Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1896: Let's go now

Huang Xiaolong looked at the ice monsters around him, and some of them were awkward. It turned out that this thing is called the ice dragon, and it is the descendant of the dragon. It is no wonder that he had previously induced these dragons to have dragon blood.

Retrieving his eyes from the ice monster, Huang Xiaolong looked at the fire and the masters of the Purple Empire.

The fire flow and the high-handed empire of the sables of the scorpion, Huang Xiaolong, looked over and could not help but step back. The fire flow and the singer of the empire of the empire were difficult to hide their hearts.

Fire Yiyang is the early stage of the Great Emperor's ninth order. It is the third-class high-ranking emperor with the strongest strength in the hands of the Ziyan Empire. It is the second, but now it is the ice dragon that is beside Huang Xiaolong. And frozen, it can be seen that the strength of this ice dragon is amazing.

That's right, the ice dragon that Huang Xiaolong called out is the peak of the late nineth-order emperor.

Although it is only the peak of the late nine-order emperor, but this ice dragon has the blood of the dragon, but also has a very cold ice, fire Yiyang, a great emperor in the early stage of the nine-stage defense, where to resist.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong walked over to the fire and slowly walked over with the masters of the Purple Empire.

The fire flow was seen and shocked.

"Kid, who are you?" The scorpion empire glare came over and blocked Huang Xiaolong from going to the road. His face was gloomy: "You don't be too proud, a big emperor's ninth-order late peak ice dragon, we want to Killing you, you can still kill you, let you die without a place to die!"

This glare is the strongest in the hands of the high-altitude empire of the sable, and it is the beginning of the tenth order of the great emperor. As he said, even if Huang Xiaolong has a haic dragon with a peak of the late 9th, they can also kill. Got Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong's face is indifferent: "I am giving you a chance now, killing the fire, I can let you leave."

Everyone has a look.

The glare of the fire is ugly, let him kill the fire? This is simply an insult to him.

"Death!" The glare of the fire suddenly burst into the air, and a punch came to Huang Xiaolong, and at the same time, a punch hit the ice dragon near Huang Xiaolong.

Under the glare of fire, the power is raging, and there is a catastrophe. Everyone is shocked.

Zhao soft double-headed Demon Dragon masters are closely staring at Huang Xiaolong.

"This young man, is there a backhand?" A ancestor of the two-headed Demon Dragon Empire was surprised.

Chen Qin shook his head: "The ice dragon is a wild race, extremely rare. This billion-year-old is almost impossible to find. It is a miracle that he can conquer one. It is impossible to have a second ice dragon."

He did not believe that Huang Xiaolong had a second ice dragon.

However, just as Chen Qin’s voice fell, suddenly, a snow and ice flew out of Huang Xiaolong’s body, welcoming the fire and glare.

Like the violent punching power of the fire glare, Tao Tian's icy cold air is like an endless ice sea, madly picked up, and collided with the fire glare.

In the midst of a loud bang, everyone saw the glare of light slamming back like a windmill, rolling over, crashing into the back of many sable empire masters, smashing the boulder on the mountain, and then Rolled down from the mountain.

When the glare of light swells from the mountain peaks, the whole body is constantly covered with a layer of ice crystals. In the blink of an eye, it is like an ice crystal amber. In the sunlight, the light is dazzling.

Everyone was shocked and stared at the glare from the mountain, and looked horrified.

Fire glare, this great tenth-order early strong man was actually also? !

And Zhao soft double-headed magic dragon empire masters stunned to see another ice dragon appearing around Huang Xiaolong.

This ice dragon, whether it is breath or the coldness of the surrounding, is many times stronger than the previous one.

Chen Qin is even more shocked and unbelievable.

He was so mad, it turned out to be a late ice dragon in the late tenth century!

A tenth-order late stage of the Great Emperor, with the dragon's blood, and the ice-cold dragon with extreme coldness, this!

He really wanted to believe that this young man could have conquered such a dragon.

Such an ice dragon is even the peak of the tenth stage of his great emperor.

Zhao soft double-headed magic dragon empire many masters look at Chen Qin, Chen Qin could not help but look at him, he just said that the young man can not have a second ice dragon.

Chen Qinne said: "He should only have two ice dragons, absolutely no third!"

At this time, Huang Xiaolong continued to come to the fire stream and the high-ranking empire masters.

The fire flow and the masters of the Purple Empire were completely panicked.

Although there are still thirteen great emperors in the Ziyan Empire, the ancestors of these great emperors, the strongest remaining, are only the late seventh stage of the Emperor.

Even the fire and easy yang and fire glare are difficult to pick up the next move, not to mention the ancestors of the seventh stage of the emperor? As for the other middle empire, the first stage is even more vulnerable.

The fire flowed into the cold eyes of Huang Xiaolong, and suddenly there was a fear of death in his heart.

Although he still does not believe that Huang Xiaolong dared to kill him, but Huang Xiaolong's eyes at this time is like watching a dead person.

"You!" The fire was under pressure and frustrated, and said: "What do you want?"

Huang Xiaolong sneered: "What do I want? I haven't died in the last two days. I didn't expect you to dare to bring people here today. I gave you a chance two days ago. I just gave you the opportunity."

The fire flow is ugly, and Huang Xiaolong just gave him the opportunity to let him out of sight with the Purple Empire.

He was not the same thing just now.

The fire continued to take a deep breath and said, "Okay, let's go now."

In his view, he is now retiring, giving him the face of Huang Xiaolong.

"Go? Do you think you can still go now?" Huang Xiaolong heard, cold voice.

The fire flow and the purple empire empire masters.

Zhao Rou, Chen Qin and others look at each other. Is this young man really wanting?

"Go." Huang Xiaolong waved his hand at the two ice dragons and ordered the road.

Suddenly, two ice dragons flew over to the fire.

The two ice dragons are extremely fast, and the overwhelming icy air is like a mountain avalanche. It is rolling, and many of the masters of the purple empire have not reacted and frozen into ice sculptures.

Then, the two hail dragons were swept away, and they saw that the purple empire masters who had turned into ice sculptures all burst into small pieces of ice.

Screaming, roaring sounds constantly.

Between a few breaths, more than two hundred masters of the Purple Empire fell down.

"You will take the Royal Highness to the Emperor!" The late 7th-order ancestor of the Purple Emperor was stunned at the other ancestors, and then rushed to the two ice dragons.

However, he just rushed up and stopped in the air, then turned into ice sculptures and fell down.


A few minutes later.

The fire continued to look at the ice around the ground, pale and bloodless, and horrified.

The surrounding disciples were silent and some of them were shaking.

More than two hundred masters of the Purple Empire, fifteen great emperors, just a few minutes, all were slaughtered clean!

At this moment, the fire flow suddenly turned and fled to Zhao Rou, Chen Qin and others. (To be continued.)

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