Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1881: Attacking the Dragon Bear Valley

The black ancient scorpion with endless ghosts, evil spirits flew to Huang Xiaolong.

In an instant, like countless ghosts, countless evils emerged from the abyss of hell, wanting to drown Huang Xiaolong.

In the face of such endless ghosts and evil spirits, the Cangyuan sects on the side have also changed their faces, let alone Gao Changran, Lu Xiaoqing and others.

These countless ghosts and countless evils collided with the golden sacred light power of heaven, and they burst into flames. They screamed and screamed, and these strange screams formed a sharp horror and whistle, making people feel awkward.

Gao Changran, Wang Fanning and others are pale.

Cangyuan Zong saw the situation, quickly shot, the power to prop up, to protect Gao Changran, Lu Xiaoqing and others.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the countless ghosts and evils that still went on in the face of the golden sacred power of heaven. His face was shocked.

The sacred light power of heaven is one of the most intrinsic powers of the gods. Any evil thing, any ghosts must be far away, but this black bronze scorpion ghosts and evils are not afraid of the sacred light power of this heaven? !

However, let Huang Xiaolong put down his heart, even if this black copper 棺 物 物 物 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂 天堂

Although Huang Xiaolong has not yet fully received the inheritance of the Guangming ancestors, as the Cangyuan sect said, even half of the inheritance is enough to suppress this black copper ghost.

The space in Shitai is silent.

Everyone is clinging to the sky and staring at the stone platform.

Unconsciously, an hour passed.

The black and copper evil spirits are still endless, and these evil spirits are getting more and more solid, as if they are not killing, and they are inexhaustible.

Even if there is the power of heaven, Huang Xiaolong feels the power of oppression.

Just when Huang Xiaolong and Guangming urged the power of heaven to suppress the black copper ghosts and evils, the sky of Long Xionggu, a ray of light, an amazing corpse of murder emerged, it was the nine that broke down from the cliff. The yin corpse ancestors eclipsed.

The eclipse looked at the Dragon Bear Valley below, and his eyes sparkled with green light.

this is?

When he was suspicious, he saw only the sound of the air, and the two figures rose from the valley below.

"Who is good at my dragon bear valley?!" They both drink at the same time.

The two were the two people Huang Xiaolong and others had encountered before.

"Dragon Bear Valley?!" This time, it is the turn of the eclipse.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a rush of light. I saw only the sorcerer, the ancestors of the sacred ancestors, and the blue lions, the blue lions, who were all banned through the cliffs.

Originally, the three individual strengths of Chiyou, Yuhan and Lanchong were difficult to pass down the cliff. However, the three men finally joined forces, so they were able to break the cliff and ban it.

"Mom, it's finally down!" You can't help but have some fire.

Although the three men joined forces, it also took a lot of effort, quite wolf, which made the three people somewhat annoyed.

The two bears of Long Xiugu had originally asked for eclipse. When the three of them went down at the same time, their faces changed, and they no longer hesitated. They took out the arrow and then motivated them.

The letter arrow broke out.

Chiyou was originally angry, and now I saw the Long Xiugu Valley dare to use the letter arrow to ventilate the letter, killing the people.

"court death!"

Chiyou slammed into the two people and took a hand to the letter arrow.

The two bears of the Dragon Bear Valley felt the horror of the Chiyou horror, and their faces became terrified: "Mastering the strong?!" At the same time, the faces of the two men changed dramatically, and they did not face the battle. Instead, they suddenly turned back and wanted to return to the Dragon Bear Valley. within.

Although the two were the tenth stage of the Great Emperor and the tenth middle stage of the Great Emperor, they knew that the two men had joined forces with each other and it was difficult to resist the dominance of the strong. So the two thought of immediately returning to the Dragon Bear Valley, inside the Dragon Bear Valley, they have them. The patriarchal arrangement of the old patriarch Cangmutian was enough to resist the attack of the dominant strong.

However, although the two immediately returned to the Dragon Bear Valley, they were still half a step slower.

When the two returned to the edge of the Dragon Bear Valley, the squatting slammed into the air, and the two men flew in an instant, and the two blew in the blood and fell back into the Dragon Bear Valley.

At this time, You You took the letter arrow.

However, in the moment when Yu You took the letter arrow, the letter arrow suddenly burst open, like a chaotic **** thunder collision, a huge bang sounded through the entire Dragon Bear Valley space.

Just as the letter arrow exploded, the Dragon Bear Valley shines brightly, and the infinitely banned power spurts, and layers of light emerge, covering the Dragon Bear Valley.

The Dragon Bear Valley squadron was completely opened.


A screaming screams in the Long Bear Valley.

In the Dragon Bear Valley, all the masters of the Dragon and the Bears were alarmed, and the strong breath of the sky rose.

The Longlong Mountain behind the Dragon Bear Valley also shines, and the heavy squad is wide open, covering the Zhenlong Mountain. Before the Cangmutian seal itself, it was natural to lay a heavy array around the Zhenlong Mountain to prevent any eventuality.

Within the cave of Zhenlongshan, Cangyuanzong, Gao Changran and others also heard the loud explosion of the letter and arrow and the "enemy attack" howling, all of which changed their faces.

"Is it the person of the Blue Lion Empire?" Lu Xiaoqing blurted out.

Huang Xiaolong has a blue soul charm in his body. If someone pursues this, there is only one possibility, that is, the person of the Blue Lion Empire.

Cangyuan Zong looks to Lu Xiaoqing: "The Magic Eye Blue Lion Empire?"

A few people in Lv Xiaoqing said briefly about Huang Xiaolong’s story of the Blue Spirit.

Cang Yuanzong's eyes were filled with gray light, but then he was shocked: "The four masters are strong?!"

"What?!" Lu Xiaoqing, Gao Changran, a few people listened to each other, there are four major players who dominate the situation, all face changes.

At this time, Cangyuanzong waved his hands, and a large mirror appeared in front of him. Above the mirror, he reflected the eclipse, Chiyou, Yuhan, and Lan Chong.

Seeing that it was eclipse, a few people, and Gao Changran exclaimed: "Erosion! You especially! Han Han!"

"What? You mean, is that the ancestors of Jiuyin ancestors eclipsed?!" Even if the lord of Cangyuan sect heard the eclipse hidden in the dead body, they were shocked.

"It's him!" Gao Changran nodded, his eyes were scared, and he couldn't forget the horror of the giant palm in the eternal magic city.

Cangyuan Zong took a sip of cold air. Although he had not seen the eclipse, he would not know it.

"The patriarch, we are now, facing the battle?" asked the dragon bear family ancestor Cang Dongyi, and asked.

Cangyuanzong shook his head: "If it is Chiyou, Yuhan, and Lanchong, we may be able to repel with a large array, but with the eclipse, we are not opponents at all." Speaking of this, I looked at the sky above Shitai: "You can only hope that the Pluto will suppress the black copper ghosts as soon as possible."

When he was awakened by his master, it was eclipse, and what fear?

At this time, a loud bang, I saw that You You was shooting a large array of dragon bear valley. (To be continued.)

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