Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1895: Did the master around you bring it?

Chen Qin, the late tenth-level master of the Emperor, is in a high position in the double-headed dragon empire. It is the right arm of the double-headed dragon dragon. Therefore, it is the fire sacred body that is the great emperor of the purple empire, and does not dare to Chin is in front of him.

Zhao Qing Chen Qin nodded to the fire.

In fact, there is no intersection between Zhao and the fire, but I have only seen it several times. In the past two days, Zhao Ruo heard that the Qianshen Mountains should be opened, and they started to sign up, and they encountered fire flow on the road. Committed to the courtesy, it is hard to accompany her to sign up, see the fire flow so enthusiastic, Zhao Roo can not, but also have to let it accompany.

The fire flow bears against Zhaorou and laughs: "Princess Zhaorou is wearing a red robes today. It is even more heroic and bright. I want to say that the first beauty in World of Warcraft is Princess Zhaorou."

In the face of the fire flow, I was so appreciative, Zhao said indifferently: "The fire flow is praised by the emperor."

Chen Qin said to the fire flow: "The fire is in the hands of the emperor. You are so motivated to move the crowd. With so many masters coming over the Qianshen Mountains, is it to protect our princess?"

Listening to Chen Qin's jokes, the fire flowed a smile: "Chen Qin's predecessors laughed, it is a little thing for the younger generation to deal with, so it is so laborious, I hope that there is no worry to Princess Zhaorou."

Zhao Roan shook his head.

Chen Qin smiled and said: "The young man is not simple. The fire is going to pack the prince, but I am afraid it is not so easy."

The fire flow smirked: "Chen Qin's predecessors have bothered, and the district Tianjun, the younger generation can confidently pick up."

For Chen Qin’s reminder, he did not pay attention to it.

At this time, the fire flow was turned to the first, and came over to Huang Xiaolong.

Looking at the fire flow and the high-handed masters of the Ziyan Empire, Huang Xiaolong's face was calm, and Lu Xiaoqing approached Huang Xiaolong.

The family disciples around him are retreating, for fear that the two sides will be beaten by the pool.

When I came to the front of Huang Xiaolong, I stood ten meters away. The fire flowed and smiled: "The kid, you are not afraid, I know that I can't let you go. Today I dare to come to the Qianshen Mountains."

Huang Xiaolong said indifferently: "You can see yourself too much, Qianshen Mountain Range, I want to come and come, I want to go and leave, you are now taking the sight of the Purple Empire, and maybe still have time."

Everyone stays.

Originally, everyone thought that Huang Xiaolong had seen so many sable empire masters, but I was afraid to ask for mercy from the fire, but I did not expect Huang Xiaolong to open the fire to the people with the purple empire!

Even Zhao’s double-headed Demon Dragons are also a master.

Chen Qin, the ancestor of the double-headed dragon empire, wrinkled: "This kid is very crazy."

Although he can see that Huang Xiaolong is not simple, but Huang Xiaolong's tone is still too mad, so he is not like the arrogant descendants.

Other family disciples and ancestors around him also shook their heads.

The masters of the Purple Emperor Empire were all furious.

"Kid, you want to die now, it's too late." Ziyan empire ancestor Yi Yang smiled coldly, laughing around the hearts of everyone.

This fire is easy, the name of fierce and violent, almost no one knows about World of Warcraft.

Anyone who has offended him and falls in his hands is not as good as death.

"Yes." Huang Xiaolong said: "There are a lot of people who want to kill me. However, I don't think you can kill me, or I don't think that you can kill me by this person."

Although the fire flow has brought fifteen great emperors, the emperor has three high-level people. However, this power is simply too weak and weak compared with the original evil **** palace.

Fifteen great emperors are not enough to stuff the yellow dragons.

Zhao Rou heard the words and shook his head.

Chen Qin said that the young man was very mad. She didn't feel anything yet, but now she even thinks that this young man is really crazy.

The masters of the Purple Empire are even more furious.

Fire Yiyang grinned and his teeth were white.

"Kid, did you bring the master around you?" Fire Yiyang said with a smile: "I will shoot now, twist your fingers one by one, and see if the master around you can save you."

In these two days, Huo Yiyang and others naturally investigated Huang Xiaolong, knowing that Huang Xiaolong had Gao Changran and Wang Fanning several masters.

However, Gao Changran, the strongest player around Huang Xiaolong, is the strongest in the eighth stage of the Emperor, and he is the beginning of the 9th stage of the Great Emperor!

Therefore, he is completely confident that he wants to crush Huang Xiaolong and kill Huang Xiaolong. He wants to abolish Huang Xiaolong and abolish Huang Xiaolong.

Because Huang Xiaolong didn't want to attract attention, he didn't let the four follow him to enter the king of the king, but let the four not hide in the dark, so whether it is Zhao Rou or the fire flow, they only know Huang Xiaolong. Followed by Gao Changran, Wang Fanning and others.

After the fire Yiyang finished, he immediately shot, and reached out to Huang Xiaolong. The speed was so fast that it was difficult for everyone to see. The fire and Yiyang eyes showed the blood-staining light. Just like he just said, he wants to put Huang Xiaolong’s finger One twisted, so now, he will not have the life of Huang Xiaolong.

Seeing that fire Yiyang wants to catch the right hand of Huang Xiaolong, at this moment, suddenly, an ice-colored light flashes from the right hand of Huang Xiaolong. Fire Yiyang seems to touch something horrible, screaming, and his arm is scared. Then panic back.

However, this is so, he is still a half-step slow.

I saw that the whole person of Huo Yiyang fell and flew out. From the mountain where Huang Xiaolong was located, he fell straight for several kilometers, and then hit the back of the mountain wall. The whole mountain wall slammed, and a concave, fire Yiyang was completely branded. In the middle of the mountain wall.

And everyone saw that when the fire was burned into the mountain wall, it had completely turned into an ice sculpture. Not only that, but even the mountain wall was instantly filled with layers of ice crystals.

Some family disciples and strongmen standing around the mountain wall were scared to fly.

Everyone did not take a breath.

Zhao soft double-headed dragon dragon masters looked at Huang Xiaolong, I saw Huang Xiaolong around the body, wrapped around a few meters long ice monsters, ice around the monster, the space is like a frozen, and there are constantly ice spray.

Looking at the ice monster around Huang Xiaolong like a miniature version of the ice dragon, Chen Qin, the ancestor of the double-headed dragon, changed his face and said: "Is it a hail dragon?!"

"Ice Dragon?" The other two-headed dragon ancestors looked at Chen Qin, the ice dragon, they have not heard.

Chen Qin said: "The ice dragon is a race in the ancient days of World of Warcraft. It is a descendant of the dragon and the ice blame. They not only have the dragon's blood, but also have the ability of ice blame, the body is cold and cold, almost Can freeze anything in the world, it’s terrible!"

Everyone was shocked.

Have the Dragon Blood? And the chill can almost freeze anything in the world?

This little thing is so terrible. (To be continued.)

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