Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1877: It turned out to be him

Looking at them all coming out, the swarms of fire and thunder smog empire ancestors, Huang Xiaolong cold smile, the purple empire ancestors hidden in the surrounding, he will not know?

Just in the moment when the ancestors of the Zihuang Empire attacked and killed, Huang Xiaolong was surrounded by several figures, and it was the other three heads hidden in the dark and the fourteen heads of light.

Three heads and fours are not like the fourteen heads of light tomorrow.

Suddenly, the screams sounded, and only a dozen of the sacred empire ancestors were beaten by the three heads and four on the spot, and several others were pierced by the bright sword of the light of tomorrow.

Gao Changran, Wang Fanning, and three other black wolf ancestors also joined the fierce battle.

Only Lu Xiaoqing is beside Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong swallowed four great Vatican relics to the four masters of Yinwu Zongzong, urging the power of heaven, and palms one by one into the chest of the four men of Yin Wuzong, stabilizing the four-person injury, and then blackening the dragon blood. The jade paste is taken out, and the supreme power is running. These dragon blood black jade creams are turned into black light flows constantly into the four bodies of the Yinwu Zongzong.

The bones that were originally crushed by the four masters of Yinwu Zongzong began to heal with the naked eye.

At this time, a shocking sound, the power of destruction swept through.

Huang Xiaolong and Lu Xiaoqing took the four men of the Yinwu Zongzong and retired. They saw that the Purple Emperor and the No. 4 were not like a fierce battle, and they were hard to find.

At this point, the fire stunned his face and was shocked. He really didn't think that Huang Xiaolong had a mid-ninth mid-term, and he had such a master!

The four strengths are not at all weaker than his great tenth-level late peak master!

Although he has no achievements, he is still half a step away from Supreme Master, but self-confidence can counter the ordinary dominant power. However, the four monsters in front of him are not weaker than him.

These four monsters also have strength that is not weaker than dominance? !

The screams of the ancestors of the Fire Rays and Purple Empire continued to ring.

This time, he brought the majority of the ancestors of the Fire and the Purple Empire, but just a moment later, the ancestors brought down nearly half!

Looking at the raging ancestors of the Fire Thunder empire, the fire was shocked and angry.


The fire stunned, and when it was finished, it was forced to retreat from the four, and then flashed with the fire, and it disappeared into the darkness and disappeared into the crowd.

The fire scorpion scorpion empire ancestors saw the situation, but also panic.

Four is not like the void and shoots a few, just about to catch up, Huang Xiaolong said: "Do not chase."

This time, his main purpose was to rescue the four masters of Yin Wuzong. Since the four have been rescued, the purpose has been reached, and there is no need to continue to chase after the fire.

And with the strength of fire, it is also very difficult to kill.

This purple empire emperor is full of fire, the strength is not weaker than the original Jiuyin giant corpse long eclipse.

Looked at the bodies of the ancestors of the Purple Emperor, Huang Xiaolong said: "Let's go."

This battle, certainly will soon spread in World of Warcraft, I am afraid that the nine yin corpse ancestors and other people will guess why the reason, so he has to leave as soon as possible.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong called out the spaceship and took everyone, and took the spacecraft into a streamer, disappearing into the Bloodland Mountains.

The night sky is still quiet.

The bodies of the ancestors of the Purple Emperor Empire were quickly swallowed by the surrounding World of Warcraft.

The blood of the blood orchids seems to be more intense.

Sure enough, in less than a day, the blood-blue mountains stunned the fire and thunder empire, and soon spread throughout World of Warcraft.

A hundred thousand miles away from the Blood Mountain Range, there is a magic forest called the Third Magic Forest.

The third magic forest is also within the fire scorpion empire, and the third magic forest is more famous than the blood orchid mountain, because the third magic forest is the land of the magic soul.

The demon soul is a kind of alien creature in World of Warcraft, something that is extremely difficult to kill and has a headache for the masters of World of Warcraft.

The third magic forest is extremely large, and it is much larger than a large 6th. At this time, the third magic forest edge, the magic eye blue lion emperor Lan Chong and the magic eye blue lion empire masters are volley.

The momentum of Lan Chong and others is so far away that the devil does not dare to approach.

"It seems that the people in the blood blue mountains are them."

As soon as the news of the Blood Mountain Range came out, Lan Chong urged the body to ban, sensing the blue spirit curse, and the Blue Soul Curse was near the Blood Mountain Range. Therefore, he instantly judged the fire with the Purple Empire. It is the murderer who killed his son.

"It's them!" The eyes of the Blue Lion Empire were shocked.

"The Great Emperor, I heard that even the fire has been repelled by them. Some people even said that they have four peaks of the tenth stage that are not weaker than the fire. If this is the case, we must take them down, I am afraid it is very difficult! "The blue lion ancestor blue mooring has a complex face."

Although he is also the peak of the tenth stage of the Emperor, there are still some gaps compared with the fire of the Purple Emperor.

Lan Chong is also a brow: "It seems that I have underestimated them before."

"Great Emperor, what do we do now? Or, join forces with the fire? Or inform the Emperor and the Silver Fox Emperor?" The ancestor Lan Xiu Fan said.

The swallowing emperor is the second largest emperor of the swallowing empire. The Ziyan empire has a lot of friendship and relationship with the swallowing empire and the silver fox empire.

Lan Chong shook his head: "With their degree, after a few days, they will go to the third magic forest. Even if they inform the Emperor and the Silver Fox Emperor, they are too late. Therefore, we can only join hands with the fire."

"Right, the emperor, there is one thing, that is, I heard that the black young man has more than a dozen bright tomorrow, and all of them are more than twelve wings." Suddenly, the ancestor Blue Haibi interspersed.

Everyone was shocked.

"All twelve wings or more?!" Blue Park has a pair of eyes.

What Lan Chong suddenly thought of, his face changed: "Is it Huang Xiaolong?!"

The magic eye blue lion ancestors blurted out: "Pluto?!"

It is no secret that Huang Xiaolong has a twelve-winged angel in the battle of the evil spirits, even if it is the World of Warcraft nine World of Warcraft also knows this.

In addition, Huang Xiaolong appeared in the eternal magic city a few days ago, and bought the spaceship and the holy magic water. Therefore, it is not difficult for Lan Chong and others to guess that the Xiaolan Mountain is Huang Xiaolong.

"It turned out to be him!" Lan Chong's face changed.

Mentioned Huang Xiaolong, even if it is the blue lion, the blue lion emperor, the dominant power is also shocked.

But then, Lan Chong's face was stunned and he laughed coldly: "It turned out to be you, Huang went to this, and asked Lan Bo: "You said that you found Chiyou, and they are in the Kingdom of Dreams? ”

The Kingdom of Dreams is one of the kingdoms under the Fire and the Purple Empire, just near the Third Magic Forest.

Lan Bohan immediately understood the meaning of Lan Chong, saying: "The meaning of the Great is to inform Chiyou, mad thunder them? Just say that Huang Xiaolong will pass through the third magic forest when we arrive? We join hands with them?" (To be continued.) 8

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