Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1817: Don't panic!

The new Lord of Hell!

Huang Xiaolong turned out to be the new Lord of Hell!


Especially if there is no loneliness, Chen Jianwei has a feeling of completely falling down.

A few days ago, the Hell's Three Realms suddenly came out with the emergence of a new Hell Lord, and led the Pluto organization, sweeping the Hell's nine yin corpses on the sacred sea, Tushenmen, Xiaoyue wolves, ancient masters and other masters!

In the battle of the sea, I was shocked by the heavens and the world, the nine yin corpse family, the Tushenmen, and the hundreds of emperors of the Xiaoyue wolf were killed! Even the nine yin corpse and the ancestors of the ancestral ancestors were also injured and fled.

Song Litao, the leader of the Tushenmen, was killed on the spot!

This battle has made all the forces in the heavens and the world indulge in air.

This new Lord of Hell, this Shura royal family Dewey seems to be born out of thin air, the specific identity, but no one knows.

This adds to the mystery of this new Hell Lord.

"It turned out to be you, I should have thought that I should have thought of you for a long time!" The bright blue is somewhat incoherent. He looks at the 16 wings behind Huang Xiaolong: "There is only heaven in the legend of hell, only to get heaven. The inheritance, it is possible to have sixteen wings, I should have thought of it!"

Looking at the ancient city, watching the paradise, he suddenly had a desperate thought.

Even the nine yin-family pro-family Jiuyin corpse family, together with the Tushenmen, hundreds of great masters of the Xiaoyue wolf can not kill Huang Xiaolong, but was slaughtered by Huang Xiaolong, let alone them!

Lonely, Chen Jianwei and others are even scared and fearful, offending Huang Xiaolong, is it not to offend the three realms of hell? For them now, Huang Xiaolong is now more terrible than the nine yin corpse!

The nine yin corpse family, and then powerful, is also a family of **** and undead. From a nominal point of view, it is also subject to Huang Xiaolong's governance!

A desperate atmosphere is constantly permeating.

And the evil king will still be in a fierce battle with the two heads.

Although the evil king will have the evil spirits of the evil stars and the myriad planets of the evil spirits, the source of evil is constantly supported. However, after all, it is only a will. It is impossible to suppress the two heads and four, and in the long battle, the joint attack is not the same. In the middle, it has begun to fall into the wind.

"Don't panic!" Suddenly, Feng Chu slammed, and the voice shook: "When Huang Xiaolong is the Lord of Hell, it does not mean that he can't kill. He is now a heavenly kingdom, and we can kill him as much!"

"As long as this evil spirit is under the big battle, we have hope to kill him!"

"As long as he kills him, we can get the peerless treasure of Hell Lord on his body, we can get his heart of hell, we are the new Lord of hell!"

"At that time, we commanded the Three Realms of Hell, sweeping the heavens, who would dare not accept, who dare not? And get the 16th wing of Huang Xiaolong, we are the Lord of the Light God, commanding the light of the gods billions of light to make the army tomorrow, even Emperor Tiandi will crouch in front of us!"

The words of Feng Chu shocked the desperate evil **** palace, the ancestors of the Guangming Emperor Palace, and even the loneliness, Chen Jianwei also shocked.

Heart of hell!

Sixteen wings!

Everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong, his eyes sparkling with inexplicable heat.

Indeed, as the evil **** Emperor Feng Chu said, Huang Xiaolong is even the Lord of Hell, he is only a heavenly kingdom, and it is not killing! Moreover, Huang Xiaolong is now trapped in a large array of evil spirits, and he is more hopeful to kill Huang Xiaolong.

As long as you kill Huang Xiaolong and get the heart of Huang Xiaolong's hell, any of them may be the Lord of Hell! If you get the sixteen wings at the same time, it will order the Hells of the Three Realms and the Bright Gods!


"Killing Huang Xiaolong!"

The evil **** Emperor Feng Chu and the bright Emperor Blue are almost at the same time.

The two people's whole body brilliance, the endless evil spirits rushed out from the evil star and the surrounding stars, infused into the body of the Chu, the Chuchu instantly rose, the original old man suddenly turned into a **** of heights The hair is dark green, the eyes are red, the hands are ten fingers extended, and the nails become the blade of ten deaths.

The bright blue Emperor is also wearing a bright god, the sacred light power of the body is inexhaustible, the previous injury instantly recovers, the whole person is like the **** of ancient light.

The two were originally the peaks of the tenth stage of the Great Emperor. Now the momentum is completely outbreaked, and even the faint strength of surpassing the Great!

Feng Chu ten fingers first to Huang Xiaolong broke through the empty, ten fingers have passed, the star space is like paper, was drawn out of ten space cracks.

The blue is followed, the body shape flashes, when the air squats to Huang Xiaolong.

The evil spirits palace, the ancestors of the Guangming Emperor Palace, and the lonely ones, Chen Jianwei and others also evoked the momentum that had not existed before, and some even applied the taboo exercises that were worn out, and all rushed over to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong saw it and smiled coldly.

In this case, he will let Feng Chu, Blue is completely desperate.

The city of eternal continually continued to rise, and once again rose, exuding the eternal power, welcoming the two men of Fengchu and Blue, and the heavens were bright, and the golden hexagonal diamond figure appeared below.

Hexagonal diamond pattern, this is the strongest power of heaven!

Heaven suddenly rose to the sky, wherever it went, all evil spirits were purified and dissipated.


I saw a golden hexagonal diamond pattern rotating in a row, and the horrible light power slammed down from the top.

Under this horrible light power, the entire starry sky trembled, and the whole evil spirits trembled.

Originally attacked by Huang Xiaolong, the evil spirits palace, the ancestors of the Guangming Emperor Palace, no one, Chen Jianwei and others looked up, they saw the golden hexagonal diamond figure, and saw the bright power of the row of mountains and seas.

The evil spirits palace, the ancestors of the Guangming Emperor Palace, the lonely ones and others are eclipsed, and then they must not attack Huang Xiaolong, madly fleeing, to escape the scope covered by the hexagonal diamond figure, escape the scope of the light power. .

However, this is so, or some of the evil spirits of the emperor's palace ancestors slowed down, and suddenly the light energy of the hexagonal diamond pattern was washed from head to toe.

These ancestors were terrified and screamed.

Lonely and others have seen that under the bright power of heaven, these ancestors seem to have been burned up, and countless evil forces in the body have been purified, and the whole body has become a bright ash, dissipated between heaven and earth, even There is nothing left in the gods.

Although heaven is not a treasure, but for some people who practice evil and dark exercises, their power is even more terrifying than the ordinary Hongmeng treasure.

Lonely, no one, etc. saw this scene and scared the whole body.

Some of the ancestors of the Guangming Emperor's Palace were washed away by the power of heaven. Although they were not as horrible as the ancestors of the evil spirits, they were all like being smashed by the bright mountains and smashed. (To be continued.)

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