Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1816: The new Lord of Hell was originally you!

Under the bright power of the four wings of the four wings, the violent evil that rolled down from the sky was blocked.

The evil spirit that rolled down is like a meteorite. It hits a huge wall of light, but the wall of light is not moving.

Feng Chu and the evil spirits of the palace, the ancestors of the ancestors changed their faces.

The strength of the bright forces of the four wings of the four wings is far beyond their imagination.

The evil spirit of this evil spirit is that their evil gods have countless evil things that have been refined over billions of years. The degree of horror, even Feng Chu and others are hard to imagine. I did not expect to be the two sides behind Huang Xiaolong. The 14th wing light blocked the bright power of tomorrow.

"The evil king is born!"

When Feng Chu saw it, he was angry.

The evil forces in his body are spurred to the extreme, and the evil spirits of the whole body are rushing to the sky. The ancestors of the evil spirits have also mobilized their own evil forces to the extreme.

Suddenly, the evil light of the evil star is even more mad, and the humming sound is ringing. Inside the evil king, it seems as if the lurking sinister evil has awakened.

At the same time, other huge planets also burst into a strong evil light at the same time, endless evil spirits from the evil stars and these huge planets skyrocketing, constantly infused into the evil giant arms.

The evil runes of the evil giant arms are flashing, and the evil spirits are rushing down, such as the rushing waterfall of the sky.

As the evil light of these evil giants became stronger, the evil spirit began to condense into a huge evil body.

This evil body, with a height of 100,000 feet, is completely condensed by the evil spirit, and the body is filled with armor formed by evil runes.

"Who awakens me?" This evil body opened its mouth, its voice was thunderous, rolling, and countless evil spirits swept the four sides, forming a violent storm.

"See the evil masters!" The evil **** Emperor Feng Chu and others have a happy face, and they are not respectful.

This evil body can be formed not only by the evil spirits of the evil kings, but also with the hint of the evil spirits.

The evil king, but one surpasses the existence of the great emperor.

A supreme master!

"The founder, the disciple is the third generation of the evil gods, the emperor's palace is engulfed by foreign enemies, and the enemy is powerful. Therefore, the disciples have to awaken the will of the founder and ask the ancestors to shoot and kill the foreign enemies!" Feng Chu respectfully said.

The evil body looked at the two four behind the Huang Xiaolong and the two four-winged light tomorrow.

"Well, four are not like?!" The evil king will instantly lock the two heads and four, and the eyes will be red and flashing, showing a strong killing.

At that time, he was seriously injured by the king of darkness, and he was not familiar with the four under the throne of the darkness.

"It turned out to be you!" The evil king will laugh and laugh, and the sound of the whole evil spirits swayed the starry sky.

"Not bad, as long as the king has swallowed you, with your dark blood, maybe the king has a chance to be born again after millions of years!" The evil king will finish, and the two huge arms suddenly slammed into the two heads. .

The evil spirit is crazy.

These two giant arms have the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, that is, the ordinary Emperor's tenth-order late peak powers were photographed, and I was afraid that they would be shot in an instant.

The two heads are not like a seeing, a glimpse, both shots, greeted the two giant arms of the evil king.

Bang! The loud noise continued to come.

At this moment, the numerous evil giants of the evil spirits also attacked Huang Xiaolong and the two 14-wings.

The four wings of the four wings will unfold the fourteen wings behind them, turning into a curtain of swords, and blocking these evil giant arms one by one.

"Kill!" At this time, Feng Chuyi said: "Whoever won Huang Xiaolong, the Emperor has a lot of rewards!"

"Take millions of chaotic spirits!"

After Feng Chu finished, when the first one attacked Huang Xiaolong, the two palms became two huge mountains of evil, and they pressed against Huang Xiaolong.

The evil spirits palace Liu Yuan, Zhao Wendan and others have also shot.

The Guangming Emperor Palace is not far behind.

More than three great Emperor-level masters shot almost at the same time, enough to penetrate the heavens and the earth, enough to smash a super **** face into pieces.

Each hand has formed a myriad of chaotic peaks.

The attack by Feng Chu and others has not yet arrived, and the space around Huang Xiaolong has cracked.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the crowded Feng Chu and others, his eyes glimpsed, and the cold mangling bloomed. However, he was not eager to start, waiting for Feng Chu, Liu Yuan, Lan Zhi and other people to attack, the ancient city and heaven simultaneously urged move.

First, the city of the ancients flew out.

Under the full force of one hundred great emperors of the high-end undead, the city of the ancient times instantly rose and turned into a huge city of billion miles, covering the sky and directly hitting Feng Chu, Liu Yuan, Lan Zhi and others.

Then, the twelve twelve-winged light will bring heaven to life. Heaven is like the same bright sun, and it blooms with endless light power, flying out of the ancient city.

Because the distance is very close, and the speed of the ancient city is extremely fast, so fast that the evil gods are sealed, Liu Yuan, Lan Zhi and others have not responded, the ancient city has come to them.

Like a giant mountain hit a bird.

The evil gods, the Emperor Feng Chu and others all sneaked out, one by one into the distant giant planet, and some of the emperor's early stage, the middle ancestors even in this collision, turned into a blood fog.

Numerous blood rain sprays.

Just when Feng Chu and others were hit into the planet, the paradise that followed was stunned.

The entire huge planet was sunk in half, numerous continents burst, countless mountains collapsed, and countless mountains and rivers flew.

At this time, the city of the Eternal City flew again, and then continued to squat under the pressure of Mount Tai. The entire planet completely broke open and became dozens of pieces.

The ancient city, the heavens continue to collide and under heavy pressure, the evil gods palace, the bright emperor palace, the lonely emperor palace, the Kowloon Imperial Palace, the Baihua Emperor Palace, the countless ancestors of the Qiandu Emperor Palace, even the screams are too late to call The bombardment became a slag.

Especially the Lonely Emperor Palace, the Kowloon Imperial Palace, the Baihua Emperor Palace, and the twenty-six masters who came to the four emperor palaces of Qiandu Emperor Palace, died 18! Only eight left!

And the evil spirits palace, the first stage of the Emperor of the Guangming Emperor, the middle-aged ancestors, also fell 50 or 60 people!

At this time, the evil spirits burst into numerous arms to the ancient city, heaven took a shot, the city of the ages, heaven stopped.

At this time, the whole body was ruptured, and the seals and blues of the cloaks looked at the ancient city and heaven. It seemed as if they saw incredible things, their faces changed greatly, and it was difficult to hide their fear in shock.

"Huang Xiaolong, you, it turned out to be you! The new Lord of Hell was originally you!" Feng Chu looked at Huang Xiaolong and exclaimed.

Other ancestors who survived the sacred gods, the ancestors of the Guangming Emperor Palace, were alone, Chen Jianwei and others heard the words, and the whole body trembled fiercely. (To be continued.)

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