Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1897: Reject Zhaorou

No one expected that the fire flow suddenly fled to Zhao Rou, Chen Qin, but in an instant, everyone understood the intention of the fire.

Sure enough, the fire flowed to Zhao Rou and Chen Qin escaped, and suddenly screamed: "Princess Zhaorou, Chen Qin predecessor, save me!"

Huang Xiaolong saw it and did not stop it.

In the blink of an eye, the fire flow escaped to Zhao Rou and Chen Qin.

Zhaorou Liumei wrinkled, originally, she did not want to intervene in this matter, but now, the fire flow blatantly asks her and the double-headed dragon empire for help, then she can no longer sit back and watch.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong came over to Zhao Rou, Chen Qin and others.

The masters of the two-headed Demon Dragon suddenly became nervous, and the atmosphere locked all of Huang Xiaolong. As long as Huang Xiaolong killed their Princess Zhaorou, they would not hesitate to kill Huang Xiaolong.

Even Chen Qin couldn't help but stare at the two ice dragons beside Huang Xiaolong.

The fire flow came to see Huang Xiaolong coming over, although he was panicked, but there were two masters of the Dragon Dragon Empire, and he settled a lot in his heart.

He and Zhao Rou are not deeply involved, but the two-headed magic dragon empire and the fire mine scorpion empire somewhat have some origins, Huang Xiaolong will want to kill him at this time, Zhao Qin Chen Qin will certainly not care.

Huang Xiaolong came to Zhaorou and others to stand ten meters away.

Zhao Roi said: "This son, although the fire has been wrong with the emperor, but he has also been punished, and the family should not solve the problem. I will see this matter, how?"

Everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong.

Almost everyone thought that when Huang Xiaolong would regress, Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "I have given him two chances. This time, no matter who opens it, he will die!"

Everyone was shocked, and Huang Xiaolong turned back to Zhao Rou!

Who is Zhao Rou? It is the princess of the double-headed dragon dragon, the most favored daughter of the double-headed dragon dragon, the talent is outstanding, the second beauty of World of Warcraft, and may even become the emperor of the double-headed dragon dragon in the future!

Zhao Rou personally asked for it, Huang Xiaolong refused!

The ancestors of the two-headed Demon Dragon Empire were also a glimpse of the accident, but immediately, the faces of the two-headed Demon Dragon Empire were somewhat bad.

What is the identity of their princess, and they are asking for help today, and they have been rejected!

At this time, the fire flow bearing Huang Xiaolong sneer: "Boy, I don't believe you really dare to kill me now, do you want to do it against the two-headed Dragon Empire?"

Zhao Rou wants to shelter him, and if Huang Xiaolong still dares to kill him, then Huang Xiaolong is the face of the double-headed dragon empire, indirectly equivalent to the double-headed dragon empire.

Chen Qin also yelled at Huang Xiaolong: "Young people, do things to stay in the front line, don't feel that you have a few good-powered men who think that the world is invincible, and you have to retreat now."

There is no shortage of threats in the language.

Huang Xiaolong refused and ignored Zhao Rou in public, and Chen Qin’s heart was somewhat annoyed.

With the identity of Zhaorou, the opening of the same, even if any of the Emperor of World of Warcraft does not dare to ignore it.

"If I don't leave?" Huang Xiaolong's face was indifferent.

Chen Qin and everyone are a glimpse.

Who is Chen Qin? The phase of the double-headed empire, the double-headed demon dragon, the right arm, just now, he has already said enough to understand, this young man even Chen Chen is not in the eye?

"Okay, then I have to teach you the coldness of these two ice dragons!" Chen Qin's eyes are stunned, and the whole body is rising, like a wake-up chaotic behemoth.

In fact, Chen Qin's body is a giant beast, called the floating star beast, can take power in the world, has the power to swallow the sun and the moon.

Huang Xiaolong said lightly: "If you are defeated, how?"

Chen Qinyi stunned and looked at Zhao Rou. Zhao Momei flashed and opened for Chen Qin: "If Chen Qin is defeated by the right, we will not intervene in this matter."

If even Chen Qin is defeated, Zhao Roi will not save the fire.

At that time, Zhao Rou would no longer intervene in this matter. After the fire and thunder empire, there was nothing to say, because even Chen Qin was defeated, and the two-headed Dragon Empire was powerless.

Of course, Zhao Rou is extremely confident about Chen Qin’s strength.

Although Huang Xiaolong’s two ice dragons are very strong, Chen Qin is absolutely sure to defeat him.

"Good!" Huang Xiaolong's face was indifferent.

Chen Qin slowly walked out and looked at the two ice dragons beside Huang Xiaolong. He said, "Let your two ice dragons shoot."

In his body, a starry sky began to appear, and it was like a starry sky behind him.

The power of a star is constantly extended from the void and falls on Chen Qin.

The splendour of the stars shines through the entire Qianshen Mountains.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "Beat you, you don't need two ice dragons, as long as one is enough."

Chen Qin heard that his face was cold, and the young man dared to despise him? Even if these two ice dragons join forces at the same time, he still has the confidence to defeat. Now, the other party is only going to send one to play?

Just then, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s ice and snow flashed.

Everyone was shocked and widened his eyes. I saw another ice dragon near Huang Xiaolong! And the breath of this ice dragon is far stronger than the tenth order of the great emperor!

"This, the tenth step of the Emperor's late peak!" Chen Qin eats.

Zhao Rou, the master of the double-headed empire, and the people around him are not at all surprised.

It turned out to be the ice dragon of the late tenth stage of the Great Emperor!

Chen Qin did not say that Huang Xiaolong must have only two ice dragons?

Chen Qin's face is ugly, he did not expect Huang Xiaolong to have a third ice dragon, and it is still the peak of the tenth stage of the Great!

Of course, if he knows that there are more than 70 ice dragons in Huang Xiaolong, and more than 30 are the tenth or more of the Emperor, I don’t know what to think at this time.

After calling the ice dragon of the late tenth-order peak of the great emperor, Huang Xiaolong waved his right hand: "Go."

Immediately, this ice dragon attacked Chen Qin.

Huang Xiaolong and Lu Xiaoqing and others retired.


The loud noise came, and the entire Qianshen Mountains and the surrounding peaks were violently shaken. I saw that Chen Qin and the ice dragon had already played against each other.

In this battle, the mountain peaks are cracked, and the thousands of kingdoms and even the surrounding kingdoms feel that the ground is constantly shaking.

After half an hour.

The two sides stopped.

I saw Chen Qin's hands and legs frozen with ice crystals, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Chen Qin lost!

Although Chen Qin's strength is extremely strong, but in the face of the late tenth-order peak of the ice, the dragon is still a little worse.

Seeing that Chen Qin was defeated, the fire was horrified by the face, and he turned to quietly escape. However, when he just left, he was stopped by one person, it was Huang Xiaolong.

The fire was forced to open, and suddenly, the figure flashed, and the fire flow stopped there, and then the head rolled down from the body. Then, it began to turn into a little bit of light and dissipated between the heavens and the earth. (To be continued.)

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