Huang Xiaolong, you will now be a peerless treasure, give your body sixteen wings, and beg for mercy, we will give you a comfortable way to die!" Chen Jianwei glared at Huang Xiaolong: "Otherwise, you are not as good as death!"

Huang Xiaolong's face is indifferent: "Is it my death today, I don't know, but I know that today is definitely your death!"

Lonely, Chen Jianwei and others were angry. At this time, the bright blue Emperor lifted his hand and stopped the lonely one. The bright blue stared at Huang Xiaolong and said: "Huang Xiaolong, I know the two ends behind you." 4. Unlike the two 14-wings, the light will make the power amazing. However, within the big sacred squad, under the joint of our six emperors, you can still kill them."

Speaking of this, the Emperor Blue of the Light paused: "You hand over the 16th wing to me, and hand over the peerless treasure to the evil **** palace, we can assure you that you will leave alive!"

The evil **** Emperor Feng Chu nodded and said: "Yes, we can guarantee that you will leave, and in the future, we will not make well water, and when I am sweeping the heavens, the disciples will not move the disciples of the Imperial Palace."

Originally, according to the original plan, the two had to kill Huang Xiaolong completely, but the strength of the two heads and four did not exceed their expectations, and with the light of tomorrow's tenth-order peaks of the fourteen-winged emperors, they had to change their minds. .

They joined forces with the six emperors, although they still have the confidence to kill Huang Xiaolong, but I am afraid that I will be hurt and hurt, and maybe even lose both.

The two naturally do not want to see this situation.

Therefore, if Huang Xiaolong can compromise, that is the best.

"Let me leave alive? So, I have to thank you." Huang Xiaolong looked at Feng Chu and the blue one tauntingly.

Feng Chu’s face sank and his voice was cold: “Huang Xiaolong, don’t give your face a shameless face. We haven’t really spurred the evil spirits. If the evil spirits are completely motivated, you have no chance to ask for mercy.”

Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly: "I really want to see the true power of the legendary evil spirits."

"If this is the case, then I will fulfill you!" Feng Chu saw that he repeatedly gave Huang Xiaolong a chance, Huang Xiaolong did not appreciate, and no more "polite", immediately waving his hands, the evil forces in the body burst, suddenly, the evil spirit of the evil star Rolling, diffusing the entire starry sky.

Under the miraculous evil spirits of the evil stars, the numerous evil giant arms that are staggered at high altitude seem to be awakened. The evil runes on each giant arm are like alive, constantly squirming and shining. .

The endless evil spirits fell from the top of each giant arm, like the raging rain, pouring into the space where Huang Xiaolong was.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he did not dare to care. The golden Buddha’s supreme godhead was motivated, and the whole body of the golden Buddha was circling. The sixteen wings behind him appeared in turn, and then opened.

The four wings of the four wings will make the fourteen wings behind them open, and the endless light of the divine power will rise. (To be continued.)

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