Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1914: Can you go back to the lower limit?

Before, in order to curb the curse of the cursed forest, he borrowed the original stone of the dragon bear family, so before leaving the demon world, how can he return the original stone to the dragon bear family.

Of course, you can get the Wanzhuo magic monument so smoothly, and thanks to the ancient stone of the dragon bear family, you must thank the dragon bear family before leaving the devil world.

On the road, Huang Xiaolong made a reservation with Gao Changran, and Yin Wuzong and other people waited for themselves in Long Xionggu.

It wasn't long before Huang Xiaolong left the ancient battlefield of Hungry Demon. On the way to Long Xiong Valley, the ancient battlefield of Hungry Magic quickly spread and shocked the entire Devil World.

"What! Huang Xiaolong not only got the Wanzhuo magic monument, the glass magic monument, even the **** magic monument has been obtained?! And successfully refining the three magic monuments, successfully breaking through the realm of the emperor?! How is this possible!"

"The killing of fire in the Qianshen Mountains is Huang Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong does not own three ice dragons, but has more than 70 ice dragons! More than 70 ice dragons with more than nine levels!"

"Hungry in the ancient battlefield, Huang Xiaolong and Chiyou, mad thunder demon, change the magic sect, the black sacred magic teach hundreds of ancestors **** battle, and finally, in addition to Chiyou, mad thunder, Chen Xie three escape, change the magic , the black sacred magic, the other masters of the Thunder Valley are killed!"

No matter which one, it makes the whole devil world boiling.

Three magic monuments!

More than seventy ice dragons!

Thunder Valley, Variety Mozong, hundreds of masters of the Black Shark Demon are all killed!

This is hundreds of great emperors!

Even the black-browed demon respected the disciple, the black-browed demon teacher Cui Huajie also died in the hands of Huang Xiaolong!

The whole devil world is boiling, whether it is the devil's thirty-six domain masters, or the World of Warcraft nine World of Warcraft are shocking anomalies.

Fire Thunder and Purple Emperor Huo Hyun heard the news and was stunned.

"What? That kid is Huang Xiaolong?!"

"More than seventy emperors are more than ninety-order ice dragons!"

The fire sacred empire empire is even more cold.

In the past few years, they have retaliated against the fifteen ancestors in order to avenge the fiery ancestors. Now they suddenly have the feeling of escaping from the dead, if they In the year, they really found Huang Xiaolong. At this time, they were killed. I am afraid that it is not just the black-browed magic, not only the Valley of the Beast, but also the Variety.

"Great Emperor, we, what should we do now?" asked a violent thunder empire empire.

The flaming eyes were sluggish and stood still.

In fact, he doesn't even know what to do now.

Not only the fire scorpion scorpion empire, but even the magic eye blue lion empire blue Chong and the magic eye blue lion empire masters heard the news of the ancient battlefield of the hungry, but also panic.

At the beginning, Lan Chong joined hands with Chi You, Eclipse and others to chase Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong will certainly not give up.

Lan Chong sat on the throne of the Blue Lion Empire, with a look of decadence and loss of consciousness. He did not even hear the call of his ancestors.

And the swallowing empire is far from the mountain range not far from the ancient battlefield of the hungry, the ancestral ancestors of the nine yin dynasty eclipsed, the ancestors of the gods, the ancestors of the gods, the sacred gods, the Chu and others heard the news of the ancient battlefield of the hungry, face It's also ugly.

Wan cursed magic monument, glass magic monument, in the end is still Huang Xiaolong, the first foot, got, and there is a blood eye magic monument!

Now, Huang Xiaolong is already the three magic monuments in hand!

The news spread, there are already many masters in the devil world have begun to argue that Huang Xiaolong must be the next generation of new demon ancestors in the devil world, and some even begin to vote for Huang Xiaolong!

Whether it is Huang Xiaolong breaking through the Great Emperor, or having more than 70 ice dragons, or getting the three magic monuments, it is extremely bad news for people such as Eclipse, Yan Han, Feng Chu and so on.

"Eclipse Ming brother, Huang Xiaolong should now just leave the ancient battlefield of the hungry magic, we are fully chasing, we should still catch up." Yan Han eclipsed the road: "This time we can not kill Huang Xiaolong, once Huang Xiaolong collects six magic monuments Is our death!"

The eclipse looked up at the sky, but it was a long time.


Huang Xiaolong once again came to the Dragon Bear Valley, watching everything in the Dragon Bear Valley, and his mood was different.

The last time I went down from the cliff, it was hard work. This time, Huang Xiaolong directly summoned more than 70 ice dragons, and then arranged a hail array to block all the cold of the cliff and easily came to the Dragon Bear Valley.

When the dragon bear family Cangmutian and Cangyuanzong saw Huang Xiaolong again, they were also full of complex faces, and their eyes were shocked with a hint of envy.

Although the dragon bear family is hidden in the Dragon Bear Valley, it is very familiar with the outside news. It has already known that Huang Xiaolong has won three magic monuments and broke through the Great.

"Huang Xianyu has already got three big magic monuments, and it is sooner or later to collect the remaining three magic monuments." Cang Mutian smiled at Huang Xiaolong: "You are now the Lord of Hell, and then become the demon ancestors, unified The two worlds will be the first people in the ages."

Cang Mutian is also difficult to hide the envy of Huang Xiaolong.

"When the King of Pluto gets the complete inheritance of the gods, it is to control the three worlds." Cangyuanzong said with a smile: "At that time, the eclipse saw that the Pluto adults were afraid to hide."

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "I can get the Wanzhuo magic monument this time. Thanks to the former stone of the pastor of Makita, you don't thank you. This is a hundred million down-selling spirit stone, and I hope that the pastors of Makita will accept it."

Huang Xiaolong took out a space ring, which is exactly one hundred million down the chaotic spirit stone.

Rao is the one who saw the 100 million downside chaotic stone in the space ring, and both of them were shocked by the big hand of Huang Xiaolong.

"I have heard that Huang Xianyu is rich and flowing, and the old man is now seeing it." Cang Mutian teased and laughed: "If this is the case, then we will be welcome. The 100 million down-selling spirits will be accepted."

Cang Mutian let Cangyuan Zong accept the space ring.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "In the future, the younger generation will really get the six great magic monuments. If you unify the devil world, you have to help the pastor of Makita to help one or two."

Although it is said that the six major magic monuments are the devils of the devil world, but like Chiyou, they are not necessarily willing to admit Huang Xiaolong, the demon ancestor. When Huang Xiaolong wants to unify the devil world, it is true that the Cangmutian and the Longxiong family will help one or two.

Of course, Huang Xiaolong's goal is not only the devil world, but also World of Warcraft.

"This is natural." Cang Mutian smiled and said: "In the future, where Huang Xianyu used the place where the dragon bears were used, he and the Cangyuan sect would say it."

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong stayed in Long Xionggu for a few days.

A few days later, Huang Xiaolong set off to return to the realm of the gods.

After Huang Xiaolong intends to go back to the realm of the gods, he will go to the light of the gods and get the other half of the Guangming ancestors. He will first unify the light of the gods, backed by the **** and the bright gods, and then collect the six magic monuments to unify the demon world. It's much easier.

However, on the loop, Huang Xiaolong received the letter from the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce, Bei Xiaomei, and said that he had found the power to hold the next Jinshen Contest.

“Found?” Huang Xiaolong stunned and then surprised: “Isn’t that, he can go back to the lower world?!” (To be continued.)

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