Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1903: Are you under the prince of Pluto? !

As the three men flew out of the air, the layer of frozen ice crystals on the ground broke open and numerous pieces of broken ice spattered.

"Who is it?!" When the three of them came out, they were angrily mixed and shouted.

But when the three of them just finished eating and saw more than 70 ice dragons floating in the sky, they all stopped. The three people sensed the horrible smell of more than 70 ice dragons, and their faces changed dramatically.

Even if the three ancestors were the tenth-order late peaks of the great emperor, even if the three were the founding ancestors of the demon religion, at this time, it is difficult to hide the fear.

"This, is it, the ice dragon?!" The middle brow has a knife-opening channel, and the voice trembles.

And it is more than 70 ice dragons of all the emperors above the 9th order!

More than 30 articles are more than ten orders of the Great!

One of them is the tenth-order peak of the Great Emperor!


The trio did not hesitate, and in an instant made the decision to use all methods to escape the ancient battlefield of the hungry.

However, the three had just fled, and more than 70 ice dragons squirted, and suddenly, countless icy winds, such as squally waves, flooded the world, and frozen all three hundred miles of space.

The ice coldness of an ice dragon is already amazing. What are the scenes of more than 70 gatherings, between the heavens and the earth, I am afraid that except for the eclipse of the nine yin, the light is more than the seventy In addition to the strong coldness of the ice, there is no coldness to the ice and cold of these more than 70 ice dragons.

Even the coldness of the cliffs of the Dragon Bear Valley is far less than the icy atmosphere of these more than 70 ice dragons.

The three ancestral homes are surrounded by hundreds of miles of space, layer by layer, covered with heavy ice crystals. Each heavy ice crystal is solid like chaotic ice crystals. The coldness of each heavy ice crystal can make many tenth-order late-stage strongmen instantly freeze. Death, even the soul of the tenth-order late power of the Emperor can freeze to death!

It is no exaggeration to say that even the goddess of the late tenth-order powerhouse of the great emperor, under such chills, must be turned into ice cubes in the blink of an eye!

Yan Sanzu stopped there.

In other words, it was trapped in the ice crystals and could not move.

Three hands and feet began to form a layer of ice crystals, and then the three hairs slowly turned into a single ice thorn.

However, at this time, the flames of the three people tumbling, the three people fully urged the godhead, the endless magic whistling out of the gods, constantly impacting the coldness of the cold into the body.

So dead for a few tens of seconds.

I saw that the ice crystals covered by the hands and feet of the three men began to crack slowly, and the hair began to slowly return to its original state.

Then, the ice crystals around the body of the three people slowly melted.


The three men sang in unison, and they shot in unison. The horrible poisonous palm, like the giant poisonous dragon, passed through the heavy ice crystals with the power of destroying the earth.

Finally, the three men broke out again.

However, the three men just broke out of the ice, more than 70 ice dragons have already arranged a chaotic array of people waiting for three people, trapping the three in the center.

This chaotic array is the hail of the ice dragons. The more ice dragons there are, the stronger the strength of the ice dragons, the stronger the power of the big array.

However, seeing the ice dragon will trap the three ancestors, Huang Xiaolong is not eager to let the ice dragons launch a large array.

"Three, hand over the glass magic book." Huang Xiaolong said lightly.

The three ancestors of the three ancestors changed their faces.

"Who are you?" The one who was open, or the middle, his face was gloomy: "You have been following us behind?"

They have never found Huang Xiaolong.

"Yes, I have been behind since the beginning of the Qianshen Kingdom." Huang Xiaolong said: "I also know that Tan Zhihui is killing you."

At this time, the person on the left side of the three ancestors seemed to think of something, his face was astonished: "You are the young man who killed the fire and the fifteen ancestors of the Purple Empire in the Qianshen Mountains?!"

The long-unborn ice dragon suddenly appeared, and in the Qianshen Mountains killed the fire and the ancestors of the Ziyan Empire, but also defeated Chen Qin, the double-headed dragon empire, this news, shocked World of Warcraft, 骷髅三祖The trio also heard about it, and everyone rumored that there are three young people who have the peak of the tenth step of the Tianjun.

Huang Xiaolong is the peak of the tenth step of Tianjun, and it appears in the Kingdom of Qianshen.

Therefore, it is not difficult to infer that Huang Xiaolong is the young man in the Qianshen Mountains.

But the ice dragons owned by Huang Xiaolong are not only three people known to the outside world, but more than seventy!

More than seventy ice dragons!

If this news is passed out, the three can imagine what the consequences will be.

However, they really can't imagine how Huang Xiaolong, a Tianjun, conquered so many emperors of the ninth order, the tenth order of the emperor.

"Yes, I am the young man in the Qianshen Mountains." Huang Xiaolong's face is light: "I will give you ten seconds to consider, hand over the glass magical monument."

The three faces changed.

"If we hand over the glass magic, let's let the three of us leave?" The voice in the middle was low.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "If you hand over the glass magical monument and swear by the heavens, I can let you leave."

The three faces were gloomy, their eyes flickered, and then they started to communicate with each other. It seemed to be discussing, as if they were plotting to escape, as if trying to find an opportunity to kill Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong did not stop the three people from transmitting.

"Ten! Nine! Eight!"

Lu Xiaoqing shouted.

One second and one second passed, and soon, it went to four or three.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the three people coldly.

If the time is up, the three will not hand over the glass magical monument, or try to escape, then he will not hesitate to order the killing of three people.



Just when Lu Xiaoqing shouted for a moment, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes flashed.

"Well, the glass magic monument, we can hand it over to you." Suddenly, the middle man said: "We can swear to you in heaven, but we only live for one million years."

After three ten-second voices, I felt that no matter what method I could not escape, I finally chose to compromise.

"Before the life, we want to know, who are you?" said the man on the right.

The three people are extremely curious about Huang Xiaolong's identity. If no one knows Huang Xiaolong, they will not be willing to serve Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, his face changed for a while, the four heads and four did not look like, the fourteen heads of light made tomorrow, and one hundred undead meditations appeared one after another behind Huang Xiaolong.

Looking at the four elephants that Huang Xiaolong was called behind, the light tomorrow, the undead meditation, feeling the four not like the horror of the atmosphere, the face of the three ancestors suddenly changed.

"You, you are the prince of Pluto?!" 骷髅Three ancestors looked at Huang Xiaolong, trembled.

If you see four at this time, the fourteen wings are tomorrow, and you have not yet guessed the identity of Huang Xiaolong. Then they are not the ancestors of the cult.

They thought about a lot of possibilities, but they didn't think about it, and they didn't think that the young people at the beginning of the tenth day would be Huang Xiaolong. (To be continued.)


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