Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1836: Great dog gall!

"Who is you?!" Li Tong swallowed and asked again, but this time, it was completely different from the tone just now. It was just questioning and condescending. Now, it is a tremor, fear and surprise.

Huang Xiaolong looked indifferently at Li Tong and the konjac to teach other ancestors, and several other ancestors looked at him with fear.

In the end, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes fell on Wu Jingnan, the master of the konjac teaching.

Wu Jingnan was pale and reflexively stepped back: "You."

"Hands!" Huang Xiaolong's indifferent voice sounded.

Standing on the back of Huang Xiaolong, the four heads are not moving, and the figure disappears instantly in the same place. The next time it appears, it has already come to Li.

a punch!

Li Tong screamed and was smashed in the same instant as Tian Changyue. Then, unlike the physique constantly changing, leaving a dreamy afterimage, each afterimage flashed, and there was a konjac An old ancestor was blown up.

There is a konjac ancestor who has locked Huang Xiaolong, and his eyes are in fear. He shot a strong killing, and the sword in his hand called out, suddenly rushing to Huang Xiaolong: "Kid, die!"

Swordsmanship, Jianqi throughput.

Seeing that the konjac ancestor would have to open Huang Xiaolong with a sword, but the konjac ancestor only felt that a terrorist force was coming to the sea, and when he had not reacted, the whole person was horrified. The power was drowned and lost consciousness.

The shot is exactly the same as the previous one.

In front of this four, the konjac ancestors want to kill Huang Xiaolong, it is a dream.

Not to mention them, it is impossible for the Great Tenth.

Soon, Li and the konjac ancestors were all blasted, leaving a beach of blood on the street.

Bloody smell is pervasive.

In the end, there is only Wu Jingnan, the devotee of the konjac.

Wu Jingnan stood there alone, looking at the blood around the beach, an unprecedented fear and loneliness, the feeling of desperation continued to breed, constantly covering, he only felt the sky around, only the endless cold, his whole body colder and colder.

Huang Xiaolong came over to Jingjingnan.

Wu Jingnan saw it, his body stiffened backwards, his mouth open, his lips trembled, and he didn't know what to say.

Huang Xiaolong is like a **** of death, approaching him step by step.

This time, the Mantra and the Glass Magic Monument were born. He came to the North Cold Region. He thought about danger. However, he never thought about it. He would die in Liucheng, and he would die like this!

"Before I die, I want to know who you are!" Wu Jingnan hoarse voice, he knew that he must die, but he died in the hands of Huang Xiaolong, even Huang Xiaolong did not know, he was unwilling.

However, his voice just fell, the figure flashed, Huang Xiaolong's palm had pinched his throat, and then, the Golden Buddha's supreme power was urging, and the light power was instantly worn by Wu Jingnan's throat.

When Huang Xiaolong’s palms and bright forces poured out instantly, Wu Jingnan’s eyes widened. Suddenly, he wanted to understand something.

Previously, he always thought that the other side was a super-powerful leader.

Then, Huang Xiaolong’s brightest supreme power continued to drown into Wu Jingnan’s body.

As Wu Jingnan's body magic is constantly purified, his body is constantly destroyed and dissipated.

At the last moment, suddenly, Wu Jingnan’s head burst out with a horrible magic light. This magic light suddenly blocked the erosion of Huang Xiaolong’s brightest supreme power.

"Oh." Huang Xiaolong was surprised, but in a moment he realized that this should be a stone **** remnant consuming a **** refining of the gods to ban, branded into the Wu Jingnan gods, in the end to protect the soul of Wu Jingnan.

At this moment, the four are not like a photo of the void, and then a grip, the stone 猿 尊 尊 尊 尊 心 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊

With Wu Jingnan screaming, Wu Jingnan eventually disappeared completely between heaven and earth.

Huang Xiaolong took one shot and took Wu Jingnan and the enchanted ancestor Li’s equivalent space artifact to the front. The gods swept away, there were countless spiritual stones, countless gods, and countless armor.

These Lingshi, Shendan, and armor, most of them are fire attributes, and can resist the cold. It seems that they are the spiritual stones, gods and armor that the konjac purchased for this deep eternal magic land, and There are some of the best in the fire system.

Huang Xiaolong took some of the best fire products, and the other ones were thrown to Gao Changran.

Lingshi, Shendan, armor, and Huang Xiaolong are not lacking.

After Gao Changran thanked him, Huang Xiaolong said: "The order is passed down, the whole city is blocked, and all the konjac disciples are forbidden from the city. At the same time, all the ancestors of the six meditation gates, the elders are sent out, all the konjac in the city. Disciple."

Wu Jingnan, the news of Li’s death, will soon be heard. It will inevitably disturb the konjac in the city of Liuming. Therefore, before this, Liumingmen must take the first step.

"Follow the order!" Gao Changran respectfully should be, even after a series of orders.

For a time, the entire six meditations were full of wind and rain, and the blood was full of smell.

Just when Wu Jingnan was killed by Huang Xiaolong, and far away in the distance, the Shijie Mozun, who was constantly coming to the north cold area, suddenly stopped.

Zhao Chengyu, the konjac teacher who was behind the stone sorcerer, and others, could not help but stop.

"Devil statue, you are this?" asked the konjac teacher Zhao Chengyu.

The whole body is shrouded in the magical spirit, and the tall stone scorpion demon statue is sullen and horrible: "Just in the morning, Jingnan died."


"The lesser master is dead!"

The konjac masters were shocked, and at the same time they couldn't believe it. They didn't say that they were in the Six Mounds. They haven't entered the Eternal Magic Land yet, how can they fall?

"Six Mighty City!" The stone sorcerer's voice is very cold.

"The meaning of the devil statue is that it is the six meditation gates?" Some of the konjac teachings, Zhao Chengyu, did not believe it. After all, he knew the strength of the six sacred gates. The sixth sacred gatekeeper Gao Changran was just an early eighth step. And with the equivalent of Lee, Gao Changran is absolutely impossible to kill Wu Jingnan.

"Is it a six-door, and I will soon know." The stone sorcerer’s voice is cold and cold: "Accelerate forward, goal, six meditation!"

"Yes, Demon Lord!"

The konjac masters are vast and go straight to the city of Six Mounds.

However, it didn't take long for the konjac to get the news that the konjac disciples in the six meditations were slaughtered by the six sacred doors.

When I heard the news, the konjac taught everyone to believe, and they were all angry.

In the eyes of the konjac, the six sacred gates are ants, and an ant dares to challenge an elephant!

"Six meditation, Gao Changran, you are a big dog! My konjac will swear to kill you six sacred doors!" The konjac teaching master Zhao Chengyu sounds cold as ice, word by word.

There is no opening in the sarcophagus, and the eyes are far away: "Things, I am afraid it is not that simple."

"What does the devil respect mean?" asked the konjac teacher Zhao Chengyu.

"A six-door door, I still dare not openly kill my konjac to teach my disciples." Shi Jie magic eyes blink. (To be continued.)

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