Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1865: Seriously injured by Huang Xiaolong

Seeing the nine yin corpse ancestors eclipsed the two palms in the Pluto spaceship, suddenly, four whistling, I saw four heads and four did not fly at the same time as the Pluto spacecraft.

When the four people got out of the spaceship, they immediately turned into a giant, and the whole body was fully extended.

"Four looks like a dark palm!"

Four people glimpsed, the whole body of dark power madness surged, four people shape illusion, formed a four-party chaos big array, four people shot at the same time, eight palms and one shot, ushered in the eclipse giant palm.

The four people are incarnate, and they are comparable to the ordinary dominance. Now the four are joining forces, and they are attacking each other. The power is doubled again. Under the eight palms, even the ordinary ruler must be shot by four people.

Endless dark powers rise to the sky.

The eclipse of the giant eclipse continues to slap down.

Finally collided together.


The whole world seems to have been blown up. The eternal magic city is shaking violently. The countless banned ray of the city is shaking and faltering.

The power of destruction swept through the wall of the eternal magic city north gate, directly torn the top, and the huge cracks continued to expand and expand.

Standing in the north cold region for hundreds of millions of years, it has always been the same, blocking the walls of the eternal magic city that the Warcraft army has innumerable countless years of impact. At this moment, the gravel has continued to collapse.

All the powerful people who were violently flying around the eternal magic city could not fear.

Previously, even if it was dominated by Chiyou, the destruction caused was less than one percent of the present, no, one in a thousand!

I saw a four-party chaotic array, and at the same time, the four-headed four who joined forces to attack were not like the collision of countless chaotic mountains, and the four fell from high altitude.


The four broke into the underground of the city.

Huang Xiaolong’s face changed greatly.

I did not expect that the four-headed four did not strike a full blow, but it was still seriously injured by the eclipse.

Is this the strength of eclipse? ! The real first person in hell! It turned out to be such a horror.

It is no wonder that billions of years ago, dare to lead the nine yin corpse to attack the realm of the gods, so strong, I am afraid that only the master of his master, the king of Hongmen, can come forward in person.

After eclipsing two giant palms and flying four heads and fours, they continued to shoot down the Pluto spacecraft.

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong felt the breath of death.

The breath of death is so strong that it is so close.

In the moment of life and death, Huang Xiaolong screamed, and the ancient black dragon family was simultaneously motivated, and the soul of the black dragon flew out. At the same time, Huangquan magic robe, Pluto jade, konjac, four chaotic thunder pools, **** heart, jade moon conch all Pushed to the extreme.

Huang Quan's robe took the axe troll and flew out.

The power of countless chaos is ejected from the four chaotic mines.

The heart of **** communicates the deepest power of hell, the void is torn, and the infinite **** power envelopes the body of Huang Xiaolong.

Yuyue Shenluo silver light, protect the soul of God.

And Gao Changran, Wang Fanning is also a horror in the horror of the Pluto's spaceship. The defense of the Pluto's spacecraft is heavy and heavy, protecting the Pluto spacecraft, and attacking the big array and welcoming the eclipse .


I saw the eclipse of the giant palm and easily smashed the soul of the black dragon. The Huangquan robe was held by the axe troll, and the power of chaos was swaying and split.

The eclipse giant palm continued to fall.

It seems that everything can't resist the palm of eclipse.

The eclipse power fell to the Pluto spacecraft moment, Huang Xiaolong's three supreme gods, the three demon **** blood, the Yuanlong body, the body of the demon all pushed to the extreme.


A small bang in the ear of Huang Xiaolong’s ear, a terrorist force easily broke through the heavy defensive array of the Pluto spacecraft, and then fell to Huang Xiaolong.

The entire Pluto spacecraft is like a fly that was shot and flew back, then fell to the ground of the Eternal Magic City, and the ground broke through a huge hole.

The black dragon **** of Huang Xiaolong's body is the glory of the black dragon god, and there is a fissure on the top. Huang Xiaolong broke into the bottom of the Pluto's spaceship, and the blood in his mouth was mad.

The sound of heaven and earth seems to have stood still, and it seems to be extremely clear. Huang Xiaolong feels that the body is actually cracking. The mutated Yuanlong body and the body of the demon have begun to appear a blood mark, just like porcelain.

The three most supreme gods are running slowly, and the illusions of the blood of the three demon gods are also very weak, as if a gust of wind can blow away, only the heart of **** is still slowly and powerfully pulsating.

Huang Xiaolong stood up hard and looked around. He saw Gao Changran in the cabin. Wang Faning was lying in the distance. His body was blood and his breathing was weak.

After Huang Xiaolong was afraid for a while, if it wasn’t for the previous four-headed four, it’s not like a joint blow, blocking a lot of eclipsing power, or just the palm of his hand, he is afraid now!

Erosion definitely does not only dominate the second or third order, it should have broken through to dominate the middle.

At this moment, suddenly, the eclipse of the giant palms was lifted again, and then again shot to the Pluto spacecraft.

Looking at the eclipse of the eclipse of the sky, the giant palm again photographed, Huang Xiaolong's face changed greatly, just the other hand has four heads and four does not like to resist, now?

Seeing that the eclipse giant palm is getting closer and closer, Huang Xiaolong is about to recall the ancient city and paradise desperately resisting. Suddenly, there are two figures in the sky above the Pluto spaceship.

These two figures stand there, and the momentum is earth-shattering. Everyone is not weaker than Chiyou. No, each of them is stronger than Chiyou!

The two enchanted flames in the sky, the body of the magic flame formed a statue of the ancient troll.

The two men drank at the same time, both shot, greeted the eclipse of the giant palm.


Under the joint efforts of the two men, the eclipse giant palm was swept to the sky.

Both of them were also smashed and slammed back and forth, and they quit a few miles away.

But after all, it is blocked!

Huang Xiaolong was shocked. Did the Devils save him?

"Well?!" At this moment, above the void, the sound of the sorrowful ancestors of the nine yin dynasties screamed: "Chen Tian, ​​Wang Teng, you actually stopped me!"

Just now, the ancestors of Jiuyin’s ancestors were eclipsed by both the criminals and Wang Teng.

One is the criminal day of the first of the twelve devils, and the other is Wang Teng, the head of the army that controls the first force of the demon world. Both of them are the supreme beings of the devil world. Under the joint efforts, even if they are eclipsed, they dare not despise.

At this time, countless figures came from afar, and it was the ancestors of the sect of Heaven and the generals of the Heavenless Demon.

"Eclipse, here is the devil world, not your undead world, here is the eternal magic city, not the place where you can wildly." Wang Teng, the head of the Heavenly Demon Legion, screamed coldly.

"Pluto Master, you go first." The criminal demon respects the voice of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong is also a person who kills and decisively. When he hears it, the moment he will spur the Pluto ship, and instantly burst into the air.

"Want to go?!" The eclipse sounds cold.

(There is one more in the evening, but it will be later) (to be continued.)

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