Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1915: Are you saying eclipse?

Bei Xiaomei believes that the next year’s Jinshen Contest was a force called Lei Renzu. This Lei Ren nationality was one of the top ten ancient tribes in the realm of the ancient times, and it was the ancient black dragon family at that time. The relationship is shallow.

At that time, after the ancient black dragon family was destroyed by the evil gods, the Lei people were also destroyed by the evil spirits palace.

Although the thunderous people of the throne were not destroyed, they also completely declined.

Since then, the Lei people have rarely appeared in front of the world, and have been hidden.

Because the next Jinshen competition held by the Leiren people was very secretive, only three or four people of the Leiren people knew it, and the Leiren people had never been secluded. Therefore, the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce also spent a lot of effort to find out. thing.

Huang Xiaolong breathed a deep breath and said to himself: "Thunder people!"

Finally found it.

As long as he finds the Leiren people and gets back to the lower bounds of the ancient world from his hands, he can return to the lower bounds!

I thought that I would see the Huang family in the near future. When I saw Shi Xiaolu, Huang Xiaolong could not restrain the excitement and joy.

Although the ascension of the gods is less than a thousand years, but for Huang Xiaolong it is like a million years.

The more Huang Xiaolong thinks, the more he is eager to go, the speed is not accelerated, the Pluto spacecraft is taken out, so that the four are not like, the light will be made tomorrow, and the whole body will force the Pluto spacecraft.

The Pluto spacecraft turned into a black streamer, which disappeared into the vast sky.

Before leaving the Devil World, Huang Xiaolong made some arrangements for Gao Changran, Yin Wuzong, Lu Xiaoqing and others. He did not worry about Gao Changran, Yin Wuzong, Lu Xiaoqing and others.

The Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce found that the Leiren people were hiding in the polar east region of the gods, and they were located at the junction of the gods and the thunder.

According to the speed of the Pluto spacecraft, it takes more than one month to travel.

Just as the Pluto spacecraft entered the realm of the gods, on the unmanned planet of the gods, suddenly there was an astonishing beam of light, and the light column rushed for nine days, stirring the clouds of nine days.

At the same time, the chaos of chaos is like a huge wave, constantly tumbling.

Heavenly atmosphere, filled the entire unmanned planet.

Then, a whistling sound filled with domineering sounds, the sound waves rolling, for a long time.

When the sound waves stop, there is a sudden loud noise under the unmanned planet, the ground breaks open, and a figure flies out, such as the dragon of the sin.

"I finally broke through the realm of the Great!"

Then there was a burst of laughter.

"Huang Xiaolong, it will be your death soon!"

"I want to make you die very cool and cool!"

The sound is endless.

If Huang Xiaolong is here, he will find that it is the Emperor of Heaven that he has infinite killing!

At this time, Emperor Tianzi’s scenery was volleyed, and the body exuded the temperament of the great emperor’s breath, and between the gestures, there was a domineering deterrent.

The avenue of the boulevard lingers around its body, and a strip of jade dragon circling around it.

With the power of heaven, he finally found the heavenly **** stone, and with the help of the power of the heavenly **** stone, he successfully broke through the realm of the great emperor and made the heavenly body completely transformed.

In the distance, Emperor Tiandi flew over.

"Not bad, finally broke through the realm of the Emperor!" Di Jun smiled and satisfied.

Emperor Tianzi smiled and said: "Thanks to the help of the father and the emperor, otherwise I can't break through so quickly. This time, I broke through the realm of the emperor. The will of the emperor and the heavens merged. From then on, I am the real heaven, no one can kill again. I am dead, my heavenly body is already comparable to the ordinary Hongmeng treasure, I am truly immortal!"

Emperor Tiandi nodded and smiled: "I broke through the realm of the Great Emperor, and after a lot of catastrophe, this failure, Jinger has a heavenly godhead, and the sky is not falling, so a smooth breakthrough, it is really my accident."

Emperor Tianzi smiled and said: "I have a heavenly godhead. It is normal for the day to robbery. But Huang Xiaolong has three kings of supreme power. After breaking through, I am afraid that the robbery will not fall. However, Huang Xiaolong will never have such an opportunity. Because I will kill you and kill them before you break through!"

Speaking of this, the emperor's face is a bit awkward.

Emperor Tiandi’s words are stopped.

Emperor Tianzi asked: "Father, did the heavens find out the news of Huang Xiaolong? Where is he now? I will kill him now!"

He has now broken through the realm of the Great Emperor, and some have been eager to kill Huang Xiaolong.

He really wanted to see, when he stood in front of Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong was shocked.

However, Emperor Tiandi was hesitant.

"Father, are you?" The Emperor of Heaven is not confused.

Emperor Tiandi sighed and sighed, his face complex, and said: "The first two days, there was news from the Devil."

The Emperor of Heaven is wrinkled, the devil? What does this have to do with Huang Xiaolong?

Then, Emperor Tiandi looked at the emperor's view of the emperor, and said: "Huang Xiaolong went to the devil world a few days ago, and got the Wanzhuo magic monument and the glass magic monument, and also got the **** magic monument in the realm of the gods!"

"What?! Wan curse magic monument, glass magic monument, blood eye magic monument!" Tianzi Emperor Jing shouted.

Emperor Tianjun slowly said: "And he has successfully refining the three magic monuments, and successfully broke through to the realm of the Great!"

The Emperor of Heaven is a glimpse of the mind.

Huang Xiaolong broke through the realm of the Great? Is it earlier than him? !

Looking at the emperor's demise, the Emperor of Heaven has sighed and did not speak. In fact, he has been difficult to accept this fact in these two days.

In the past few years, in the battle of heaven, Huang Xiaolong was only seven steps, and his son Dijing was already the tenth step of Tianjun. However, Huang Xiaolong broke through to the Great Emperor!

How long has it been, even twenty years have not arrived.

"I don't believe, I don't believe that Huang Xiaolong has broken through the great emperor so quickly!" Emperor Tianzi suddenly roared: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Emperor Tianjun shook his head and said: "I don't believe it, but this is the fact. This trip to Huang Xiaolong's demon world not only broke through the emperor, but also conquered the three ancestors, and also conquered more than 70 emperors. Ice dragon."

Emperor Tianzi’s eyes are big.


More than seventy emperors are more than ninety-order ice dragons!

"Jinger, let's give up, we shook hands with Huang Xiaolong. If we bow our heads, we believe that Huang Xiaolong will not pursue the Thunder of Taikoo." Emperor Tiandi sighed and said helplessness.

The power of Huang Xiaolong has grown bigger and bigger. The most important thing is that Huang Xiaolong still stands behind the king of Hongmeng and Hongmeng Palace.

Emperor Tianzi shakes his head: "No, the father, even if we want to shake hands and talk, Huang Xiaolong can't give up." When it comes to this, his eyes are cold: "Even if Huang Xiaolong breaks through the realm of the emperor, even if he has the king of Hongmeng, How about the support of Hongmeng Palace."

"I represent the heavens. I want to die if anyone wants to die!"

Emperor Tiandi’s brow wrinkled.

"Father, you can rest assured, when there will be people who will deal with the king of Hongmeng and the palace of Hongmeng." The Emperor of Heaven is cold and cold.

"You mean eclipse?" Emperor Tiandi said.

Emperor Tianzi shakes his head: "No."

(There is something in the afternoon, it’s even more today.) (To be continued.)

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