Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1876: Loosen the bones first

Soon, the four masters of Yin Wuzong were taken to the main hall.

The sable of the Purple Emperor went to the front of the four ancestors of the Yinwu Zongzong. His eyes were cold and cold, and he pinched the mouth of the yinwu sect. "Who said, who robbed my son?!"

The four masters of the Yinwu Zongzong were horrified. Someone robbed the son of the sable of the Purple Emperor? Is it a fire cloud?

"Do you think that you can save you? It’s naive." The fire sneered: "This will only make you die even worse. Kill me more than a dozen ancestors of the Purple Empire, seriously hurt and rob my son, no matter which. One, it is enough to make you die very miserable!" After that, one force, the Yinwu Zongzong master's mouth is broken.

The chilly gas was poured into the throat, and the Yinwu Zongzong screamed.

After a while, the **** smell of the hall was filled.

I saw that the four bones of the Yinwu Zongzong were almost completely crushed, which was extremely horrible, but it was still not enough to solve the fire and kill the heart. He suddenly slammed on the lower body of the Yinwu Zongzong, and then slammed the ground. Kneeling.

There is something broken and sounding.

The fire smashed the other three Yin Wuzong masters one by one.

The four screamed.

"The Great Emperor." The fire scorpion scorpion ancestors fired on the road and tried to remind the fire that they could not kill the four.

The fire raised his hand and said: "Reassured, I know, they can't die." When he said this, his face was gloomy. Just now he searched the souls of the four masters of Yin Wuzong, but did not get anything useful. The lord of the Wuyin Emperor Wuzong did not know who hijacked his son’s fire.

However, some of the memories of the Yinwu Zongzong were used under the shackles of the Supreme Master, and even he could not read this part of the memory.

The brows of the fire wrinkled and the eyes flickered.

"Great Emperor, what about us tonight?" Another ancestor, Fire Sie, asked carefully.

The fire sighed and said: "We go separately. When you are hiding in the blood-blue mountains, when we exchange and determine the safety of the clouds, you will listen to me and order them. You will bring them on everyone. The ancient dragon is invisible, and it is impossible to let the other party discover you when you hide in the **** mountain range!"

"If you are discovered by the other party, what is going on in the cloud, you should know the consequences!"

The fire was full of chills and looked at the ancestors of the Imperial Highness.

"I want to follow the orders of the Great."

The ancestors of the Purple Emperor Empire are not convinced.

"Ready, let's get off now." The fire said, his eyes were cold.

Immediately, the ancestors of the Purple Empire began to prepare.

Half an hour later, the sable of the sable of the sable of the singer of the singer of the singer and the singer of the singer of the singer and the ancestors of the singer of the singer of the singer.

With the speed of the Purple Empire, it is just in time to get to the Bloodland Mountains before 8pm.

The sun is slanting, and the moonlight slowly covers the earth.

The night of World of Warcraft came very early, very quiet.

Under the moonlight, the blood of the blood orchids is even more strange.

The Blood Blue Mountains are the famous blood of the Purple Empire, not only because the Blood Blue Mountains are rich in a kind of elixir called Blood Blue, but also because of the blood of the Blood Blue Mountains.

This blood gas is a kind of gas that erupts from the bottom of the Blood Mountain Range. The blood gas contains a kind of chronic toxin. Although this chronic toxin does not have any substantial harm to people, if you stay in this blood blue mountain for a long time, it will make people Temperament is mad, bloody.

The sable of the Purple Emperor, with the four masters of Yin Wuzong, came out of the spaceship and came to the highest peak of the Blood Mountain Range.

"People, I brought it, you can come out." The fire squinted at the four sides, opening the way, and the voice passed away.

At this time, a few people floated in the distance.

The eyes of the fire were sharp and fell on Huang Xiaolong.

Immediately, he looked at the fire cloud around Huang Xiaolong. When he saw the fire and the clouds were smashed by Huang Xiaolong, the cold eyes disappeared.

However, Gao Changran's palm was placed on the neck bone behind the fire cloud. With a slight change, the head of the fire cloud could be broken, so he finally endured it.

Soon, several people of Huang Xiaolong came to the front of the fire.

The two sides were separated by hundreds of meters.

"Kid, are you a demon? The dog is not small, and no one has ever dared to kill me so many ancestors of the Fire and the Purple Empire! No one dares to take my son to threaten me!" With Huang Xiaolong, there is a purple flame in his eyes.

However, Huang Xiaolong did not look at the fire, but looked at the bones of the four people of the Yinwu Zongzong who were around the fire. They saw the vulgar body of the four people of the Yinwu Zongzong, and looked at the dying, already some Huang Xiaolong, an unclear Yin Wuzong lord, was angry.

He can see that the wounds of the Yinwu Zongzong are new injuries within one day, so this is the hand of the four masters of the Yinwu Zongzhu after the fire knows the news of the fire clouds.

"Their bones, their injuries, you just got it yourself?" Huang Xiaolong asked the fire, and his face was cold.

The fire smiled: "The people you want, I have brought it. Now, are we starting to exchange?"

Huang Xiaolong's eyes are cold: "The exchange can be, but before the exchange, I will help your son loose the bones first."

When the fire did not understand the meaning of Huang Xiaolong's words, Huang Xiaolong suddenly pinched the shoulders of the fire, and the bones of the fire clouds were instantly crushed.

The fire cloud screams.

"Kid, you, stop!" The fire screamed, and then screamed, the whole body was purple and flaming. He didn't expect Huang Xiaolong to dare to face his face and crush his son's shoulder bone.

However, at this time, Huang Xiaolong moved his hands again.

I saw the ribs of the fire cloud chest being crushed by Huang Xiaolong one by one.

The fire roared, the whole body killed, and the fists clenched, but eventually they endured.

After Huang Xiaolong crushed the whole body of the fire, he stepped on his lower body.

The fire flow cloud painfully opened its mouth and could not speak out.

"You, you!" The fire pointed to Huang Xiaolong, and I didn't know how to say it.

"In the law of others, it is only the body of others." Huang Xiaolong's face is indifferent: "Now we can trade."

The fire snorted deeply, and the voice was very gloomy: "Good!" After that, he took the four ancestors of the Yinwu Zong, and the four did not come out with the clouds of fire.

The two sides came to the front, and then they fired each other, and the four masters of Yin Wuzong surrendered.

However, just in the moment when the fire cloud was handed over to the fire, the fire slammed: "Kill!" At the same time, he suddenly slammed the four men to the Yinwu Zongzong, and at the same time took the fire to cloud and retreat. .

At the moment of the fire, the head is not like a shot, and the palm of the hand will block the fire fist.

Four did not retreat a few tens of meters, the fire was also shaken back, the two were evenly matched.

The fire is awkward.

At this time, in the darkness, the ancestors of the igneing empire that were hidden in the surrounding fires all shot and rushed to Huang Xiaolong.

(Mobile phone 咕 reading for eight days is a mistake in reading technology, it is a problem of their technical staff, and has nothing to do with the author. If you can't read it later, you can see it.) (To be continued.)

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