Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1880: Suppress

The meaning of Cangyuan Zong, Huang Xiaolong gradually heard it. The other side asked him to help dispel the black copper ghosts in the body of the previous generation of the dragon bear clan.

What shocked Huang Xiaolong was that what was the black copper ghost and evil thing, it was so terrible that even the masters of the powers could not be expelled, and they had to seal themselves.

"What do you mean, let me help to get rid of the black copper ghosts in your master's celestial family?" Huang Xiaolong asked: "However, even your master has no way, how do you know that I have a solution?"

Gao Changran, Lu Xiaoqing and others also looked at Cangyuan, which is also their doubts.

Although Huang Xiaolong is the Lord of Hell, after all, it is only in the middle of the 9th.

"You may not have a solution now, but you should be able to completely remove the black copper ghosts and evils in the future."

Huang Xiaolong heard the words and was even more puzzled.

"As far as I know, the inheritance of heaven you get is the inheritance of the first realm of the gods, that is, the inheritance of the ancestors of the light." Cangyuan Zongdao: "When you break through the realm of the emperor, then you will get the light All the ancestors passed on, then you can use the power of the light of the gods, and when you get there, you can get rid of the black copper ghosts in my master!"

Huang Xiaolong is stunned.

It turned out to be the case.

"The inheritance of heaven you have now, should it be only half of the inheritance?" Cangyuan asked Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong was amazed. No one ever knew about this. Does this Cangyuan sect know?

Under the eyes of Cangyuan, it seems that Huang Xiaolong did not cover up: "Yes, I am getting half of the inheritance."

Cangyuan Zong nodded: "Half of the inheritance, you can also help my master to suppress the black copper ghosts in his body, as long as you help my master to suppress the black copper ghosts in his body, then, I Master can temporarily wake up, without having to sleep forever, I can borrow your original stone, waiting for you to get the complete inheritance of the Guangjie ancestors, and then help my master to completely remove the black copper evil spirits."

Huang Xiaolong didn't think too much, and promised: "This is no problem."

This is just a little effort for him.

Moreover, since the Cangmutian had a deep relationship with the Lord of Hell, he was also his elder, and he should be shot in love.

See Huang Xiaolong promised that Cangyuanzong looked at Huang Xiaolong's eyes softly and smiled. "That source is the first generation of my master, thank you to Pluto."

Huang Xiaolong shakes his hand and smiles: "The source clan is very polite."

Immediately, Cangyuan Zong came with Huang Xiaolong and others to the Longlong Mountain behind the Dragon Bear Valley.

When Cangmutian sealed himself, he slept in the real dragon mountain behind the Dragon Bear Valley.

Out of the Dragon Bear Valley, everyone flew for ten minutes and they came to Zhenlong Mountain.

Looking at the real Longshan, Huang Xiaolong finally knows why it is called Zhenlong Mountain, because this is really a mountain, it is a living stone mountain after the death of a real dragon.

The whole mountain range is actually a real dragon.

Although it is a long time, I don’t know how many millions of years have passed, but Longwei is still vast, and Huang Xiaolong, who has the Yuanlong body, can feel this horror.

Before this real dragon fell, I was afraid that it would also be a supreme being.

However, this Long Xionggu actually had a real dragon body, which made Huang Xiaolong feel strange. Is there any relationship between Long Xionggu and the ancient dragon? Or is it related to the Dragon World?

In the thoughts of Huang Xiaolong, everyone fell to the top of Zhenlong Mountain.

Cangyuan Zong hand-picked the seal and broke into the front of the mountain wall. After a few seconds, the rock shook, and a cave full of ten people entering and exiting appeared in front of everyone.

"Pluto Master, please." Cangyuan Zong made a request for Huang Xiaolong.

"Please." Huang Xiaolong is very airy.

The two men walked into the cave with their front shoulders and then walked down the stone steps.

The stone steps are very long, with thousands of steps. After spending a little time and walking to the bottom of the stone steps, they came to a huge square.

In the center of this huge square is a huge stone platform resembling an altar. There is a burly middle-aged man lying on the stone platform.

The middle-aged man seems to be the grazing land in the black copper ghosts.

Cang Mutian, the strongest player in World of Warcraft, at this time, is lying here quietly, and lying is a billion years.

Around Shitai, it depicts a variety of sacred objects. These sacred objects are connected together through some mysterious runes, scattered with faint sacred light, shrouded in the sacred fields on the stone platform, constantly nourished. The body of Cangmutian.

Around the stone platform, there are two old men standing.

When the two men saw the arrival of Cangyuan, they quickly went forward: "I have seen the patriarch."

Cangyuan Zong nodded to the two, just when the two doubted that Huang Xiaolong could be alongside Cang Yuanzong, Cang Yuanzong introduced to the two: "This is the Pluto, he has a way to suppress the old patriarch The black copper ghosts in the body, I asked the Pluto to come over and treat the old patriarch."

Pluto adult? !

When they heard it, they were shocked. The two naturally understood what the Pluto represented.

"Cang Dong billion."

"Cang Zhaoyu."

"I have seen Pluto adults."

Although both of them are the peaks of the tenth stage of the Great Emperor, they dare not support themselves in front of Huang Xiaolong and quickly see the ceremony.

Huang Xiaolong nodded to the two, and then went to the top of the stone platform with Cangyuan Zong along the stone steps, while the four did not, Gao Changran, Lu Xiaoqing and others waited below.

Although Cangmutian lies on the stone platform, there is a sacred force to hold it up, one meter away from the stone platform.

Standing beside Cangmutian, even if Cangmutian has sealed himself and is sleeping, he still makes Huang Xiaolong feel guilty.

This kind of guilty power, Huang Xiaolong only felt in his master Wang Hongmeng and Jiuyin corpse ancestors.

Cangyuan Zong respected the disciples of the priests, and then told Huang Xiaolong: "Pluto, then, please ask you to take the shot."

Huang Xiaolong nodded, then jumped, went to the sky above Cangmutian, sat down, and then called out the paradise. Heaven stood on the top of Huangxiaotou, and under the 14th Guangming urge, the golden six-diamond pattern of heaven appeared. The light of the sacred power of the array rushed like a waterfall.

Knowing the horror of the black copper ghosts and evils, Huang Xiaolong let the fourteenth Guangming make full force at the same time, and he himself took out the bright Scepter, and when the power of the heavenly golden diamond diamond figure rushed down, the light The moon blade of the top of the Scepter screamed, and countless moon blades slammed down.

Just as the power of the golden six-diamond map of heaven rushed down, the body of Cang Mutian screamed and screamed, and this screams and screams, resounding through the heavens and the earth, giving people a sense of splitting.

Huang Xiaolong’s face changed.

Then, I saw a huge black object flying in the body of Cangmutian. This black object, such as the same black ancient scorpion, was evil and it was hard to imagine. (To be continued.) 8

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