Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1904: Refining and melting glass magic monument

Knowing that the young people in front of him are Huang Xiaolong, the newly rising Pluto, the three men were sweating, and they just thought about finding an opportunity to kill Huang Xiaolong.

These ice dragons are controlled by Huang Xiaolong. If Huang Xiaolong is dead, then these ice dragons will fall into an ownerless state, and they will easily escape.

However, they are not sure that they can break out from the hail.

Fortunately, they finally gave up on this idea, or else now!

After knowing the identity of Huang Xiaolong, the three people completely lost their luck, took the glass magic monument out, and then respectfully dedicated it to Huang Xiaolong.

Immediately, the three men swear by the heavens to kill Huang Xiaolong.

Looking at the ancestors of the three ancestors, Huang Xiaolong relaxed.

Although the three people only live for one million years, but for Huang, 100 million years and one million years are the same, even if it lasts for 10,000 years, there is no difference to Huang.

Because, within 10,000 years, Huang Xiaolong has the confidence to collect the six magic monuments and become the demon ancestors. For 10,000 years, he can get the complete inheritance of the Guangming ancestors, control the bright world, three times, hell, devil The bright world, the three realms will be ruled by him.

Within 10,000 years, Huang Xiaolong even has the confidence to break through to the dominance!

At that time, it is no longer important for the three ancestors to continue to serve him.

Holding the glass of magical glare in front of the eyes, the **** magic monument and the magical monument of Huang Xiaolong are also shining.

The blood and the curse flash alternately.

Different from the blood-eyed magic monument and the magical monument, the glass magic inscription has no runes and no other engravings. The monument is smooth and blue-green. Tiancheng.

Looking at the glass magic monument, Huang Xiaolong's heart can not help but curiosity, the blood of the magical monument is the two blood eyes, the magic of the Wanzhuo magic monument is the ancient curse of the Tao, and the glass magic monument?

What is the spirit of the glass magic monument?

No matter how Huang Xiaolong looks, how to find it, it is difficult to find out the spirit of this glass magic monument.

It seems that only by successfully refining this glass magic monument will you know what its spirit is.

Later, Huang Xiaolong stayed in the ancient battlefield of the hungry, and decided to refine the glass magic monument here.

However, Huang Xiaolong did not immediately refine the glass magic monument, but first swallowed and refined the blood of the blood ginseng, the dragon king directly participated in these ginseng.

As for Lu Xiaoqing, Huang Xiaolong also selected two suitable spiritual ginsengs for her to swallow and refine. Huang Xiaolong saw that Lu Xiaoqing had stopped at the peak of the tenth step of Tianjun for a long time. The accumulation was enough, and the two ginseng had already It can be made to break through to the great emperor.

Huang Xiaolong refining the blood of the blood ginseng these ginseng, and the three ancestors, the ice dragon, four are not guarded around.

This hungry ancient battlefield is deep, although the ancient ghost is powerful, but there are three ancestors, more than seventy ice dragons, four heads and four not like guardian, there will be no danger.

Huang Xiaolong sits in a large hole under the wasteland, directly swallows the blood-stained ginseng, the dragon king ginseng, and then runs the scorpion parasitic scorpion, and begins to refine the blood of the blood-stained ginseng and the dragon king.

After only one month, Huang Xiaolong will completely refine the blood of the ginseng and the dragon king.

After refining and refining two strains of ginseng, Huang Xiaolong only felt guilty and bloody, and his power was pure, especially the whole body was widened by one.

Although there was no breakthrough to the mid-tenth of Tianjun, the two strains of ginseng have benefited Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong took out two more ginsengs and swallowed them.

After more than a month, after refining the two strains of ginseng, Huang Xiaolong took out two more plants.

In this way, every time the two strains of ginseng were refining, Huang Xiaolong continued to take out two strains.

After half a year, Huang Xiaolong completely refining ten strains of ginseng.

After refining and finishing ten strains of ginseng, Huang Xiaolong was somewhat bitter.

These ten strains of ginseng really improved his strength, but they only broke through to the tenth middle stage of Tianjun.


Huang Xiaolong could not help but think of the word.

If ten strains of spiritual ginseng are swallowed and refining the disciples of other Tianjun tenth-level peaks, now, I am afraid that it is already the late tenth or even the late peak of Tianjun.

However, the ten strains of ginseng are a lot of qi and blood.

The more vigorous the blood and the gas of life, the stronger the vitality of Huang Xiaolong, and the stronger the recovery ability of Huang Xiaolong Yuanlong and the body of the demon.

Therefore, these ten kinds of spiritual ginseng, although only let Huang Xiaolong's strength rise to the mid-tenth of the Tianjun, but let Huang Xiaolong benefit a lot.

After refining and refining ten strains of ginseng, Huang Xiaolong tempered for another day, which took out the glass magic monument.

Huang Xiaolong put his hand on the glass of the magical monument in front of him, and then spurred the power of the blood-stained magic monument and the magical magical monument, and rushed from the source of the palm.

When the power of the blood-stained magic monument and the magical magical monument rushed to the glass magic monument, only the glass magic monument suddenly screamed loudly, and the airflow around the room was severe.

Originally dazzling glamorous glass magic monument, the light rose, countless brilliance into a column of light, skyrocketing, even the magic clouds and dead clouds over the ancient wars of the hungry magic can not stop this brilliance.

The glory went straight for nine days, swaying the depths of the ancient battlefield.

The three ancestors who guarded the outside were not surprised.

"This is the glass magic monument?" The three people were suspicious.

Just then, suddenly, a tyrannical breath approached from a distance.

The three faces changed.

"not good!"

The radiant pillar of the glass magical monument has alerted many ancient ghosts in the depths of the ancient battlefield of the hungry.

Inductively approaching the ancient ghosts approaching, more than 70 ice dragons have begun to arrange hail bursts, and the four heads and four do not begin to change into a shape.

First of all, four heads and fours are not like shots.

Four heads and fours are not like a palm shot. Suddenly, some ancient ghosts that are not close are branded into the ground.

More than 70 ice dragons have been shot one after another, and the coldness of the air is filled with the world.

In the cave at the bottom of the cave, the glass magical monument, which was originally like a light mirror, suddenly showed the shadow of a glazed egg.

Look at this glazed egg, Huang Xiaolong, this is the spirit of the glass magic monument? ! It turned out to be an egg!

Huang Xiaolong is speechless.

At this time, the brilliance of the glazed glaze of the glass is inconspicuous, and the glare of the glass continually rushes out, along the palm of Huang Xiaolong, constantly pouring into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong was shocked.

Huang Xiaolong quickly converges on the mind, runs the parasitic worms, devours and refines the radiant energy of the glaze.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong's body was full of this glazed brilliance, and after a while, the brilliance of the glass made Huang Xiaolong look very mysterious.

A few days passed.

The brilliance has completely filled the underground caves, and a glazed brilliance surrounds Huang Xiaolong's egg-shaped trajectory. Huang Xiaolong is like sitting in an egg, the life to be bred. (To be continued.) 8


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