Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1875: Township

Huang Xiaolong saw the fire and the clouds rushed to the top, the three most supreme gods, the body of the Yuanlong, and the body of the demon was simultaneously motivated, raising his hand and welcoming it.

On the side of the fox, I saw that Huang Xiaolong chose to face the fire cloud alone, and could not help but see.

The fire cloud is the peak of the second stage of the Great Emperor, and Huang Xiaolong is only the mid-ninth stage of the Tianjun.

A Tianjun Jiujie mid-term dare to fight against the peak of the second stage of a great emperor. Is this black young man crazy? Still, as the fire cloud said, the other party is just a country! One does not know the so-called township!

"Be careful!" At the thought of waiting for Huang Xiaolong's flesh and blood to be blurred, and the horror of being smashed, Fox did not know why, and suddenly shouted to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong heard the words and turned to smile.

Hu Qianmei saw this time, Huang Xiaolong was still distracted, and even had a feeling of laughter, feeling speechless, she would like to knock on the head of this country, and see what the sound is.

At this time, the two fists of Huang Xiaolong and Huo Yunyun finally collided.


Originally a face stunned, a face condescending, a face full of killing fire clouds suddenly changed his face, all the killings dissipated, replaced by fright.

There was a shattering sound that rang continuously, and the fire screamed. The whole man flew out and broke into the back wall, directly smashing the wall, and then smashed several yard walls. It fell to the ground and was covered by gravel.

In other courtyards, there are masters who are also listening to music. Suddenly, some people have broken into the yard. The yard is banned like an egg, and it is impossible to wear it.

"Who is that?"

These Warcraft Empire masters face each other and come to the fire cloud.

Although the fire cloud is covered by gravel and the face is covered with stone dust, it is still faintly visible.

When I saw that it was a cloud of fire, these masters of the World of Warcraft took a breath of air and frightened.

"It’s a fire, a thunder, a singer, a fire, a cloud!"

"This, who hurts the Purple Emperor and the Emperor!"

At the same time, everyone turned around, and through the wall of the humanoid hole and then looked at it, they saw the figure of Huang Xiaolong on that side.

At the same time, Huo Yanxi and others who were bombarded with the fire cloud were lying in all corners of the yard.

Hu Qianmei and Guo Mengmeng have already stayed.

The two looked at the ancestors of the Ziyan Empire lying across the corners of the yard, watching the humanoid hole left by the fire clouds on the courtyard wall, and the mind was blank.

Guo Wei’s pair swayed up and down.

Lonely charming double mouth and nostrils are spraying aroma.

Huang Xiaolong ignored the crowd and lifted his footsteps. He passed straight through the big hole in the human form and walked over to the clouds of fire.

The masters of the World of Warcraft, who were standing by the fire clouds, were shocked and then retreated.

Huang Xiaolong came to the front of the fire cloud.

At this time, the fire cloud struggled to stand up from the gravel pile, watching Huang Xiaolong, the eyes of the horror were endless killings, killing the sky, one word and one bit, gnashing his teeth: "You, will, die It’s terrible! It’s terrible!”

"All those who have a relationship with you will die very badly!"

"They will be cramped, they will be scraped by the cheekbones, and they will be bled by the soul!"

However, when the fire cloud said this, Huang Xiaolong banged the past and directly slammed his chest and smashed his entire chest.

The sound of the fire cloud suddenly stopped, his eyes were prominent, his face was full of pain, but there was no sound, and it was blood or something flowing from his mouth.

Huang Xiaolong sneaked in a cold, dragging the whole person of the fire cloud back to the original yard.

The fire cloud was behind Huang Xiaolong, dragged by Huang Xiaolong, his tongue stretched out, soft and sly, like a dead dog, and it was unbelievable to see the masters of the World of Warcraft.

Is this really a fire-thundering empire?

Is it really one of the four geniuses of World of Warcraft? !

Huang Xiaolong dragged the fire cloud back to the yard, and in the eyes of Hu Qianmei and Guo Mengmeng, they threw them and threw them at Gao Changran: "Block his whole body."

Speaking of this, I looked at the ancestors of the fire scorpion empire lying in all corners of the yard, coldly: "As for them, all killed!"

Killed all!

Huang Xiaolong’s voice fell, Hu Meimei, Guo Mengmeng and the distant world of Warcraft’s masters suddenly trembled.

The fire scorpion scorpion empire ancestor Yan Yanxi more than a dozen people could not believe to look at Huang Xiaolong.

"You, what are you talking about?" Huo Yanxi asked.

He still does not believe that Huang Xiaolong really dared to kill them all in the Purple Emperor.

However, the sound of Huo Yanxi just fell, a giant palm crashed down and instantly printed it into the ground.

The ground is shaking.

I do not know who screamed, I saw the fire sacred empire empire madness fled.

However, these eagle eagle empire empire just flew up, above the void, the giant palm stretched out, and they immediately smashed these ancestors.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the ancestors of the fire scorpion empire that were photographed, his eyes were indifferent, and the masters of the yin wu sect were killed by the fire scorpion scorpion empire. This is only a small compensation.

"Let's go." Huang Xiaolong said to Gao Changran a few humanities.

"Yes, adults!"

Gao Changran took the fire cloud.

When I walked out of the yard, Huang Xiaolong remembered something and went back to the fox and said: "The song of the girl is very good."

Fox is a little charming.

When she woke up, Huang Xiaolong and Gao Changran and others had already gone far.

Guo Mengmeng looked at the body of Huo Yanxi and others in the yard. His face was pale and bloodless, his eyes were afraid.

It didn’t take long for Huang Xiaolong to leave the female emperor’s building. Huo Yanxi and others were killed. The news that the fire cloud was seriously injured and stunned immediately shocked the entire fire and thunder.

"What do you say?!" The fire scorpion and the great emperor screamed at the fire, and the main fire of the emperor's city, which was reported to him, was smashed from the ground: "You say it again!"

The anger of the fire scorpion and the great emperor made the ancestors of the halls chill.

"The Great Emperor is angry." The old ancestors said in front of Qian Qian: "Our priority is to save the Lord."

The fire will throw the fire of the emperor's city, and his eyes will be cold: "Is there no other origin?"

"This, not yet, but the other side is taking the lead, it should be a picture." The old ancestors screamed.

Half an hour later, the fire and thunder scorpion emperor rumored a message, if the fire scorpion scorpion empire wants to save the fire cloud, at 8 o'clock that night, the four ancestors of the yinwu ancestor changed to the blood orchid mountain, and only the fire thunder purple The great emperor came to the fire.

"Yin Wu Zongzhuzhu!" Fire and other people were surprised. I did not expect this matter to be related to the Yin Wuzong that they had just killed.

"Damn!" The eyes of the fire were strong and strong.

"Great Emperor, what do we do now?" The old ancestors said to Hu Qiang: "The other party wants the Great to go alone. This is too dangerous, I am afraid."

The fire slammed his hand and interrupted: "Put the four masters of Yin Wuzong to me." (To be continued.) 8

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