Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1879: Black copper ghost

Eclipse, Yan Han, Chi You, Lan Chong and others have not concealed the momentum of the body, a powerful momentum, so that all the strong are not far from horror.

"Blue Chong Great Emperor, this time your induction is not wrong? I said that Huang Xiaolong will definitely pass the third magic forest. We waited for five days in the third magic forest, but we did not see the trace of Huang Xiaolong." worship.

Lan Chong listened to the meaning of questioning in the words of Yu You, and the eyes were angry and flashed, but in the end he finally forbeared it and said: "You can rest assured that this time will definitely not make any mistakes. The last time I predicted the mistake, I did not expect Huang Xiaolong thief. Very well, I didn’t go through the third magic forest last time."

Huang Xiaolong did not pass through the third magic forest, which is what Lan Chong did not think of.

For this matter, he is also very angry.

"However, what did Huang Xiaolong come here?" Tu Shenmen ancestors squatted and looked around, wondering.

Within a billion miles, there is nothing strange about it.

But Huang Xiaolong cannot come here for no reason.

"Is the two great monuments in front?"

Everyone has a bright eye.

Everyone knows that Huang Xiaolong has climbed to the top of the ninth floor of the Devil Tower. Maybe the induction of the two magic monuments is really stronger than other people. The two magic monuments may still be in front.

The ancestors of the Jiuyin corpse did not open their mouths, but they accelerated their speed.

Chiyou, Lan Chong and others saw the speed and speeded up.

In less than an hour, everyone came to the top of the cliffs of Huang Xiaolong and others.

After coming to the top of the cliff, I looked at the crack that only allowed the next person to fall.

“Huang Xiaolong is below?” Tu Shenmen’s ancestors, Zong Hanhan, asked Lan Chong.

Lan Chong nodded: "I just urged the Blue Soul to ban the power, and I feel that Huang Xiaolong is below."

Everyone looked at the cold current that was constantly surging, and looked at each other.

"Under this, the ban is heavy, everyone should be careful." Jiuyin corpse ancestors eclipse suddenly opened the door.

Yan Han, Chi You, Lan Chong several nods, they also saw that the following prohibition is not simple.

"I will go down and see." Tushenmen ancestors sang han han, said, when the first person flew down the cliff, when the culvert just fell, touched a certain ban, suddenly, countless black ice The arrow broke out from below, and the speed was surprisingly fast. Even the black-browed demon teacher Cui Huajie could only see some black blurry afterimages.

Yan Han sees the numerous black ice arrows that have emerged from the sky below. They shouted loudly, and their hands slammed down. The power of chaos, such as the thousands of giant mountains, was pressed down, and these black ice arrows were suddenly blasted.

Yu Han continued to fall.

Almost every ten miles down, there is a ban, and the more you go down, the stronger the ban.

The culverts were broken one by one.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the figure of Han Han disappeared into the darkness below.

Due to the role of the banned forces below, everyone can't see the situation below, and can only wait and see.

Rao is incredibly powerful. When it was a thousand feet, it took half an hour. At this time, the endless black ice arrow emerged from below, and it was almost overwhelming. Even Yan Han also changed his face.

After another half an hour, the people standing on the edge of the cliff looked up and saw the ancestors of Tushenmen’s ancestors screaming out from below.

Everyone was shocked.

Can you not continue to be the master of the dominant power?

"I will try it." Chiu’s whole body was smoldering, leaping into the air and falling down.

Chi You is the second demon of the Devil. Although he has just surpassed the Emperor, his strength is indeed amazing. He has repeatedly broken the ban and only took 20 minutes to come to Jizhang.

However, even if the strength of Chiyou is stronger than that of the ancestors of Tushenmen, it only lasted for more than an hour. Finally, it was as embarrassing as Fei Han from below.

Everyone's eyes fell on Chiyou, and their eyes were full of surprise and unbelief.

Chiyou felt the eyes of everyone, and the old face couldn’t stand it. He said, "It’s just a little bit."

Just a little bit!

But undoubtedly admitted, even he could not go on.

Cui Huajie, the leader of the black-browed demon, took a breath of air.

At this time, the ancestors of Jiuyin's ancestors suddenly stunned and suddenly jumped into the cliff. Soon, the eclipse disappeared into the darkness.

Just when the eclipse, Chiyou and other people entered the Long Bear Valley under the cliff, Huang Xiaolong and others were seeing the current patriarch Cangyuan Zong in the Long Xionggu Hall.

Cangyuan Zong eyes are kind and good, ordinary ordinary, like an ordinary old man, if it is outside, Huang Xiaolong and others have never thought that the person in front of him will be the patriarch of the Dragon Cub.

Cang Yuanzong, the head of the sacred dragon bear family, although ordinary, but Huang Xiaolong knows that the other party is definitely a supreme master, and the strength is not weaker than 蚩.

Cangyuan Zong took Lu Xiaoqing’s dragon bear brand, which seemed to be remembered, and it seemed to be a pity.

"You mean, Lu Hong died in the hands of the blue-eyed empire of the Blue Lion Empire?" Cang Yuanzong asked Lu Xiaoqing.

"Yes, my predecessors, I saw my grandfather died in the hands of Lanbo." Lu Xiaoqing replied quickly, respectful.

Cangyuan Zong nodded, and then his eyes fell on Huang Xiaolong. His eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, so that Huang Xiaolong had a feeling of seeing through the whole body.

At this time, Cangyuanzong stood up and smiled at Huang Xiaolong: "I want to come to you is the Pluto of the new deterrent."

Everyone was taken aback.

This Cangyuan sect actually saw the identity of Huang Xiaolong?

Huang Xiaolong hugs his fist: "It is exactly below, I don't know how the source patriarchs saw it?"

Cangyuan Zong and Yan Xiaoxiao said: "When the Lord of Hell came to Dragon Bear Valley, I was still familiar with the power of Jade."

Huang Xiaolong and others were so stunned that they listened to the meaning of Cang Yuanzong. In those days, the Lord of Hell and the Cang Long Xiong family had a good relationship. If this is the case, then the things of the ancient stone will be much smoother.

At the moment, Huang Xiaolong explained his intentions.

After listening to Cangyuan Zong, Shen Yu said: "The ancient stone is the treasure of my god, the dragon bear family. It was originally borrowed. However, the Lord of Hell and my master had a deep friendship. Therefore, if the Pluto is to borrow, it is not No, but the source has a request."

"Yuan Clan, please say." Huang Xiaolong said, listen to Cangyuan Zong promised to borrow, let Huang Xiaolong heart in the pine.

"In the past, my master had a black copper evil spirit." Cangyuan Zongdao.

"What, black copper ghosts and evil things!" Gao Changran and others exclaimed their voices and their faces changed.

Although Huang Xiaolong did not know what this black copper ghost is, but see Gao Changran and others look, it is also known as a terrible evil.

Cangyuan Zong nodded: "This black copper ghost and evil thing can be sneaked into the universe, even in a person's consciousness, and can continue to devour the host's power and soul, even my master has no way to It was driven out."

"Later, my master had to seal myself and go to sleep. This tens of billions of years, our gods and dragons have gone all the way and still can't get rid of this black copper ghost." (To be continued.)

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