Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1837: Being robbed

Zhao Chengyu, the konjac teacher, meditated, stopped, and said: "What does that mean?"

Shi Yan Mo Zun Shen Shen said: "First investigate clearly, see who is behind the six meditation, can kill Li Tong, Tian Changyue and others, certainly the master of the tenth level or more!"

"Yes, the devil is an adult!" Zhao Chengyu, the konjac teacher, said with a good voice, and immediately asked: "The demon statue, we are now rushing to the six meditation gates, or?"

Ishigaki devil thought about it and said: "Go directly to the eternal magic land, the Mantra magic monument and the glass magic monument are important, and, you are not inquiring, the six sacred doors also go to the eternal magic land? Then we are Eternal magic land waiting for them!" Speaking of this, eyes stunned, killing and shooting: "No matter who, killing my disciple, I will die! And it is a place of death!"

The konjac taught everyone to feel the murderousness of the stone sorcerer's body.

The Devils of the Devils of the Devils, with the demon sacred battles in the world, killed hundreds of millions, and the killing of the body, can be described as extremely extraordinary.

The release of the killing power of the stone 猿 尊 尊 尊, even if many of the great powers of the great emperor can not afford.

So, the konjac taught everyone to continue on their way.

Not long after, the konjac teacher Zhao Chengyu got the following news.

"The devil statue has been investigated." The konjac teacher Zhao Chengyu reported to the stone 猿 禀 : : “ “ “ 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据A black token was sent to the Sixth Gate General Office, and Gao Changran personally came out to meet him. Later, this young black-haired young man was greeted by the Gao Fan of the Sixth Gates and was greeted into the Sixth Gate House!"

"Oh, young black hair." Shi Jie devil brows wrinkled: "What does he look like? Specific identity, did you find out?"

Zhao Chengyu, the konjac teacher, described the face of Huang Xiaolong and shook his head. "His specific identity has not been detected yet. However, according to the disciples below, Jingnan, Li’s death, should be with this young black man. It’s just, strangely, this young brunette is just the beginning of the eighth step."

"Tianjun eighth-order early?" Shijie demon is amazed, his eyes flashing: "It seems that this young black-haired identity is not simple."

In the early days of a heavenly king, he dared to go to the General Office of the Sixth Gate, and let the Lord of the Sixth Gate, Gao Changran, come out to meet him.

"Will it be a son or a disciple of an old devil in our devil?" The konjac teacher Zhao Chengyu guessed: "Or is it a young master of an ancient demon?"

Devil world, there are a few old devils, it is very difficult, even if it is met by the stone 猿 尊, it is also a headache, there are several ancient magic gates, hidden in the world for many years, its power, not weaker than the konjac.

Ishiguro demon sighs coldly: "Let the following people continue to check, must check his true identity, even if he is the son of several old devils or pro-disciples, killing my konjac teacher Also give a confession."

"Yes, Demon Lord!"

Just as the konjac taught everyone to continue on their way and investigate the identity of Huang Xiaolong, the news that the konjac teacher Shao Jing’s Wu Jingnan was killed was quickly spread, which led to a small sensation in the northern cold.

North Cold Continental, North Cold City, above a luxurious mansion hall, sitting with a beautiful look, between the gestures, than the beauty with the power of the magic.

Around the beauty, sitting on a dozen strong breaths.

Obviously, these are the high-ranking ancestors of the Great.

"Wu Jingnan, the master of the konjac teaching, was killed?" The beautiful woman heard one of her ancestors, surprised and surprised.

The konjac teaching, as the fifth power in the devil world, Wu Jingnan, the young leader of the murder, is not a trivial matter.

"Yes, Miss, and it is made by Liu Mingmen, Wu Jingnan, after Li’s death, Liu Mingmen blocked the whole city and killed all the konjac disciples in the city. All of them have been slaughtered.” One of the ancestors opened the way. The face is quite dignified.

This woman is the daughter of the sacred sect of the sect of Heaven, and the daughter of the sacred demon of the twelve devils, not only one of the three great geniuses of the devil, but also one of the four great devils of the devil world.

The sentence of Yin’s beautiful eyes flashed, and there was a flash of light: “Sure someone will support the six meditation gates, who is it?”

Li Tian, ​​the ancestor of the sect of Heaven, shook his head and said: "I only know that it is related to a young black-haired young man, but his identity has not been detected yet." After that, he will find out that the information about Huang Xiaolong is against Yin and Everyone said it.

However, what he found was similar to that found by the konjac teaching. He only knew that Huang Xiaolong was the first stage of Tianjun and guessing the identity of Huang Xiaolong.

"Tianjun eight-stage early." The sentence promised to indulge: "Let Gao Changran have to swear to him?"

"Yes." Li Tian, ​​the ancestor of the sect of Heaven, nodded.

"What about the konjac? What is the action?" asked the sentence.

"I heard that the stone sacred demon and the konjac teaching master have now reached the northern cold field, but did not go to the six meditation city, but went directly to the eternal magic land." Another ancestor Wang Zhiqiao began.

The sentence was inaccurate.

"I heard that Liu Mingmen is also preparing to set off the eternal magic land. Therefore, according to my guess, the plan of Shijie Mozun is to wait until the eternal magic land to clean up the six sacred doors."

The sentence promised nod and said: "A few days later, the father and the adult also went to the North Cold Region. This time, the two great monuments were born, including the father and the grown-up, and they came to the six demon statues. I heard that even Qin Hongbao and Chen Yujian are the two guys. Also coming?"

The three geniuses of the Devil, Qin Hongbao and Chen Yujian are the other two.

Qin Hongbao is a pro-disciple of the 12th Devil's No. 2, and Chen Yujian is a descendant of the ancient demon.

If they live on the world, neither of them is weaker than her.

"No matter how many masters come this time, I believe that this two magic monuments will inevitably be taught by us." The ancestor Wang Zhiqiao looked confident.

Later, the criminals taught everyone to talk about the situation of some super-big groups in the northern colds. The prison promised to continue, and people continue to check the identity of Huang Xiaolong.

Like the criminal sect, many forces in the Northern Cold Region began to curious and investigate the identity of Huang Xiaolong.

one day later.

In the room of Liu Mingmen, Huang Xiaolong is practicing, and he sees Gao Changran coming in. He blames and panic: "Your Majesty, the subordinates just got the news, the fire phoenix that I bought in the past few days, the fire dragon burned the sky. Dan, and the ice-phoenix ship, on the circuit, have been robbed, and all the six medlar disciples who were sent back were killed!"

"Please kneel down!"

"Oh." Huang Xiaolong accidentally, his brow wrinkled: "Is it found out who did it?"

These things were originally prepared for the eternal magic land, but now they have been robbed!

"According to our verification, it is related to the silver magic." Gao Changran replied with a bow. (To be continued.)

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