Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1866: You are the traitor of the devil!

Just when Huang Xiaolong urged the Pluto spacecraft to break away, the eclipse of the giant palm was turned over and shot again. This time, it was endlessly spurting, and the billions of miles were covered with death. .

"Huang Xiaolong, I want to kill you, you will die!"

"Even if it is the punishment of heaven and Wang Teng can not save you!"

The eclipse of the eclipse sounds over the entire eternal magic city, and the eternal magic city billions of miles of all the strong people can hear clearly.

Huang Xiaolong is the Lord of Hell. The king of Hongmeng has passed on his disciples. He won a battle in the sea and slaughtered hundreds of emperors' ancestors. The battle of the gods and gods of the gods and gods destroyed the evil spirits palace that did not know how many hundred miles.

For many of the many powerful people in the world, Huang Xiaolong is invincible, but now, eclipse is dare to face the face of hundreds of thousands of demons, saying that to kill Huang Zhitian and Wang Teng can not save Huang Xiaolong.

This is domineering.

Nothing is domineering!

The sentence of the day is heard, drink: "Erosion, you are less vocal in this!"

"There is no magic!"

With the high voice of the punishment, the ancestors of the sect of the sect of the sacred form formed a troll, which is the sacred form of the ancestors, and the sacred sky flies and falls to the heart of the body, and the sorcerer is insane.

And Wang Teng also shouted at the same time: "Architecture!"

Numerous innocent demon army generals also took Wang Teng as the center, gathered around Wang Teng, and immediately arranged a demon world.


The criminal day and Wang Teng's soul are connected, and at the same time shouted, the two men shot again at the same time, the boundless magic rose into the sky, the whole magical city above the magic city like a boiling water, rolling.

"Not self-reliant!" The eclipse smiled coldly, and the giant palm continued to photograph the Pluto spacecraft.


Both the criminal day and Wang Teng attacked and collided with the eclipse giant palm, and the eternal magic city trembled again.

Both the criminal day and Wang Teng rolled out again for a few miles, and the eclipse giant palm was once again smashed. With the help of the ancestors of the sect of Heaven and the help of the generals of the Heavenly Devils, both the criminals and Wang Teng attacked stronger than before. There are quite a few, but compared with the ancestors of the nine yin corpses, they are still weaker.

The Pluto spacecraft was also tens of thousands of miles under the aftermath of the destruction of several people.

"Pluto, you leave first!" Wang Teng gave a drink to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong immediately urged the Pluto spacecraft to continue to fly outside the city gate, and recalled the ancient city, heaven, konjac and other treasures. At this time, the four heads and four did not fly back from the ground.

Although the eclipse of strength is horrible, but just a palm, it is just that the four heads and fours are not suffering from a small injury.

The Pluto spacecraft instantly came to the north gate.

At this time, the eclipse was originally taken down by Huang Xiaolong.

"Huang Xiaolong, today is your death, I see how you escape!" The eclipse is full of supreme power and sounds all over the world.

"Open the whole city!" At this time, Wang Teng stunned.

In the sound of Wang Teng just falling, the corners of the eternal magic city rushed to the top of the magic light, these magic lights intertwined together, forming a chaos of the demon world.

At the same time, Wang Teng and Gong Tian once again shot, greeted the eclipse of the giant palm.

"Open!" The two shouted.

When they were the ancestors of the ancestors, they had the arms of the left and right, and they joined forces to kill countless enemies.

Under the attack of two people, the eclipse will be smashed again.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong made the four heads and fours not like the shots, tearing the power of the aftermath of a few people. The Pluto spaceship broke away and was instantly a million miles away.

At this time, Chiyou, Feng Chu, the change of the ancestors of the Emperor Zong Chen Xie three people screamed and chased Huang Xiaolong.

In the back, the ancestors of Tushenmen, the ancestors of the ancestors, and the maddening demon lords have also arrived, and they have been chasing Huang Xiaolong.

However, at this time, the horror of the boxing wave came straight, blocking Chiyou, Feng Chu and others.

You especially looked at it, and it was the punishment day.

"Criminal days, Huang Xiaolong is the Lord of Hell, and we don't share the sky with our devil world. You actually shot Huang Xiaolong. Do you want to be the sinner of the entire Devil's billion-dollar demon?!" Chiyou pointed out that he was arrogant, and he did not expect the last moment. It turned out that it was the punishment of the day to save Huang Xiaolong.

Of course, there is also a Wang Teng.

However, Wang Teng is the head of the Army of the Heavenless Demon, and Chi You still dare not blame.

The sentence is cold and smiles: "You especially, you colluded with the nine yin corpse ancestors and other people, ignoring the rules of the eternal magic city set by the celestial ancestors, and you are the traitor in the eternal magic city!"

"You and the mad thunder, how do you confess to the celestial ancestors in the future?!"

Asked about the punishment.

Hey was screaming coldly, but the maddening demon rushed to him was a sullen face, and he was so daring to yell at the punishment, he was not courageous.

In the past few years, the Tiantian and the ancestors have disappeared. In addition, there have been many disputes between the criminal days and Chiuyou. Although the two have not yet reached the enemy's position, they are not contradictory.

Chiyou did not pay any attention to the punishment day and continued to chase and kill Huang Xiaolong.

However, due to this delay, the Pluto spacecraft has already entered the magical barrier and disappeared into the layers of the magic barrier. Chiyou rushed into the magical plain, but it was difficult to find the Pluto ship.

"Damn!" Chiyou hated and angered.

At this time, the ancestors of the nine yin corpses were eclipsed, and there were also culverts, Feng Chu, Chen Xie and others who had already concealed and retired. They wanted to catch up with Huang Xiaolong.

On the day of punishment, Wang Teng saw that Huang Xiaolong had entered the magical plain and did not stop Chiyou and others.

As long as Huang Xiaolong enters the magic barrier plain, it is basically safe. If there is a magical obstacle, it is difficult to find Huang Xiaolong again.

"Criminal days, thank you for this time." Wang Teng turned to the heavens.

It was because of Wang Teng’s move that the genius promised to join forces with Wang Teng to save Huang Xiaolong.

The punishment day hastened: "The head of the army is very polite, I have only done this, and if Huang Xiaolong can really become our demon ancestors, it is not a good thing."

If Huang Xiaolong can unify the **** and the devil world, then the **** of the **** and the devil will dissipate, and there is no need to see each other again, whether it is **** or the devil.

Wang Teng said with emotion: "It is a pity that Chiyou and the mad thunder are not as far-reaching as you are, and Ishigaki still knows how to advance and retreat."

In Wang Teng's view, since Huang Xiaolong can climb to the top of the ninth floor of the Devil Tower, there is no accident, it may be the next generation of Devils in the Devil World, so this time he will not hesitate to save Huang Xiaolong. Loyalty.

Of course, the reason why he shot this time is mainly because of eclipse, 褚涵 and others ignoring the rules of the eternal magic city in the eternal magic city, eclipsing, 褚涵 this is provoking him, provoke the sorcerer.

After a while, the criminal days rate left, and I have to go back and prepare for it. I plan to lead the people to enter the World of Warcraft tomorrow. Although the two magic monuments should fall into the hands of Huang Xiaolong, he still has to fight for one or two.

As for the Warcraft army that attacks the eternal magic city, there is no demon army, and there is no need to worry about him. (To be continued.) 8

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