Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1867: The Fall of the Mantra

In the days of punishment, when he was prepared and will go deep into the World of Warcraft Empire, Huang Xiaolong let the 10 undead captains of the Guards force the Pluto spacecraft to fly carefully.

Although within the magic barrier, it can obstruct the gods and souls and other gods, but in the face of the existence of eclipse, Huang Xiaolong still dare not care.

Sitting in the cabin of the Pluto spaceship, Huang Xiaolong’s mouth was bleeding and squirting, and his face was pale. This time, he was careless. He did not expect the eclipse to be such a horror. He thought that with the four heads and fours, he could block the eclipse. Even if you can't resist it, you can keep him safe from the eternal magic city.

Finally, fortunately, Wang Teng and the criminal day shot.

However, Wang Teng is the head of the No-Devils Army, and he has the responsibility of guarding the eternal magic city. He shot, Huang Xiaolong is not surprised, but what makes Huang Xiaolong puzzled is that he also helped him.

No matter what, this time, he is in love with two people.

Gao Changran and Wang Faning, both of whom are next to Huang Xiaolong, are pale and bloodless. Although the two are high-ranking emperors, the injury is not lighter than Huang Xiaolong.

As for the four heads and four, the injury is lighter.

Huang Xiaolong took out seven Da Vanni relics and gave Gao Changran, Wang Fanning, four not like one person, and then swallowed one of them himself, and began to sit down and heal.

At this time, heaven came to the top of Huang Xiaolong and others. Under the 14-headed light, the light energy of the array of lights continued to roll down and shrouded Huang Xiaolong.

Under the bright energy of the Great Vatican and the heavens, the injuries of Huang Xiaolong recovered at an alarming rate.

This is the case, after a few days, Huang Xiaolong’s injury has completely recovered.

Fortunately, the bright energy of heaven is constantly purifying and eroding the dead air. Otherwise, these dead air stay in the body of Huang Xiaolong. It takes several years for Huang Xiaolong to really drive out the clean and complete recovery.

It didn't take long for Huang Xiaolong to recover. The four heads and four did not recover. As for Gao Changran, Wang Fanning was still sitting on the plate.

After considering it, Huang Xiaolong let the undead head guards drive the Pluto ship out of the magical plain, and then found a desolate place to start repairing the Pluto.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong took the opportunity to repair the Black Dragon God.

This time, the damage of the Pluto and the Black Dragon gods is not light. However, there are four people who are not dead, there are four, and there are four wings, tomorrow, and the treasures of the evil spirits, the ancient black dragon and other treasures have enough materials, Huang Xiaolong estimates that ten It will be repaired back in days.

As for the two great monuments, they are not in a hurry for these ten days.

In the undead one hundred and three guards, the four heads and four are not like, the fourteen heads of light will make joint efforts tomorrow, ten days later, finally, the Pluto spaceship, the black dragon gods repaired seven seven eight eight, although still can not be restored to the state of prosperity, but still Already the same.

Ten days later, with the help of heaven, Gao Changran and Wang Faning’s injuries have already recovered.

However, just as Huang Xiaolong had to re-start and go deep into the World of Warcraft Empire, suddenly, there was a strong wave of power in front.

One after the other, more than a dozen forces are approaching here.

"Your Majesty, some people are being chased and killed, and there are a few high-ranking emperors." Gao Changran listened for a while and said: "It is already three million miles away and should be on our side soon."

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

"Your Majesty, then do we want to avoid it?" Wang Fanning said.

Huang Xiao shook his head: "No."

When the shield of the Pluto spacecraft was opened, even if the Emperor came to the vicinity of the tenth stage, he could not find it. Therefore, Huang Xiaolong did not worry that these people could find them.

Of course, even if you find out, there is nothing, a few high emperors.

Soon, more than a dozen people from the other side have come to the hundred miles.

The power of destruction spread to the mountains around the Pluto, and some of the mountains collapsed.

The group that was chased in front was only four people in total. One was the eighth order of the Great Emperor, the other was the fifth order of the Great Emperor, and there was also a late peak of the Tenth Order.

All four are werewolves.

After chasing after, a total of twelve people, there are three people in the high-end of the Great, and the other nine are the middle of the Emperor, the first stage.

However, near, to see the costumes of the people behind, Gao Changran changed his face: "It is the person of the Blue Lion Empire!"

Huang Xiaolong heard the words, but also a small snack.

With the magic barrier plain as the boundary, this is the empire of Warcraft, the other side is the world of the demon world, and the World of Warcraft is just a unified name, in fact, in this World of Warcraft, large and small World of Warcraft, a total of hundreds of thousands, The largest of the World of Warcraft, there are a total of nine.

The entire World of Warcraft, most of the forces were ruled by these nine World of Warcraft.

The Magic Eye Blue Lion Empire is one of the nine World of Warcraft empire, and the Magic Eye Blue Lion Empire ranks fourth in the nine major World of Warcraft.

In the vast expanse of World of Warcraft, this magic eye Blue Lion Empire ranks fourth, you can imagine its terrorist strength.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the master of the sacred demon and the sect of the sacred world come to this World of Warcraft, if you encounter the magic eye, the master of the Blue Lion Empire must choose to evade and tolerate.

World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft, can be transformed into an adult shape, but after the illusion of the adult shape, it still retains the characteristics of Warcraft. For example, after the dozens of masters of the Blue Lion Empire, they have a blue lion behind them. The tail, while the face also has a blue lion character.

As for the height of the ordinary Warcraft illusion of adult shape, generally nearly three meters, higher than the Terran and the Devil.

After the Warcraft illusion of the adult shape, there are advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it can display many exercises and magical skills of the Terran and the Devil, but the body is weak.

If you keep the Warcraft ontology, you can't display the Terran and Mozu skills and magic skills, but the ontology is much stronger, and you can use the ontological talent skills.

At this time, the two groups of people have come to the vicinity of the Pluto spaceship, and the people of the Blue Lion Empire have surrounded the other four.

A young man with a blue eye of the magic eye stares at the female werewolf who is at the peak of the tenth step of Tianjun. He whispered: "Lv Xiaoqing, right? So, knowing why, when you first, if you said the whereabouts of the Mantra There will be no end of the genocide."

"If you say the whereabouts of the Mantra, I will make you die more comfortable."

"No, hey."

There are more than a dozen people in the Blue Eyes of the Magic Eye. This young man is obviously headed by this young man. This young man is only the middle stage of the Great Emperor, but his position in the Blue Lion Empire should be extremely high.

Huang Xiaolong, Gao Changran, a few people listen, but it is awkward, Wan Man magic monument? Do the four werewolves know the whereabouts of the Mantra?

The female werewolf Lv Xiaoqing laughed and his eyes were full of hatred: "If we die, we will not tell you the whereabouts of the Mantra. I will not die today. One day, I will be the meat of your body." Take a bite!" (To be continued.)

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